
Tidus Blade

The Watermelon Man
Jul 2, 2006
Dubai, UAE
Which party did you choose in FF1 ?
Firstly I chose Fighter,Fighter,BlkMage, WhtMage
then I chose 4 fighters
then i chose 4 BlkMages
The funnest was the 4 black mages
Originaly I chose a Warrior, a Thief, a Black Mage and a White Mage. In my second and current playthrough I've chosen the same set-up only I've replaced the Thief with a Red Mage.

If you chose the 4 Monks set-up the game end up being over far too quickly for my liking.
The first time I chose:

-Black Mage
-White Mage

But then I found out the typical formation of that above is kind of hard so I restarted my game with:

-Red Mage

That was I could have the Red Mage learn the vital healing spells aswell as a bit of black magic, and the Warriors could just beat the crap out all the enemies. The downside to this was the amount of gil it cost to buy new weapons and armour for the Warrior's.
I orginally chose a Red Mage, Black Mage, White Mage, and a Warrior.
LOl and You sucked too.
I originally picked the standarized party of Fighter, Thief, W.Mage. B.Mage...but later replaced Thief with R. Mage. The R. Mage is a better fighter and has both white and black magic as his disposal. I found it was only near the end of the game that I found the R. Mage lacking but by then most of the hard parts of the game were over (aka Marsh Cave and Ice Cave). Recently I've done a personal challenge of four W. Mages. God, that was hard. Hitting the bosses for 1 point of damage (or missing)....>_<
I always play it with the classic Fighter, Thief, White Mage, Black Mage party. I'm just a classy guy like that.... Yeah... sure.... I'll shut up now.
First I went with

Black mage
White mage

Second I went with

Red mage
Black mage
White mage

I found the baisic choices to be quite easy as it gave you two decent fighes two excellent mages and the fighters when they became a knight and a ninja had decent magic aswell.
My first time through I went with:
Red Mage
Black Belt

Basically four "fighters" with some magic on the side. I have since played this game so many times through it's not even funny. Using 4 Black Belts was by far the hardest, I must say. They take damage so easily, but boy do they pack a punch.

I think overall, my first lineup was the most fun I had though.
First time i went with a warior monk red mage black mage set up and didnt have many problems.

Than i went with the warior thief white mage black mage set up.

I gotta say i prefered my first set up the red mage was actually useful for something besides healing and the exit spell. With decent attack and some alright black magic. His mp was a problem though in the final dungeon i had to make up for that by buying a lot of potions but watever. And my monk altough had crappy defense was dishing an average out of 3000 damage every time he attacked about tripple that of my warior. my monk made the final boss battle seem easy comapred to when i played it through the second time.
I picked a party of Warrior, Red Mage, Thief, and White Mage. It worked out quite well, although around level 20 or so, the White Mage really starts lacking in damage output.
the first time i played FFI I chose a knight, a thief, awhite mage, and a black mage.

I didnt really have any problems at all using this team, as its pretty much perfectly balanced:D
Probably the best all rounded party would be:
Black Mage
White Mage

If you want to have some real fun try:
Red Mage
Red Mage
Red Mage
Red Mage
My first, and only play-through went smoothly with this.

  1. Monk
  2. Fighter
  3. Black Mage
  4. White Mage
I avoided the thief because I prefer to kill my enemies swiftly. What use is a cool weapon if the enemy takes down your party before you get to use it?
Hi guys I am new I found out some kool stuff about Final Fantasy and I also found out a way of buying some final fantasy swords and products...go to and you can view all the final fantasy products. Kool stuff. O..And Kadaj Souba (Kool DUDE)