Party Leader

Which character do you most use as Party Leader?

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i normally use Vaan or Basch for my party leader but for the usage of this Poll i voted Vaan as he is normally my first choice
Fran usually, mainly because I loved her, and she was the only character in the game which I actually warmed to.
I haven't beaten the game yet, but I usually have either Vaan or Basch as leader.
I would use Vaan as the party leader. This may be Ashe's story, but it all starts out with Vaan, and personally I think that Vaan is the main character, but it is Ashe's story.....
I usually have Vaan as my party leader. Because he always tends to be stronger, for me.

As you said in yoru first post, I personally think the motives and actions that we take revolve around Ashe. She is sort of the main party leader. A lot of people tend to think Balthier has the story revolve around him, and while he is my favorite charachter, I have to disagree.

As soon i get it into the party, i set it as the party leader; and if isn't him, then is Balthier.

Basch is normally my very first choice.


That's my first party and Basch is normally my leader


They're my reserves and Fran is always the leader when these 3 are out. =).
^ That doesn't make sense...anyone can equip Katanas. And besides, it's proven that Penelo is the best with a Katana. She has the best Magic stat in the game, and if you equip the Maximillian and Circlet, she reaches 99 with both MAG and STR without too much effort.
I chose Balthier as my most frequent party leader. He is, after all, the leading man and his stats are mostly equal. Depending on the boss fights or plot line, I did, however, like to change to Basch [for Gabranth] and Ashe [for anyone else in the Empire], as it just seems to create an extra bond between you and the character in question. For example, fighting Gabranth as Basch made me feel like I was right in the middle of their feud.

As for the main character, it's clearly Ashe. If Ashe hadn't joined, the story would finish when you leave Barheim, although they could've made the story work, albeit horribly, if Basch then took the main role, seeking revenge against the Empire. Ashe's constant use of "Don't interrupt me, Vaan," clearly demonstrates to me how, though Vaan is made out to be important, Ashe is the main focus of the game.