Person Above You Naked

*Clay Aiken goes to make 'Funnky Cocktails' and laughs cause hes making something with the word cock in it* heh...
(can't believe I am posting here.)

*Julius realizes he entered the wrong room, joined the wrong party, at the wrong time, during the wrong moment of day.*

Wait a second....Miss Laro?

*Julius realizes that the only piece of clothing he has is a towel over his left shoulder and his short pants. He also has soap in his right hand*

It appears that the door to the bathroom was the one to the left....*nervous*
Omg it's getting out of hand in here now guys *points hose pipe at all the nekkid people*

*Clay Aiken just stands there dancing around enjoying his nakedness hugging everyone saying that its the only way to keep warm*
*Enjoys the hugging and lights some candles for 'those' people in the corner before jumping about infront of the window*