Phobias Inc.

I suffer from paranoia and depression so i find it hard to walk through places like the town center because it just feels like everyone is looking at me although they may not be and it just freaks the living shit out of me and i eventually have to leave after about 30 mins, i'm alright if i'm going to a gig or somewhere just as long as i have something that takes a high percentage of my attention or i'm with someone who makes me feel happy, but unfortunately i have no one in my area who does so.

But apart from that not much really, i hate MASSIVE spiders but most of the one i come across are fine.
I am absolutely terrified of spiders, no matter what the size! Just the other day there was the itty bitty one on my wall, and I was so scared of it I ran out of my room screaming like a 2-year old. I'm not really sure what it is about them that gets me, but I never have and never will like them >_> phobias are:
Aeroacrophobia- Fear of Open, high places.
Altophobia- Fear of Heights
Balenephobia- Fear of pins and/or needles
I had a devastating fear of needles until all abut a year ago, or so. I needed to get the Tuberculosis immunisation but ended up threatening my own life as an alternative to getting an injection. Needless to say, I ended up in 'therapy' for a year, to try and get over the fear. As luck would have it, the government took the TB jab out of schools the week before I was due to have it. I'm (mostly) over it now, though. I still end up fainting after every encounter with a needle but that's a vast improvement, I must say. Apparently, my fear derives from seeing my mum get about 100 injections into her head at regular intervals, as a child.

Similarly, I have a fear of coming home one day and seeing an ambulance at the from door, again. That wasn't a pleasant day. Neither was the one where my mum technically died for about a minute and, somehow, came back. <_<

That woman will leave me a nervous wreck. :wacky: