Phobias Inc.

Dogs. >.> Sure I think they're cute, but if I see one running towards me even if it only wants to play, I get extremely nervous and would try to hide behind someone, or ask to make the dog go away from me. Reason is because I was attacked by several vicious dogs in the Philippines when I was a kid. Had some bite marks back then too, and I guess it just gradually grew on to me to be very afraid of them.

Except small dogs, of course. xD Those I can handle.

I'm with you. Large dogs make me extremely uncomfortable...unless I'm familiar with them. I've had several stray dogs approach me during my jogs through town. Big dogs. Haven't been injured, but a few have given chase. You find out pretty quickly how fast you are when a dog's chasing you.

Perfectly understandable that you'd have some fear after being attacked as a child. You can never tell when a dog will suddenly decide to act up.
Fenestraphobia, here. I've never met anybody else with it, either. But yea. Not cool at all with it. Thank goodness for curtains...
I'll have to look that one up on the web, to be honest.

The fear of physically attractive women? Haven't come across someone with that fear. At least no one willing to admit it. Yeah, can't say I envy you much. That's probably hard to deal with, dude.
I have Ornithophobia - a phobia of birds. I just don't like them! They REALLY freak me out :| It's hard going into town, because there's like pigeons everywhere >< I don't mind small birds, but anything larger than a pigeons scares me D=

I also have Triskaidekaphobia, I know it's stupid, but I get really really paranoid and freaked out over the number 13, I don't like it, and I try to avoid it whenever possible.

I don't like needles either, even if I know it won't hurt - like getting a blood test - I still freak out and start panicking, last time I had my blood took they had to strap my arm down ><

My friend has a phobia of vomit and being sick, which is ironic as she herself is ill a lot of the time >_> my other friend is scared of old/disabled people, although someone said they think he's scared of weakness, like saying he could end up old/disabled would be a sign of weakness.
I remember one of the buildings I went to had no 13th floor. It only skipped from 12 to 14. Such primitive people. :gasp:

That's just mentally trying to secure people. If you think about it, floor 14 would therefore be 13 really. :wacky:

Anyway, I don't really think I have a phobia to be honest, I don't like spiders but I'm not scared of them...I just don't see how people find spiders attractive whatsoever. D:
I have a fear of driving. I can be in moving vehicles, but if I drive, I panic. I've only ever driven a motorbike, but I freaked out, and drove it into a bush. I can drive dodgems and go-karts, though.
I'm scared of mentally unstable axe-weilding murderers who want to kill me sneaking into my room at night. o_O Seriously, I'm just way too paranoid for my own good, I blame my overactive imagination for that. D: Whenever I'm in my bed at night I get convinced that there's ghosts or murderers or monsters in my room, and have to hide under the covers and shut my eyes. >< I know it sounds stupid but I get really scared in the dark.

Uhm.. I'm terrified of needles, and not just being injected personally, but anybody. :gasp: I can't stand talking about it or seeing it in films or anything. I squirmed through the majority of Trainspotting. D: Anything surgical I hate, really. Or anything to do with blood or people talking about their internal organs. Ugh, if I ever get pregnant I'm going to have a fun time. >_> Particularly at night. -__-
Let's see... when it comes to really deep water, it's the fear of the unknown for me. I don't know what's down there and I don't want to find out. Could be anything from sharks to octopuses or squid or even great massive stonking whales. :gasp:

I'm OK with spiders so long as it isn't so big I can tell it's looking at me from across the room, then it best be ready for the old "What'choo lookin' at, mate?" followed by a swift slap with a rolled up newspaper.
Spiders freak me out, just the thought of them gives me the shivers. People always tell me that the big ones aren't dangerous, but that only scares me more when I think of a small, poisonous spider hiding in my bed or something :gasp:

I also have that whole social anxiety thing but I'm getting over it (thankfully)
I'm afraid of toll gates. I have this fear that whilst your paying, the thing that blocks cars will suddenly smack down on your car and kill you. It's ridiculous, I know. I get anxious whenever our car approaches one. -_-

I'm not afraid of the dark, although when the lights go out, I find that I am afraid of demons. I think they really exist.

Spiders? No. I just don't like them. D:
But we saw this enormous spider two months ago in my grandma's house in Quezon. It was as big as a plate. Now THAT scared me.
I was watching cbeebies yesterday (oh the joy of children) And this bollockery of a show called Nina and the Neorons came on, and it was something to with snot....I didn't leavethe channel onlong enough top find out what it was gunna entail, I had Ellie shrieking that she wanted towatch it and I was like NO. Id rather have the shrieking than the snot thanks -_-
I'm afraid of toll gates. I have this fear that whilst your paying, the thing that blocks cars will suddenly smack down on your car and kill you. It's ridiculous, I know. I get anxious whenever our car approaches one. -_-
I think the exact same thing when going through them. >_> So don't worry, you're not THAT crazy... or maybe we both are. :wacky:

That also reminded me of my fear of level-crossings though. I always worry that the lights and barriers will break and they won't warn you when a train comes, or that the car will break down when you're on the track, or that the barriers will start to come down when you're crossing. >< In Poole there was a level crossing in the middle of the high street that you had to walk across.. I would get so paranoid walking over it. o_O It didn't help when I started crossing and the lights began to flash, so I decided that I could make it to the other side before the barriers came down, and my sandal got caught in the tracks. D: It was the most panicked I had ever been, after that I used the bridge. :wacky:
I have nothing to fear. Nothing around that's poisonous or can bite your head off.
But I have claustraphobia. Not that bad, I can easily get into elevators and such, unless ofcourse they get stuck somewhere in between. I always know where the exit is in a room. I don't really like swimming when I can't feel the bottom though. It gives me the feeling that I'm not in control of the situation, and I like being in control.

Aaaand thats it.
I'm not scared of anything that normal people are. Spiders, heights, confined spaces, bring them on.
I have aerophobia like you wouldn't believe! :eek:
Don't really know what brought it on, but I think I can pinpoint the time whence it came about. We were flying home from Amsterdam after a stop over in London headed to our second stop over of the day to Chicago's O'Hare, where we ran into some reaaallly bad turbulence. You know, the kind where you think you're probably going to die?

Anyway, for some reason now I'm completely and utterly, deathly afraid of flying and I can barely think about it without having a mild panic attack. It's been 6 years since I was on an airplane and it doesn't seem like that'll change anytime soon. >_> Kinda sucks because I like to travel. D:


And I'm also severely creeped out by spiders; the thought of them makes me shiver. I tend to scream and run away when I see them. Funnily enough, not a lot of other bugs creep me out like that.

Oh, and heights get me to an extent depending on the situation. That's about all I can think of.
I'm afraid of toll gates. I have this fear that whilst your paying, the thing that blocks cars will suddenly smack down on your car and kill you. It's ridiculous, I know. I get anxious whenever our car approaches one. -_-

I get that too! =o I'm always like muttering GO THROUGH FAST NAOOO or something like that. I thought i was just paranoid xD

I hate getting into big lifts too. like the hugeeeee ones (not that I go in them often) with the really heavy doors in case they slam shut on me -.- I've been hit by too many normal lift doors to not worry :S

I'm not really scared of normal things :-; just strange ones.
I don't really like swimming when I can't feel the bottom though. It gives me the feeling that I'm not in control of the situation, and I like being in control.

I know exactly what you mean. I nearly drowned in a river once, my friends were all like "Go on, it's not even that deep, we went in it last week!" but we all forgot that it rained heavily the night before. D:

lol airplane xD
I never said airplane. :p
And its not like I can't swim, I just don't like to. Especially when there are big mats in the pool where you can get under. Scary..
I never go swimming in rivers either. There's usually a curent or something and fish that swim trough your legs.. yuk.
Hemaphobia - fear of blood. i used to have that, but since i was always getting sctratches and cuts i got over it but iused to actually throw up at the slightist drop of blood.
i guess right now i couldn't really call this a phobia but i am terrified of going out after midnight but ihave a good reason to be seeing as in my area there is stalker that followed me and my friend once when we were dropping something off at her nan's house so... yeah.

also i looked at that phobia list and there was one that really caught my attention;
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- Fear of long words.
hmmm how ironic...
