Phobias Inc.

Yea, but imagine all the fur and hair and whatnot.

Rabbit is a common delicacy still nowadays, and yes, so is dog.
Deer is actually quite all right. I mean, it's been eaten for centuries.
But insects, just no.

They disgust me living already.
I guess, I mean they are scary but don't they have some kind of diseases with them. Sick. I mean they could have some kind of parasite and yet people eat it for money and yet only 1 person wins the prize.
That's true.
I guess I'm a germophobe as well, but not to the degree as some people take it.

You know they eat sewer rat in places like Thailand or Cambodia right?
Apparently the rats got killed during a massive flood and typhoon, and to keep the streets from being littered with the rats, some people decided to fry 'em and serve 'em to people.

Now that.......that takes the cake.
I am afraid of country people i always feel that they might atack me when i go to the country!
^ country people? lol

I hate huge cockroaches... when i see one in the bathroom sometimes, and i dont have insect spray around, i leave it and pretend the encounter never happened. sometimes when i see more than 2 small cockroaches, i kill all but one of them so that the surviving one can tell the others what happened as a warning...
I'm so scared of so many things it's not even funny. -_-

I'm scared of public speaking, or speaking of any sort.
I'm scared of doing presentations.
I'm scared of being crticized.

But on the forums it's alright though, for some reason.
Your phobia

Phobias are generally quite irrational but very rarely something we can overcome without a great deal of work. So what are your phobias? Elaborate if you'd like, I find I like to psychoanalyze myself on things.

I have extremely bad arachnophobia, spiders absolutely terrify me. I think it's mostly their legs that freak me out, though it may be the mandibles or the fact that they just look plain hideous, but either way they scare me shitless. I've tried on several occasions to force myself to look at pictures of spiders to try to not freak out, I've been extremely unsuccessful. Just seeing a picture of a spider will give me a gut-wrenching, nauseous feeling and then I'll have that horrid tingling feeling all over my body and think they're crawling on me.

I'm also scared of heights, but it's nothing near as bad as spiders. Those are my only fears, really.

And in case you're interested, this site lists practically every phobia in existence, even the fear of sitting:
I guess my phobias are Apeirophobia- Fear of infinity and Entomophobia- insects

It's not so much as actual fear like trembling at the idea of infinity, but yeah it gives me the shivers often.
As for the insects,the disgust me, I really hate them , bljak.
Achluophobia- Fear of darkness. When I was (a lot) younger.

Don't find anything else on the list either, lucky me.

One condition I do know I don't have is arachnophobia. My house is for the moment crawling with them, I should really find the nest.

Autophobia - Fear of being alone

Oh yeah, it's been my biggest fear since I can remember. I'm barely afraid of anything, it takes a lot ot get me. But I'd go crazy if I was alone, I don't even know what I would do. I don't have a fear of dying, but I do have a great fear of dying a lone, it's like having that feeling of you don't exist
Since another thread exists, I'll simply merge both.

Aww for real? Damnit, I didn't even see the first thread T_T

I just thought of another phobia I have: singing in front of people. I absolutely WILL NOT do it. I can't be arsed to look up the name of that phobia on the list though.
....I have a HUGE phobia of...daddy long legs. Not spiders, just daddy long legs. I don't know why; they're completely harmless. But when I see them, I jump up and start screeching. They're terrifying and so unnatural looking.
I have Arachnophobia. Spiders just terrify me. I usually run away screaming when I see one. On the occasions that I've been brave enough to try and kill them, I've failed miserably. I think it's their eyes that creep me out the most.

I also have a fear of drowning (can't be arsed to look up the name). I almost drowned when I was younger and since then, I have an extreme fear. I panic whenever I'm anywhere near deep water. I have trouble just going out onto the pier at the beach and don't even mention the word 'boat'.
Virginitiphobia - Fear of being raped. Okay, I sound a little crazy saying this but I can get very paranoid sometimes when walking out alone. I hear all of these horror stories of women getting kidnapped and raped and possibly killed. I don't live in a high crime rated area it's just it could happen anywhere.

Claustrophobia - Sometimes I freak out when I'm in a very combined space.

Arachnophobia - I'm also afraid of spiders as well. =/
I have arachnaphobia as well, and also a strange fear of silence. If I am alone and it is completely silent, I'll freak out. When I go to sleep, the air conditioner or heater has to be humming, and in any other circumstance where I am alone I have to have a TV or radio on.

However, when I'm with people and it's silent, like in a library, I have no problem. I guess I'm comforted because whatever monster my brain passively believes could come out of silence would be going after those other people as well.