Phobias Inc.

I have 1 major phobie:

- Scared of the dark

I'm scared of the dark, especially when I'm alone (Can't imagine what would happen in a horror movie...). It's because of my stupids aunts.

Since they live next room, when I'm alone and was small, I thought ghosts where there. I heard spooky soundsScared till 11 years old. 2 years later, I've discovered that the noise wasn't ghosts; they were music, praying music that looked like ghosts through a wall...

Now I'm still tromatised..

Actually, I have more. But so much that I'll fill the whole page...
I have a few phobias, some of them are pretty stupid but that's just me lol.

I do not like Cane toads, at all. If I see one outside, I run back inside immediately! They are scary looking and they just creep me out entirely.

Heights: That is something I have never liked, I can't stand being high up in the sky. I have been on rides at amusement parks where I have been very high up but it scares me a lot. I would rather stay on the ground.

I don't really like the dark but I'm not as bad as I used to be! I'm all grown up so I shouldn't be scared at all haha, but I still can at times if I am by myself.

Spiders, YUCK! That's something I definitely don't like. I always want to be away from those things.
I have a phobia of fans, the kind you get in big tunnels. I totally blame charlie & the chocolate factory for this. I can't bear to look when I see them in films. Makes my blood run cold. Im claustophobic which I only really discovered recently, I don't like the dark much either haha, when I leave a room I won't turn the light off 'til i'v turned the next one on...pitiful, i know

I also hate snot. It makes me heave. I can't abide it.

I don't like spiders much but since living on my own I now just deal with them & throw them out of the window with loo roll (altho I DO scream like a girl if one catches me off guard)
I am afraid of bugs; any variety that is tiny but swarms all over you. Things like crickets and dragonflies are ok, but whenever I have a bug nightmare it is generally a cross between an earwig and a spider multiplied by 10 gajillion. ><
I fear insects. Most of all, I fear spiders.

Plenty of people will say, "Eww, spiders are SOOOO creepy! I hate them!" To me, that doesn't mean you're genuinely afraid of them--it means you merely find them distasteful. When I say I fear them, I mean my body completely shuts down while in contact with a spider. If I see a spider, regardless of its size, I panic.

I'm 20 years old, yet I have children and my mother kill spiders for me. I've literally cried while in a pet shop because I was tricked into walking to the tarantula section of the store. The raw feeling of terror brought me to tears...and I'm not one to cry. That's how bad it is.
galeophobe - fear of sharks
Kinemortophobe - fear of zombies
also a phobia of chainsaw massacres.

I hate all of these things, especially zombies.
I fear insects..... To an extent. Only Roaches, some beetles, and bees. The first two I can't explain, but bees... Well, they sting you and make you swell up. And there's often times more than one present to do said stinging. D=
gahhhhhhhhh u just reminded me of my dream, i HATE HATE HATE silver fish, i have a fear of them. But also if there was a Black mantis like in my dream i'd be afraid of those also.i kept trying to squash it but it kept biting me. tch, I'm not supposed to be scared of things like this but i can't help it.
I have:

Achluophobia - Fear of darkness: Watching horror movies has instilled such fear into me.
Acrophobia - Fear of heights: Dunno why; I just feel dizzy every time I look down.
Topophobia - Fear of certain places or situations: I get scared every time I go to present. An interesting note is that although I freak out in every presentation, when presenting scenes in Drama, I don't feel scared at all.

This is a thread to share and discuss about our phobias. If you don't know what a phobia is (den u r eedeeotz-__-), then look at this link :

Such phobias of mine are very common. I do have a small certain fear of heights. I don't fear such heights as tall rollercoasters, the CN Tower, or planes. I don't quite remember the exact height I fear. :ffs:

I have another phobia, also very common. I absolutely FEAR cramped spaces. When I heard of people buried in coffins, I swore an oath to be laid in a tomb, as my coffin is a glass kind resembling the coffin Snow White was buried in. I'm such a noob. :gasp:

Ah well, discuss and share your phobias. :monster:
Hmm...Off the top of my mind, I can't stand being in packed areas. If I'm on a bus that's packed, I start sweating, I smell people's BO, and I feel as if I'm running out of air, then, depending on how badly packed it is, I would have a panic attack >_<.
I love spiders! Spiders love me! I have a spider farm for raising spiders! I let them out sometimes and they come back later on and i put them back in. I assume that when i let them out thats when they get there food because i dont feed them and there still alive and well.

As for phobias i dont have any:)
I dunno where my post went to, but I'll have to rewrite it...

I used to be an arachnophobic, but I overcomed it... Now I only dislike them...
Oh, and to all arachnophobics out there, don't worry about the big spiders, those are the ones that can do less damage... keep that in mind and fear will smoothly disappear... Other than that, only a few kinds of spiders can cause trouble, so, as you see, it's mostly psychologic fear... I think my school having a spider exposition did help a lot, :)

Other than that I don't think I have any other fears, except a slight thanatophobia (fear death)

Anyways here are some names:
- Aichmophobia is the fear of needles (For whoever wanted to know)
- Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia is the fear of 666 (What an awfully long word)
- Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words, so someone with this phobia wouldn't be able to hear/say the word, :S
- Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of 13
- Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words, so someone with this phobia wouldn't be able to hear/say the word, :S

I'm very sure some members here have trouble pronouncing those words, especially Mona and Ashley. :ffs:
- Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of 13

I remember one of the buildings I went to had no 13th floor. It only skipped from 12 to 14. Such primitive people. :gasp:
Minerva said:
I used to be an arachnophobic, but I overcomed it... Now I only dislike them...
Oh, and to all arachnophobics out there, don't worry about the big spiders, those are the ones that can do less damage... keep that in mind and fear will smoothly disappear... Other than that, only a few kinds of spiders can cause trouble, so, as you see, it's mostly psychologic fear... I think my school having a spider exposition did help a lot,
I can't speak for everyone who has an extreme fear of spiders, but I--for one--would rather be poisoned by an itty-bitty spider than come in any sort of contact with a gargantuan tarantula. Coming in physical contact with a tarantula would probably drive me to insanity. Seriously. I'm not exaggerating. That's severe harm right there.

I don't fear spiders for the damage they can cause me. It's their appearance that freaks me out. All those damn eyes and legs. I don't like how they can be anywhere at anytime either. Ceilings, walls, showers, in your bed. They can drop down on your outta nowhere. Jesus...
I love spiders! Spiders love me! I have a spider farm for raising spiders!
Get a room!

Okay...The birds, I don't like the birds...THEY ARE JUST MONSTERS, I HATE THEM!!
Okay...The birds, I don't like the birds...THEY ARE JUST MONSTERS, I HATE THEM!!




I had a really bad fear of thunder storms when I was little. I would have panic attacks even when it rained. It got so bad that my mom sometimes had to pick me up from school when it stormed. >_<

I don't have many now, except for a few minor things like tapeworms and whatnot.
I remember one of the buildings I went to had no 13th floor. It only skipped from 12 to 14. Such primitive people. :gasp:

You think it's just that building? sheesh... I've seen AIRPORTS without gate 13... it was either Barajas, Madrid, Spain or the one in Oporto... But really, it was astonishing, :S
Dogs. >.> Sure I think they're cute, but if I see one running towards me even if it only wants to play, I get extremely nervous and would try to hide behind someone, or ask to make the dog go away from me. Reason is because I was attacked by several vicious dogs in the Philippines when I was a kid. Had some bite marks back then too, and I guess it just gradually grew on to me to be very afraid of them.

Except small dogs, of course. xD Those I can handle.