Pizza Hut manager sells weed from drive-through window

Yeah I'm really pretending

Don't make this into a personal attack, honestly calling people ignorant makes you a keyboard warrior. It's really annoying.

I'm not a keyboard warrior. You are ignorant. I'm just calling it like I see it. That site was a culmination, according to the site, of a three week LAW course. And it was last updated in 1999. That's almost ten years ago. I think the studies I provided (which were actually done by people who have, y'know, medical degrees) are a little more accurate and contemporary. The study I cited was done in 2006. Hmmm....information from 9 years ago on a fairly new and still relatively mysterious topic vs information from two years ago from a professor of Medicine. I think I'll go with the latter, thanks.

And on that website, it says nothing about holes in your brain. I think you're just a) making things up or b) regurgitating some bullshit you learned in DARE in fifth grade.
I'm not a keyboard warrior. You are ignorant. I'm just calling it like I see it. That site was a culmination, according to the site, of a three week course. And it was last updated in 1999. That's almost ten years ago. I think the studies I provided (which were actually done by people who have, y'know, medical degrees) are a little accurate and contemporary. The study I cited was done in 2006. Hmmm....information from 9 years ago on a fairly new and still relatively mysterious topic vs information from two years ago from a professor of Medicine. I think I'll go with the latter, thanks.

And on that website, it says nothing about holes in your brain. I think you're just a) making things up or b) regurgitating some bullshit you learned in DARE in fifth grade.

Yeah yeah, keep calling me ignorant lol, but never gonna come true. But whatever helps you sleep at night.

And you digress from the point, the site presents many of the problems the use of cannabis will present if you use it habitually. Let's compare a harvard school to where you go yours from lol. Rather or not you want to continue with excuses, facts are facts. Let's see how much damage is done to a monkey's liver if it drank a shot of whiskey for a year, everyday. Not much, but let's do that for 20 years. Add in factors of age, weakening immune system, and years and years of abuse. Things tend to get worse.

But delusions are delusions, whether you want to believe it or not, it is infact, illegal because it is bad for your health. Not because someone racists doesn't like it.

I think you need to stay away from the net, your keyboard is turning into a sword lol.
I wish that would happen here, would have a good enough reason to go to MaccyD's for a change :neomon:

As for Cannabis being badz, I wouldn't trust the offical 'facts' for shit. Any smart arsed basterd with a flashy PhD or equal 'i r smart' qualification could prove that a bag of Cannabis he is testing is really bad for the brain, and they would be right, but what they tend to not take into consideration is the breed and variation of the plant. You could have some mega fucked up chronic that has been lased with some other drug coming from one place whilst there is a less harmless yet stoner satisfactory strand from another. Luckly for me I know exactly where my smokage comes from and its nowhere near as hameful as what some people with the so called "facts" preach. Not saying it is hameless mind, just not 'uber omgz mi branz iz deaded n r parnoidz'.
At first when I saw this thread title, I like laughed for ten seconds, then I realized how dumb it was. I really don't like any drugs no matter how many 'positive' effects they have to counterbalance the negative ones, so it's kind of disturbing to hear of something like that happening. What's scary is that people can be dumb enough to do such a thing at a public restaurant. v_v
THC is not a hallucinogenic....

As for the 'health' issue, everything nowadays reduces your health. Hell, most people are commiting slow suicide just by their diet. Cell phones and radio towers all give off radiation, just about everything has been proven to give you some form of cancer or disease, and lets add the percentage of the world that believes in 'free-love' and upping the cases of STD's.

People vary in health, natrually, but when it comes right down to it, most people are damaging themselves in one form or another.
Who are we to condemn them? Everyone has the right to make their own decisions. If a person KNOWS what they are doing is damaging, and choose to still do it, it is not 'stupidity', but a CHOICE. If you disagree, you are calling all smokers, drinkers, obese people, cutters, school-skippers, not-enough-sleep people, ect ect. stupid.
I think that would a very broad and biased generalization.

I smoke both ciggerettes and green, and I am aware with every inhale that I am damaging my body. I am also aware that i am straining my body further by not sleeping enough, and not eating enough. However these are my habits, and these are choices made by with knowing full and well that i am not acting in a 'healthy' way.
Being healthy is boring. What's the point of having a life if you don't experience what you want to? Everyone chooses what habits interest them, and base their lifestyle on such.
Who are the 'healthy' people to condemn the 'non-healthy' ones.
Have you ever noticed that drug users/smokers/drinkers don't care if someone doesn't do what they do, but its the non-users, non-smokers, and non-drinkers that have such a problem with us? Back off people, we don't preach to you, we don't want to hear it. Chances are, nothing you say is going to change our minds.

Also, as for THC being so -un-healthy-, if that were true, than why would the government allow it to be used legally in special cases? If it were that damaging, I don't think it would be approved by the very system against it's use.
Also, there is currently a bill under view about legalizing small amounts. I don't think it matters really, because people who smoke allready do, and making it legal probably wouldn't make too many people pick up the habit. It's still a matter of choice.

As for ciggerettes and drinking, I don't see any health benefits except for red wine in reasonable amounts. I agree, they mess you up.
THC is not a hallucinogenic....

As for the 'health' issue, everything nowadays reduces your health. Hell, most people are commiting slow suicide just by their diet. Cell phones and radio towers all give off radiation, just about everything has been proven to give you some form of cancer or disease, and lets add the percentage of the world that believes in 'free-love' and upping the cases of STD's.

People vary in health, natrually, but when it comes right down to it, most people are damaging themselves in one form or another.
Who are we to condemn them? Everyone has the right to make their own decisions. If a person KNOWS what they are doing is damaging, and choose to still do it, it is not 'stupidity', but a CHOICE. If you disagree, you are calling all smokers, drinkers, obese people, cutters, school-skippers, not-enough-sleep people, ect ect. stupid.
I think that would a very broad and biased generalization.

I smoke both ciggerettes and green, and I am aware with every inhale that I am damaging my body. I am also aware that i am straining my body further by not sleeping enough, and not eating enough. However these are my habits, and these are choices made by with knowing full and well that i am not acting in a 'healthy' way.
Being healthy is boring. What's the point of having a life if you don't experience what you want to? Everyone chooses what habits interest them, and base their lifestyle on such.
Who are the 'healthy' people to condemn the 'non-healthy' ones.
Have you ever noticed that drug users/smokers/drinkers don't care if someone doesn't do what they do, but its the non-users, non-smokers, and non-drinkers that have such a problem with us? Back off people, we don't preach to you, we don't want to hear it. Chances are, nothing you say is going to change our minds.

Also, as for THC being so -un-healthy-, if that were true, than why would the government allow it to be used legally in special cases? If it were that damaging, I don't think it would be approved by the very system against it's use.
Also, there is currently a bill under view about legalizing small amounts. I don't think it matters really, because people who smoke allready do, and making it legal probably wouldn't make too many people pick up the habit. It's still a matter of choice.

As for ciggerettes and drinking, I don't see any health benefits except for red wine in reasonable amounts. I agree, they mess you up.

Okay put it this way, if someone is dying of cancer and normal pain killers or endorphins just aren't working. They give them cannabis to help soothe the pain till they die. In other cases they use it to help chemotherapy patients get over their nausea from treatments, so they can eat. Keeping healthy through cancer treatments is very important. What damage is done through THC is worth getting if you are dying from a disease like cancer =/.

But I wanna know, what's the excuses of all the pot smokers out there who have no reason to smoke it, other than the pure fact they wanna get high. Same thing can be said for people who abuse alcohol, using it as a way to get drunk.

As much as you people wanna avoid the truth about it, it is bad for you. And if you do it, you increase the chances of you dying from it. Some of you seem so bold to say you don't care, but when you're coughing up blood, or pissing blood, you won't have such a smug attitude. People act tough when they have no idea what kind of pain they speak of. Cancer is not a fun disease, and most liver and lung cancers are very aggressive, and are very resistant to chemotherapies.
"-But I wanna know, what's the excuses of all the pot smokers out there who have no reason to smoke it, other than the pure fact they wanna get high. Same thing can be said for people who abuse alcohol, using it as a way to get drunk. "

Well, how else are you going to get high, and how else are you going to get drunk? That's the point. That's why we do it, that's our reason. No, our reason isn't that we have some drastic illness, but it's still a reason however much it is viewed as 'invalid'.

I've seen cancer in my family, I know what it can do to you, I have seen how unpleasent it is. But hell, if I'm going to be chillen on this planet MORE, after all the shit that has allready come with it, I'm gonna NEED to get high to survive it,lol.

Some people just don't fear dealth, but rather, celebrate the time we have and experience it in the fullest :)
You don't fear death because right now, you have no reason to fear it. You can look at cancer as being "unpleasant", but to understand the pain of it, so strong not even morphine will soothe it, it's pretty radical. And you don't need to get high, or drunk to enjoy life what so ever.

But whatever floats your boat mate, I'm in no position to judge how you live your life.

And just so you know, if cancer is something that runs in your family, it should be more of a reason for you not to do those things, because chances are you have risk factors genetics wise against you already.
You don't fear death because right now, you have no reason to fear it. You can look at cancer as being "unpleasant", but to understand the pain of it, so strong not even morphine will soothe it, it's pretty radical. And you don't need to get high, or drunk to enjoy life what so ever.

But whatever floats your boat mate, I'm in no position to judge how you live your life.

And just so you know, if cancer is something that runs in your family, it should be more of a reason for you not to do those things, because chances are you have risk factors genetics wise against you already.

No, I do not fear death because I have allready faced it, multiple times. I'm not trying to sound macho, but technically, I shouldn't be alive. It is through these experiences that I have come to realize fear cannot govern your life. You shouldn't have to limit yourself, or shackle yourself to a certain lifestyle, because you are afraid of the pain or consequences.
Live Life with no regrets.
Love life and dance through life with your arms open to the end, embracing it. I take a certain revere in the thought of death, it is not the 'end' of us, but rather, the time in which we transend a new plane of living, wether we are in 'prime' health or not.
When a person experiences pain, and near-death, one begins to lose their fear of it. The person tends to let no fear govern them, and the person tends to want to experience as much as they can because they, more than many people, realize life is short and precious and meant to be lived to the fullest degree in THAT persons mind.

I agree, you dont need to drink or get high to have a good time.
but sometimes, after a 14 hour work day on my feet, and 3 hours of sleep, and a full-time relationship, and the stresses of everyday life,, I really just want to get stoned and chillax.;)
Does that mean i think you should?
Not at all, in fact, Kudos to you for having such a healthy lifestyle. part of me admires it and wishes I could do the same thing....
the other part of me is still a total stoner :)
Yeah I can understand that, and I don't want anyone to admire me, I just want people to have a more healthier way of living. I have nothing against people, or the things they do to themselves(I do have a problem with it when they spread it to others, but you don't seem like that kind of person).

But if you respect living, and enjoy it, then why not do thing to extend your life doing healthier things, than doing things to shorten it? Unless you enjoy life for the fact you can do the things you do now. Which I can understand, I've been drunk, it's a nice feeling. But you can get just as much fun sober, to me atleast.

We all have stress though mate, I work full time and go to school part time, and train in MMA full time. After a while with constantly working out and school, and yada yada, stuff wears on ya, and that's why I can understand your perspective on it. But when I get stressed, I just pop some music, and go swim. It's a proactive way of dealing with stress. I hope someday you can find a more proactive way for dealing with your stress.
Hey, I never force people to do anything I do, I don't agree with peer-pressure. I'm all about choice.

I don't enjoy my life just to smoke, or for the smoking, I just enjoy my life with smoking in it. Someone asked me a few days ago why I didn't try to make my life longer (of course this person threw my fiance at me, which was bullshit). The fact is, I don't really want to live to be 80. I don't want to die at 50, but I don't want to have this extansive life span anyway. I just want to live. Not worry about the future or my life span.

*shrug* I've never really had proactive solutions presented to me. That's not to say I don't do some pro-active things, I just also do unproactive ones. I live for the variety,lol. Alot of it also depends on the social groups your used to gowing up in. If you hang with the more athletic/extracurricular active people, chances are your won't be into drugs.
Yeah yeah, keep calling me ignorant lol, but never gonna come true. But whatever helps you sleep at night.

And you digress from the point, the site presents many of the problems the use of cannabis will present if you use it habitually. Let's compare a harvard school to where you go yours from lol. Rather or not you want to continue with excuses, facts are facts. Let's see how much damage is done to a monkey's liver if it drank a shot of whiskey for a year, everyday. Not much, but let's do that for 20 years. Add in factors of age, weakening immune system, and years and years of abuse. Things tend to get worse.

But delusions are delusions, whether you want to believe it or not, it is infact, illegal because it is bad for your health. Not because someone racists doesn't like it.

I think you need to stay away from the net, your keyboard is turning into a sword lol.

Your debating, to use a phrase that I've come to like, is filled with lots of ad hominems. All you seem to be doing is attacking me, and not offering a whole lot of evidence to your points. At least I do both.

Oh, and fyi, I took classes at Harvard and got As. :neomon: Kthx.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that very frequent use of pot is bad for you. I never tried to argue that. I'm just trying to argue that marijuana is not some lethal, terrible drug. Occasional use will probably have little to no longer term effects on your health. And it doesn't kill your brain cells, nor does it make you piss blood. I just find it relatively entertaining that you keep making strange claims, with little to no evidence to back them up, and then calling me a keyboard warrior when I completely debunk your clichéd drug myths with, y'know, actual facts and studies.
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Okay, well think of it this way then. You know drug dealers and what not put chemicals into cannabis, to help strengthen its high. And I'm not attacking you lol, I never attacked you. And I couldn't care less about your classes at harvard, unless you studied as a MD, your classes are irreverent to the subject.

Even using it short terms can cause damage, and yes, it does kill brain cells lol. You can go ahead and keep saying that won't change the fact that it does. And you are a keyboard warrior, sweetheart. All you ever do is spit out insults and use google lol. Sounds like an arrogant person who just likes being right, whether they really are or not.

But your attitude couldn't mean less to me, I know my facts. You act like you have more information than me, by the simple fact you typed in crap from google. Sorry the internet is so impersonal and I can't tape every talk I've had with the Nevada State Commission and its MD's for you. Not only that I have MD's who work at the xyience gym, and we frequently chat about things like this.

At least I didn't read all my facts from a few posts on google search pages, love. I guess having an opinion of my own, and actually asking doctors questions like these, is ignorant of me right?
Okay, well think of it this way then. You know drug dealers and what not put chemicals into cannabis, to help strengthen its high. And I'm not attacking you lol, I never attacked you. And I couldn't care less about your classes at harvard, unless you studied as a MD, your classes are irreverent to the subject.

All you seem to be able to do is call me ignorant and offer absolutely no proof for your arguments. I've also noticed that people tend to use the words "honey," "dear," and "sweetheart" not only condescendingly, but also when they're totally losing the debate. :neomon: Which you are. I only mentioned that I took classes at Harvard because you said, and I quote, "Let's compare a harvard school to where you go yours from lol." Well lol, I went to Harvard, so back off, k? I'd also like to point out that the "evidence" from that Harvard site that you used to try and support what little point you have is from Harvard law school. Now, last time I checked, law school has absolutely nothing to do with science or medicine. So, just like my Harvard classes were irrelevent to the subject, so, too, is that site you attempted to use as evidence. Oh, not only irrelevent but outdated too!

Even using it short terms can cause damage, and yes, it does kill brain cells lol. You can go ahead and keep saying that won't change the fact that it does. And you are a keyboard warrior, sweetheart. All you ever do is spit out insults and use google lol. Sounds like an arrogant person who just likes being right, whether they really are or not.

So do you like making random declaritive statements with no proof? Because you seem to be doing it a lot. See, this is the attack that I'm talking about. I've been calling you ignorant, and actually disproving your points with actual studies and evidence. You are telling me I'm wrong, calling me names, and then using no evidence to back up your claims. You fail. And then accuse ME of spitting out insults. Ps, I already provided a legitimate scientific study that refuted the claim that weed kills brain cells. You did not provide any support to your claim that it does. Thus, it is simply a matter of your opinion vs the actual scientific study that supports my argument. I really hope you don't write term papers this way.

But your attitude couldn't mean less to me, I know my facts. You act like you have more information than me, by the simple fact you typed in crap from google. Sorry the internet is so impersonal and I can't tape every talk I've had with the Nevada State Commission and its MD's for you. Not only that I have MD's who work at the xyience gym, and we frequently chat about things like this.

At least I didn't read all my facts from a few posts on google search pages, love. I guess having an opinion of my own, and actually asking doctors questions like these, is ignorant of me right?

Okay, see, again with the personal attacks, vague claims of knowledge, and absolute lack of proof. In both the scientific and academic community, people would LAUGH at you. You can't just make claims and then not back them up. Whether pot kills brain cells isn't a matter of opinion. You haven't cited any studies or any other scientific or medical evidence. I'm not an internet warrior, I'm just smarter than you. Deal with it. And stop calling me sweetheart. It's just creepy as hell.
Real quick to get it out of the way, GoldenChocoboMaster, it's nice to see at least two people who have two different views can have an intellectual conversation. If I offended you in any way, I didn't mean to come across that way and am sorry. I know when I said "Pot smoking losers" I jumped the gun with words too fast and threw out an insult, but never meant you were a loser in any way. I think you're a stand up person for actually having a conversation, not like some people.

And Yeah to others, I'm making personal attacks, you know I'll leave it at this before you turn into a free for all bitch fest. Harvard is a nice university, given that. But it doesn't matter how high brow your university is, you can get a Harvard education anywhere, for a lot less money. You pretty much just went to Harvard for bragging rights.

And yeah, let's completely ignore the amazing power you know as google for all your pot smoking needs. You're a such a hypocrite to even try to say I'm attacking you lol, every time you get into a debate with people who disagree with ya, you just throw out insults. Really makes you look intelligent sweetheart, so keep doin' it!

As far as this discussion with weed goes, it's done and out. You've turned this into an insult fest, and I've said what I've said. Whether you want to believe it or not, that's your problem, lol. So I wash my hands of this crap, go to Harvard and tell people this, they'll probably laugh at you hun.
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Real quick to get it out of the way, GoldenChocoboMaster, it's nice to see at least two people who have two different views can have an intellectual conversation. If I offended you in any way, I didn't mean to come across that way and am sorry. I know when I said "Pot smoking losers" I jumped the gun with words too fast and threw out an insult, but never meant you were a loser in any way. I think you're a stand up person for actually having a conversation, not like some people.

And Yeah to others, I'm making personal attacks, you know I'll leave it at this before you turn into a free for all bitch fest. Harvard is a nice university, given that. But it doesn't matter how high brow your university is, you can get a Harvard education anywhere, for a lot less money. You pretty much just went to Harvard for bragging rights.

And yeah, let's completely ignore the amazing power you know as google for all your pot smoking needs. You're a such a hypocrite to even try to say I'm attacking you lol, every time you get into a debate with people who disagree with ya, you just throw out insults. Really makes you look intelligent sweetheart, so keep doin' it!

As far as this discussion with weed goes, it's done and out. You've turned this into an insult fest, and I've said what I've said. Whether you want to believe it or not, that's your problem, lol. So I wash my hands of this crap, go to Harvard and tell people this, they'll probably laugh at you hun.

First off, I told you to stop calling me sweetheart. It's fucking condescending and sexist. You can have absolutely NO right to be condescending towards me, because as I said, I'm smarter than you are. And that's not meant to be an insult. You clearly have no clue how to debate, support a point, or present an argument. Again, I'm not saying this to be inflammatory. You've just demonstrated this through your actions.

I am not narrow-minded. If you were actually CAPABLE of supporting your point, I would give you some sort of credit. But you just aren't. Notice how I've asked you SEVERAL times, and actually rather politely, for evidence supporting your point, and you have yet to produce any. In fact, all you keep doing is attacking strawmen (to borrow an Angelus term) and being condescending towards me. In fact, this entire post of yours added NOTHING to the debate. I throw insults at people who deserve them. Such as, I don't know, people who pretend to know what they're talking about yet provide no evidence. In this thread you have only made unsubstantiated claims and then thrown a little hissy fit when I disproved them with actual evidence. I asked you, in the previous post, to post some sort of evidence to back up your claims. You have failed to do so. Instead, you decided to attack me, the fact I went to Harvard, and completely veer from the subject. Notice I *never* veered from the subject. I am MORE than willing to back up my points with evidence. You're "washing yours hands" of this debate because you can't actually back up any of your claims. You have failed.

Stop acting like the moral superior here. You tried to attack me by saying that Harvard was better than whatever college I went to. When that failed because I HAVE gone to Harvard, you tried to trash the fact I've gone to Harvard. Who do you think you're fooling exactly? Maybe you should just leave this thread with your little tail between your legs.
Please start sticking to the subject. The next post about someone insulting another will be DELETED.

Also Dark Adonis Wilt - Stop making these silly assumptions about weed. You haven't provide a source to back up your argument.

Yeah, you wanna talk about REEEAAALLLLYYY bad drugs. Well then... There is heroin, cocaine, crystal meth, and alcohol. My god, get it through your thick skull! Weed is not that bad! In fact, it's better to smoke weed than cigarettes.

She didn't go to Harvard for bragging rights, she went there for summer school. She is helping you how to argue by the way. :/
FORT SMITH, Ark. -- Police have arrested a pizza parlor manager on charges alleging he sold marijuana out of his drive-through window in Fort Smith, Ark.
Authorities said Monday that state and local investigators acting on a tip went to the Pizza Hut restaurant and found six ounces of marijuana and a set of digital scales in the manager's office.
Police said they arrested 28-year-old manager Aaron Massey on Friday on a charge of possession of marijuana with intent to distribute.
Massey has been released on $3,500 bail.


Well thats interesting. A "smart" deal as far as stoners go, I suppose. Thoughts?

Yikes. Hope I'm not intruding. Anywho...

This really doesn't surprise me in the least bit. I could go downstairs with a pair of scissors and cut out at least half a dozen local newspaper articles containing similar stories. I'll admit--it takes balls to sell drugs through a drive-thru window at a Pizza Hut.

Honestly, I don't know why marijuana isn't legalized. In the US, tobacco products can be purchased at the age of 18. Alcohol can be purchased and consumed legally at the age of 21. To my understanding, alcohol accounts for more death and injury than pot does. It contributes to domestic violence, automobile accidents, and death resulting from poisoning. Tobacco products are highly addictive and are certain to cause health problems. Smoke some weed? Eat a lot of nachos as you watch re-runs of Muppet Babies. Even if weed is more hazardous to one's health than cigarettes and alcohol, it should still be up to the individual to decide if they want to risk using it.

Too many people get sent down shit creek just for smoking some pot. I have friends who have virtually no future after being caught with the stuff in their possession. Nice fellas who shouldn't have to have something so stupid follow them for the rest of their lives.

...and I didn't know Pizza Hut had a drive-thru! What a rip. I've been missing out.
Yeah, I'm considering moving to Arkansas just for the drive-thru Pizza Hut :P

Anyway, I suppose I can see everyone's point on how alcohol causes more deaths than weed, and yet we're still able to consume it legally, providing the right age. It really doesn't make any sense, does it? Almost makes me want to start a new thread... Hmm...