Nintendo Pokémon Heart Gold and Soul Silver


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
New Pokemon Games Confirmed

Gold and Silver remakes on the way.

by John Tanaka

US, May 7, 2009 - Nintendo confirmed today previous rumors of a remake of Pokemon Gold and Silver. Pokemon Heart Gold and Pokemon Soul Silver will be coming to the Japanese DS this Fall.

The game will supposedly feature a number of updates, although specifics have yet to be shared.


Pokemon Gold and Pokemon Silver were originally released on the Game Boy Color platform in 2000. It was rumored earlier this week that Nintendo would be announcing the remake this weekend.
Source: IGN

Well, what do you guys thing about this? I'm so excited, Gold and Silver were always my favourite GBC Pokémon games! It's the only game with more than 8 Gym Badges - 16! It should be a great deal of fun ^^ I can't wait to play it again.

I just hope this time they utilize the Celebi shrine, it would be a nice way to get Celebi legitimately. ^^
I hope this does turn out to be true as I miss playing Gold and Silver since my GBC died. I know there's been many rumores about Dawn Gold and Dusk Silver but maybe these will turn out true and not be another FFVII remake kinda shenanigan.
They've been confirmed on the official Japanese Pokémon website and everything, with a Japanese release date set for Fall of this year, so it's very true ^^
heart Gold and Soul Silver LOL soul silver sounds good but not sure about heart gold

Am loosing track off how many pokemon games are out now I'll get it just for the sudowoodo
Fucking top stuff! Yeah I hope they do use the Celebi Shrine like the Jap's had the chance to back in the day. And now we can get Lugia, Ho-oh and the 3 dogs without having to use multiple carts and Game Cube/Wii games (for us who don't have one). Though I seem to be alone in wanting them to cut out Kanto from G/S and make Johto better ><
I'm excited about that! I remember when I got my copy of Silver, it was magical. XD The fact that there were two continents and more gyms was great to me.

I remember when I encountered Lugia I was so excited I threw the Master Ball on it. >.> Then I thought "well, how am I supposed to get Ho-oh now?" XD
I hope they make it a little more obvious how to get Lugia in the game though. From what I remember, it's fairly easy to get Ho-oh in both games, but it's more difficult to get Lugia and it's hardly mentioned =/

I could be wrong though...
Not really. All you have to remember is that Lugia is in the Whirl Islands and Ho-oh is in Tin Tower. In Gold you get the Rainbow Wing (makes Ho-oh appear) early in Johto and the Silver Wing (Makes Lugia appear) later in Kanto, whilst in Silver it's the other way around.
Hey Mark I found this on so its of course truly true!!! I can not wait for this because like Gold and Silver were my favorite pokemon games ever and now there is even remakes this is so cool!!!! But do you think maybe extras will be in the game like maybe capture some pokemon from Sinnoh and Hoenn? Like there will be something that has to do with Heart and Soul? Maybe there will be new items that Ho-oh and Lugia will get. Well Yes 16 gym badges was really fun but watch it be that we will go all around every region to get gym badges!!! That would be cool. So yeah can not wait for this.
I'm excited about that! I remember when I got my copy of Silver, it was magical. XD The fact that there were two continents and more gyms was great to me.

I remember when I encountered Lugia I was so excited I threw the Master Ball on it. >.> Then I thought "well, how am I supposed to get Ho-oh now?" XD

Well don't worry, Lugia is way better than Ho-oh anyways. XD Lugia has high HP, Def, Sp. Def, and quite high Sp. Atk, and looks just awesome, Lugia pwns, plain and simple.

I am fired up about these games now! :D I only checked out one of the originals from when I borrowed it years ago, I never actually owned it, so I'm excited to know there is going to be remakes of those versions, with the much better graphics and music of Pokémon games today. ^_^
Well don't worry, Lugia is way better than Ho-oh anyways. XD Lugia has high HP, Def, Sp. Def, and quite high Sp. Atk, and looks just awesome, Lugia pwns, plain and simple.

I felt that way too! Specially because in Silver, Ho-oh is at level 70 and I don't have much to do with it, since my pokémon are all near 70 too. :D But I kinda felt pround of catching Ho-oh back then, because I had to catch him with a superball (or hyperball, I honestly don't remeber the names/ranks :monster: ) and it took a LOT of trial and error. XD That mistake didn't happen the next playthroughs.

And now I plan to revive my Game Boy Color so that I can play my Silver version again! :monster:

Why not just wait to play through Soul Silver on the NDS? It should have everything the original Silver version does, and a lot more, like better music, and much better graphics. ^_^
Ahhhh, I still have Silver and my GBC (or the GBA), but I'm sorely tempted to by a remake, especially Gold since I never played it and saw the differences.

I second the Celebi motion. Although I never got all the other 250 pokemon, I was pissed I couldn't get Celebi because of a region thing D=

Well damn, now I wanna play Pokemon again xD
Why not just wait to play through Soul Silver on the NDS? It should have everything the original Silver version does, and a lot more, like better music, and much better graphics. ^_^

I'd need a NDS for that and I have no monies! XD Besides, I'm feeling nostalgic lately ^_^

But I'm definetly going to give Soul Silver a try whenever I put my hands on a NDS! :D

Edit: Yay, 100 posts! ^^
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I think they're releasing Gold and Silver for DS so you can get all 492 Pokémon.

Look at it logically. Pearl/Diamond/Platinum can access Pokémon from FiredRed and Leafgreen, as well as Ruby and Sapphire, the only Pokémon they can't get - Johto. Remaking Gold and silver gives them the chance to allow everyone who just has a DS to get all the Pokémon (not counting special legendaries like Mew, Jirachi, Deoxys, etc)

I hope they remake Crystal too =D
Perhaps something like "Mind Crystal" so then it'll be Heart, Soul and Mind? >_> Yeeeeeah.

At least with them releasing Gold and Silver for DS it means you can get the legendary dogs without having Pokémon Colosseum, thank god. Since I lost my GBA to Gamecube link D=
Do you guys think Arceus will be catchable in these versions. Like maybe there will be an event to get Arceus the legitimate way. Look pokemon 12 is with Arceus so does that mean they will make a version with Arceus on the cover or will Arceus be catchable in these versions? Each year a pokemon movie comes out sy there should be a game. Maybe a wii game with a shadow Arceus? Who knows. Also the unknown Arceus will probably be a future event.
*doesn't know what an Arceus is* >.>

Anyway, it's epic that they're remaking Gold ans Silver, especially for DS since they were easily two of the better in the series, though I would prefer if battles were in 3D and a battle system like XII instead of turn taking to make it more realistic like in the anime >.>
Though I don't think that's going to happen ;_;
I've recently gone back and started my Pokemon games from scratch as a build up for when I get Platinum. Atm I'm just finishing off things in FireRed before I fire up Emerald and then onwards to Platinum....then hopefully Soul Silver....or 'Mind Crystal' lol

Look at it logically. Pearl/Diamond/Platinum can access Pokémon from FiredRed and Leafgreen, as well as Ruby and Sapphire, the only Pokémon they can't get - Johto. Remaking Gold and silver gives them the chance to allow everyone who just has a DS to get all the Pokémon (not counting special legendaries like Mew, Jirachi, Deoxys, etc)

I hope they remake Crystal too =D
Actually all of the Johto Pokemon (save Lugia, Ho-Oh and Celebi ofcourse) are already available. Some were part of the Hoenn'dex for Ru/Sa and others were wild Pokemon of the Sevii Islands on FR/LG whilst the remaining few were made avalible in Emerald. But I guess it does give the oppotunitie to a guarenteed meeting of a Red Gyrarados and another way of getting a legit Lugia and Ho-oh.

*doesn't know what an Arceus is* >.>