Poor Quistis!


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
Well, I finally completed the game, and from the looks of it, everyone in the main party got together with someone in the end. Squall and Rinoa (obviously) Irvine and Selphie, and Zell and the library girl xD

So, where does that leave Quistis? With no one! Poor Quistis. I felt kinda...dissatisfied with the ending, as it only really showed Squall, Rinoa and Laguna. Not the other 4 main characters -__-
Well, although she lacked some self confidence in the beginning of the game, she matured by the end, so it's not so bad. I mean, does everyone need to be paired off to be happy? Look at Seifer: although he didn't pair off with anyone or get back together with Rinoa, he still has his possy and is happy, right? Laguna has Kiros, Ward and Ellone
and probably Squall too
even though Raine's been long dead. So Quistis has her friends as well.

Although I like to pair her up with Xu; I've seen enough fanfics with those two getting together xD
Well Seifer is still a single these two would be a great pair. 8D

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I always thought Quistis was having it away with Headmaster Cid (come on, someone that young becomes instructer! :P) whilst Edea wasn't 'well'. But maybe one of her little fan club got lucky in the end, who knows...

Although I like to pair her up with Xu; I've seen enough fanfics with those two getting together xD
Orly? :wacky:
The thing with Quistis is that she thought that she was in love with Squall, then when she realised that it wasn't love she was feeling for him, and if it was it was a more...sisterly love than a fancying him type of love. When she realised this I don't think her heart was set on anyone else, and besides, in the story she was 18, so she's got plenty of time to find someone :)
So, where does that leave Quistis? With no one! Poor Quistis. I felt kinda...dissatisfied with the ending, as it only really showed Squall, Rinoa and Laguna. Not the other 4 main characters -__-
That's a criticism of the game, that it focuses only on Squall and Rinoa. But Ellone, Kiros and Ward are also single, so perhaps Ward and Quistis?
Quistis' problem was that she thought she was in love with Squall, and that made her bad at her job. Now she can do whatever she wants because she is free.
I also felt the story mainly focused on Rinoa and Squall, the other characters were sort of side-lined to make way for Squall’s and Rinoa’s developing relationship. I’m not sure why, but I always thought that Zell and Quistis would have made a good couple (Joke).

Seriously though, to me, Quistis always came across as being a bit too desperate.
Yes, I felt bad for her. She was also my favorite character in the game, so I thought she deserved someone. However, I kind of like her being single. It makes her a more independant character. I mean, she already showed she doesn't need to rely on some guy like Rinoa does. I like to crack pair her with Seifer anyways. =P

I didn't like the whole game being about Squall and Rinoa's teenage angst fests. I'm kinda glad Quistis was left out of a love with someone like a jerk named Squall.
i Reckon quistis didn't really care hey? maybe she enjoyed being single and was waiting for the right one to come around and sweep her of her feet and probally is still waiting :P
Is being single necessarily bad? NO! Quistis is probably enjoying her youth! I mean she has fans and admirers everywhere! Just look at zone! He risked his life with the Galbadian soldiers for her!
...or there is the possibility that the creators of the game left her single so she can appeal to the players more!
...I know she did for me:blush:
I personally don't think she needs anyone, she has a good job and is still young, she has plenty of time.
I don't know if I felt sorry for her, she seemed happy overall in the end even though she didn't end up with anybody. I reckon her and Zell should have been together. That would have been an odd coupling that's for sure! Good on her I say, maybe she wants to stay single. xD
I agree that she could have been paired with Zell. One of those "opposites that you didn't think would pair up" couples. A cool mannered teacher with a rebellious, short tempered student.
she was only eighteen when the story ended, give the girl time :) I think it would have been unrealistic, and maybe even a little cheesy if the six of them had all paired together at the end and lived happily ever after.
Quistis is still only z teenager even though she appears older than this in the game. Even so, there is no need to feel sorry for her as she has plenty of time to find real love and she has plenty of friends around her to help cheer her up. (Who knows, even Squall might've loosened up a little and become more talkative) :P
maybe she just doesnt want a relationship, she seems like a buisness woman to me, and i no many people like that and last thing they are set on is finding someone, its only when they reach 35 that they start thinking, i want kids...then were all screwed (literally lol)
I was also very disappointed in the ending. Not so much that Quistis didn't end up with anyone, but simply because her character had so little closure. Squall and Rinoa have their sweet little love story, Cid and Edea are together and happy, Selphie and Irvine, Zell gets the girl and those hotdogs he pursued for the entire game...even the Disciplinary Committee finds peace.

But for poor Quistis...nothing. Sure, she smiles at the camera, but what happens to her? She didn't get a cute little love story, nor did she ever get her job back. That always irritated me.
The game designers made such a big point out of making Quistis confess to Squall that she lost her job, but they never tell you if Garden rehired her. I would have felt better about the ending if she had some sort of END. I realize the game was centered around Squall and Rinoa, but it seemed that every other character got something, but Quistis was just left hanging. Grrrrr!!!
I've always felt bad for Quistis as well, I mean to lose both the guy you're crazy about and the job you love has to really suck :/ And on top of that, she wasn't even let down easy by Squall; he just flat-out rejected her.

She does have her friends in the end though, which I guess is something. In comparison to the happy ending all of them got though, she definately got the short end of the stick -_-
It is sad about Quistis. To be honest I thought Irvine was going to make a pass at her, but he clearly wasnt interested! She does have all those male and female fans adoring her, maybe she ended up with one of them?

Or maybe she doesnt know whom or what she wants. She thought she was in love with Squall, but it wasnt love after all.
I don't think she necissarily needs someone, although if I did pair her up with somebody I'd pair her up with... (First character in my head)
Laguna XD
Then she's be Squall's step-mother, she's gonna go through that family ain't she? XD