If it's just for FFs then,
if you like Zack and FF7 spin-off's, get the PSP, cause the other FF games coming out are 1 and tactics, with 2 eventually.
DS has 1-6 if you count the GBA games, with a new tactics game coming out, and the crystal one on the GC.
But FF3 was only released in Japan originally, so unless you're Japanese, 3 should technically be counted as a new game.
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If it's just for FFs then,
if you like Zack and FF7 spin-off's, get the PSP, cause the other FF games coming out are 1 and tactics, with 2 eventually.
DS has 1-6 if you count the GBA games, with a new tactics game coming out, and the crystal one on the GC.
But FF£ was only released in Japan originally, so unless you're Japanese, 3 should technically be counted as a new game.

very good points indeed. I think i'll get a PSP, but i'll wait a few weeks and see what's what, just to make sure, because i don't earn alot of money (just being honest) and both consoles take me 2+ weeks of money to buy them, so i need to make the right decision. But i think the PSP is right for me.
;P Maybe you could get the DS as a present?
Ask yourself this... What do you want to do, play 1 game as Zack, and live the prequal to FFVII? Or would you rather play six other completely original games, great storyline, great characters, great gameplay, and they will take you much, much longer to beat the just 1 game, so you'd get a better deal there.
Simple answer: Buy a PSP. You won't regret that. Then, if you still want to play the old FF's (which aren't really anything special) the PS1 versions and play those. You kill 2 birds with one stone, and end up with a superior console
Simple answer: Buy a PSP. You won't regret that. Then, if you still want to play the old FF's (which aren't really anything special) the PS1 versions and play those. You kill 2 birds with one stone, and end up with a superior console
Why wouldn't he regret it?
An what do you mean about the PS1 games? I'm sure you just cut out the most important part of that sentence
He won't regret it, because the PSP is better than the DS (see my previous posts for reasons)
FFI - VI were all re-released for the PS1 a while ago. Buy them, play them and buy a PSP as well. Life is good that way
I haven't seen reasons, but opinions ^^;
plus if he's deciding between PSP and a DS, telling him to buy FF1-6 on the PS1 is more of a reason to get a DS where he can play them on the DS, more often with additional content.
Get the DS. Final Fantasy III is a terrific game on its own, but once you beat that, there'll be more numerous, better games at your fingertips.
Get the DS. Final Fantasy III is a terrific game on its own, but once you beat that, there'll be more numerous, better games at your fingertips.
Examples please. The FF's before FFVI aren't great. They have mediocre gameplay and worse than awful storylines. The DS is full of little gimicky games, like that Brain Training thing, Nintendogs and Animal Crossing. The whole Nintendo franchise is like that. The only games they have worth playing are Mario and Zelda. But lately, the new Mario's are a load of repetetive crap and there still isn't a Zelda for the DS
Now take the PSP for example. There's going to be a new FF on it, which is shaping up to be the best part of the comp. so far by the looks of it. Then there's a load of other classic games from the PS franchise, like GTA, Tenchu, Ridge Racer, MoH, Call of Duty and more. The PSP games are built to last and be replayed, not played when you have a few spare minutes before you go to work in the morning or w/e
After seeing the Final Fantasy - Advent Children movie, it's made me want to get a PSP even more. (Those who have seen it will know what i mean). As stated above, i can play all the old Final Fantasy games on the PS1 (yes, i still own one, even though its a bit creeky).

Thanks for all the help, but i've definately decided for a PSP. In my experience you get what you pay for, even though the PSP is a slight bit more expensive, it's my console of choice. Then i'll buy a PS3 when that goes down.......
Yeah, and there'll be the whole PS3 link too. So you can DL the older FF's to it if you really want to. You aren't going to regret getting a PSP :)
Examples please. The FF's before FFVI aren't great. They have mediocre gameplay and worse than awful storylines. The DS is full of little gimicky games, like that Brain Training thing, Nintendogs and Animal Crossing. The whole Nintendo franchise is like that. The only games they have worth playing are Mario and Zelda. But lately, the new Mario's are a load of repetetive crap and there still isn't a Zelda for the DS
Now take the PSP for example. There's going to be a new FF on it, which is shaping up to be the best part of the comp. so far by the looks of it. Then there's a load of other classic games from the PS franchise, like GTA, Tenchu, Ridge Racer, MoH, Call of Duty and more. The PSP games are built to last and be replayed, not played when you have a few spare minutes before you go to work in the morning or w/e

Examples? Metroid Prime Hunters, Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow/Portrait of Ruin, Mario Kart DS, Super Mario 64 DS, Animal Crossing: Wild World (hardly "gimmicky"), Advance Wars DS, Age of Empires III, Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, etc...

The DS can play GBA games, as well. Definitely worth considering when deciding whether or not to purchase one.

As for the PSP, why bother with it? If it's meant for in-depth, lasting gaming experiences, then I'll ignore it in lieu of the Playstation 2. I'll get the same experience, but with higher quality games on a cheaper console with superior handling.

Besides, those "classic" Playstation franchises are all dilapidated, growing worse and worse as the industry evolves. Ridge Racer, Medal of Honor and Tenchu? They fail to impress on standard consoles--let alone handhelds. Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto do little but intrigue. Personal opinion, I know.

It boils down to what kind of games you prefer. Obviously, if Zelda and Mario don't appeal, then the Nintendo DS isn't for you. :)
Yeah, and there'll be the whole PS3 link too. So you can DL the older FF's to it if you really want to. You aren't going to regret getting a PSP :)
Good point, let me just spend another £400+ so I can play FF7 on my PSP.
Examples? Metroid Prime Hunters, Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow/Portrait of Ruin, Mario Kart DS, Super Mario 64 DS, Animal Crossing: Wild World (hardly "gimmicky"), Advance Wars DS, Age of Empires III, Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, etc...

Not really interested in those games. Advance Wars 1 was bullshit imo, i'd stay clear of that series.. The first one though, not heard about this one...

Mario Kart DS wont be any better than Mario Kart 64. I've got Mario 64 on the Nintendo 64. They're just asking £30 for a £5 game......

Pokemon Pearl is appealing because of the Wi-Fi thing i must admit

The DS can play GBA games, as well. Definitely worth considering when deciding whether or not to purchase one.

As for the PSP, why bother with it? If it's meant for in-depth, lasting gaming experiences, then I'll ignore it in lieu of the Playstation 2. I'll get the same experience, but with higher quality games on a cheaper console with superior handling.

Besides, those "classic" Playstation franchises are all dilapidated, growing worse and worse as the industry evolves. Ridge Racer, Medal of Honor and Tenchu? They fail to impress on standard consoles--let alone handhelds. Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto do little but intrigue. Personal opinion, I know.

Medal Of Honour is good... Call Of Duty is classic. And GTA is one of the biggest game franchises there is.

It boils down to what kind of games you prefer. Obviously, if Zelda and Mario don't appeal, then the Nintendo DS isn't for you. :)

Don't like Zelda, but i like Mario.

But there will be games i hate on the PSP, but overall, realistically, there's more that appeal to me. It's just personal preference, no one needs to fight over it lol
Id say DS, III was a great remake, and theres so many other better franchises on it like Castlevania, the new games like Phoenix Wright that are in the just WTF category, I guess I prefer it cuz it has more of the classic feel to it while PSP is trying to do its own new thing and there isnt enough games (After 2 years yea IVe given it enough time) to get me to grab it....Crisis Core and Castlevania Rondo of Blood revamp are the only two things that can save it

Oh and DS tends to last longer, I know the touch screen would seem to contradict that but everyone I know who has had a PSP as long as Ive had my DS (and Ive looked it up online too and most have agreed) The PSPs screen's pixels tend to die out, and the square button has a ridiculously shortlife span because they made it too close to the edge in a very bad position as far as durability
I don't feel like reading this whole thread, but I guess this is the right place to ask...
I've seen FF advance remakes for FF1, FF2, FF4, FF5, FF6, and tactics. (Are those the ones?)
And I know Crisis core is coming out which is a no brainer...

But other than that...
Which of the advance games are worth it?
I don't feel like reading this whole thread, but I guess this is the right place to ask...
I've seen FF advance remakes for FF1, FF2, FF4, FF5, FF6, and tactics. (Are those the ones?)
And I know Crisis core is coming out which is a no brainer...

But other than that...
Which of the advance games are worth it?
The new FFtactics game, FF3, Children of mana (maybe good, not sure), new pokemon (if that's your thing), among others.
I would probably say DS. Mainly because they have ported FFI, II, IV, V and VI to the GBA and remade FFIII for the DS. I'm not very much interested in sequels therefore not too bothered about Crisis Core. Especially as it is the FF series as I feel that they are ruining the game that was once great.