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*is like uber shocked by above poster, but just laughs off the surprise*

If many other people like it, then it obviously is not a complete failure is it now? :P
I'll be making multiple playthroughs. Right now, I haven't played in a while, I've been doing other stuff - revising for exams mainly. Still loving the game as ever of course.

I was shocked too, but I have got really bored of it.

I really think it sucks:|
One complete playthrough. I try to get everything on my first and sometimes only run through a game so I give it my all. I'm like that with almost every FF game I've ever played.

Sometimes I'll take a long 3 month break if I can't beat a certain boss (FFV), but I eventually go back to it because it's FF flava baby!
There's a clear contradiction in this evidence.
Anyone who can bear playing an MMO can deal with just about any level of grinding/boredom, it's a scientific fact.

LMAO! Thats awesome!

Haha, aw when FFXII came I just finished leveling my mage. I don't think I want to sit around and level for a long time.
Know new battle system is fun, but it still get utterly teidious after a while. Well to me atlease.
like ive said before in FFXII threads, i don't think the game sucked. it was just...lacking. character development, fun leveling system, and story length and quality. it was good enough to play through once and finish the mark hunting, but i don't think its engrossing enough to give another go.
But but - the places to go to, they're so beautiful *_________________*
But unfortunately not everyone seems to care about the fact that the first area in XII was far more grand and vast than the Calm Lands in X, 'cos the story of the Westersand wasn't fleshed out enough! It lacked development!

The sense of adventure and just admiring some of the areas in XII was a great enjoyment for me, but apperently a lot of people don't consider it the same way.

I still say that XII has some of the most beautifly designed areas in a game, ever.
I still say that XII has some of the most beautifly designed areas in a game, ever.

I second that. I really did like the area designs, particularly the Feywood and the Nabreus Deadlands. The sandsea looked really cool too, especially in that cutscene.
Quitters are

How could you just give up in the middle of the game. Seriously. There is so much to do in the game its almost impossible to quit. I already have 108:06 hours on my game, and I even started another file. It really is a good game, and I think the one reason most people give up is because of the battle system. I see nothing wrong with it, only because I've played FFXI :P
The sense of adventure and just admiring some of the areas in XII was a great enjoyment for me, but apperently a lot of people don't consider it the same way.

I still say that XII has some of the most beautifly designed areas in a game, ever.

Damn straight it does, i wont deny that XII has gorgeous locations. I've only made it to Mt. Bur Omisace/Stillshrine of Miriam, and i must say, Bur Omisace is one of the most gorgeous locations i've seen in a game. Just looking off into the distance at the clouds and land sprawling out in front of you, it's quite a sight ^_^

But for me, it doesnt feel adventurous, it feels like aimless wandering. I just cant very much get into the traveling bit when the characters are so lackluster and unmotivated *coughVaancough* and the story is so boring. I dont know, people say the story is actually good...well, even if that's true, it moves so slow that i just lose any motivation.

Quitters are

How could you just give up in the middle of the game. Seriously. There is so much to do in the game its almost impossible to quit. I already have 108:06 hours on my game, and I even started another file. It really is a good game, and I think the one reason most people give up is because of the battle system. I see nothing wrong with it, only because I've played FFXI :P

Haha, guess i'm a
then. I'm fine with the battle system, it doesnt bother me. I just get so bored with the game. I actually tried to play it again yesterday, i tried to get through the Stillshrine of Miriam. I only managed to last an hour, i got lost, teleportation devices werent working like they should have, and i got tired of beating up on statues.
I'm really trying to get through this game but it really feels like a chore to play and I have really no desire to continue it.

I feel like I've already seen this story several times before and at times the game feels like a really bad prequel or sequel to VI. Add to the fact that I really don't care about any of the characters...

FMVs are way too long that I often wonder why they didn't just make XII a movie. I got up during one, went to do something else, came back and it was still going on.

Sure it's pretty to look at, but you need more than pretty graphics to make a good game.

Right now I'm in some place and supposed to do a hunt. And really I don't even feel like going back to get through that part. Actually I put in X2 after playing XII and found that game to be more enjoyable... and I hate X2.
Right now I'm in some place and supposed to do a hunt. And really I don't even feel like going back to get through that part. Actually I put in X2 after playing XII and found that game to be more enjoyable... and I hate X2.

There's not much incentive to even do hunts. Sure, you get good items, but no EXP. And i want friggin EXP, not items! Everything in the game gives pathetic amounts of EXP, and with the hunts, which are pretty challenging, you'd think you'd get alot of EXP...but nope.

And poor XII...ouch...just...ouch xD
Uhh... Ronin, I think you're playing the game wrong, somehow :P I'm in the Stillshrine of Miriam, all characters level 27, and I've only got 20-30 hours on the clock :P Nearly half of what you have :\ All I have to do now is pwn Mateus.

I think the battle system is brilliant. No more random battles! Yay!
The plot could be something more, but I think it's fine. The whole need of identification/power to fight of an oppressive empire through the use of Nethicite is good, especially how Larsa intertwines with the good and the bad. The characters interact ... just not very much ...

I don't think the characters are that bad. I'll list who is important to the plot:

Ashe - obviously, because she needs to prove she didn't commit suicide to take control of Dalmasca and repel the Empire's hold on her country

Basch - A soldier made to look like a traitor because of his twin brother on the empire's side, as the leading general

Fran - knows about the Mist and can sense the Mist, because she is ah Viera. She knows about it's power and stuff for the nethicite, the weapon being sought by the empire

Vaan - had a brother who died because of Basch's brother. Reks was caught up in the whole traitor-plot thing.

Balthier - ... I actually can't think of what he has to do with the plot ...

Penelo - same as Balthier

The characters aren't THAT bad. Sure, they could have been better.

I'm not going to quit. I just need to find time to play it. I'm stuck between playing FFXII and FFIII, as I've started both. I haven't done any of the Hunts, because I want to get along with the plot =P
Uhh... Ronin, I think you're playing the game wrong, somehow :P I'm in the Stillshrine of Miriam, all characters level 27, and I've only got 20-30 hours on the clock :P Nearly half of what you have :\ All I have to do now is pwn Mateus.

Well in that case....i just plain suck -__-

It still bores me though. And the Stillshrine of Miriam is cruel.

FFXII's exploring rating far surpasses that of previous games, just going over the same terrain 24/7. Thank god I never had to go over the same looking bit of area for like 1hr or so.
I haven't necessarily quit, but I'm definately taking my sweet time beating it.

Same here....i try to do a couple hunts and some leveling each day now....but i can only keep it up for so many hours before i just get sick of it. I actually managed to get a 105 chain with those wolves in Phon Coast today, then did two hunts....i had to take a break in between though.

And just on a side note: those 5 Mandragoras were friggin tough, but they were just so cute ^_^
hehe I got it on the first day it came out, but just haven't gotten to finishing it. Life just got in the way, and as soon as I did get time, I just haven't gotten back into it.