Random Facts About Yourself


[x Dirty Devil x]
Jul 15, 2006
Riku's Room =O That would be Scotland, not the dar
Post them here =].

1. I find the Prologue to KHII [the 7 days] quite boring.
2. My music taste changes constantly, I love everything.
3. I have a fetish for the ocean, I can't get away from it.
4. I will forever carry a feeling of guilt that eats me up from inside.
5. I enjoy getting my ass kicked by mountain sized beasts.
6. My brother Mark acts like a physcopath, it scares me.
7. My Dad left when I was 4, I only see him once a year.
8. I procrastinate all the time with homework.
9. My best online friend is Chad, he rocks.

10. Claire and Laura are the most awesome best friends I could have ever wished for.
11. My Backstreet Boys phase will never truly leave me *Blush*.
12. Nick Carter is a sexy god ~ damn crush.
13. I daydream constantly.

14. I'm taller than my Mum by 6 inches.
15. I get by on an average of 4/5/6 hours a night.
16. I rarely play my PSP, which was expensive.
17. I snack all the time, crisps are the best thing ever.
18. I hate silences, I get so uncomfortable.
19. I used to be good at Maths, now I'm just shit.
20. I get nightmares if I sleep on my left side.
21. I'm a n00b at fighting games. Button bashing gets me by.
22. Midfield, center or any other main position is what I enjoy playing most in sport.
23. I'm a GCSE Physical Education student and I'm the least fittest person there is xD.
24. Everyone thinks my personality is great, but I'm just me.
25. Hanging out with Claire and Laura is always enjoyable.
26. I'm extremely complicated.
27. I can't sleep well without my two fave teddies, Chum and Anchor.
28. I can't count very well.
29. I'm incredibly random and crazy.
30. I have a strange diet. I could live off air for 3 days, and then eat loads.

31. I love my deodrant, called 'Tease'.
32. I get randy and perverted often.
33. My biggest fear is losing certain people in my life.

34. Military films bore me.
35. I've only ever played 2 Final Fantasy games.
36. I hate clothes shopping.
37. I want to be a Marine Biologist when I'm older.
38. I love my Mum, I wish I could show her how much.
39. I have so much respect for Chad, Mary, Claire, Laura, Stephan and any others who are involved with me. I love you all.
40. I want a cookie right now.
1. I love Watermelon
2. I love 1337 t41k
3. I dont type alot so expect this short
4. I hate microsoft
5. i love shiny things
6. im addicted to the word wine
7. I open the fridge every 10 mins
8. i get excited whenever i turn on my computer or console
1.i like Squall
2.i hate 1 of the members here and i wont say his name
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1.i hate Squall too
2.i hate Aerith
3.i like chocolate very much,this doesn't mean that i'm fat
4.the 1st time i saw Vincent in the movie,i thought that he was a girl
5.last year i broke my hand,the right one
6.i prefer blonde guys,but it's ok what colour his hair is
7.i didn't know ff7,until i saw the movie
1. I have one leg shorter than the other.
2. I am attempting to bring archaisms back into popularity.
3. I like Squall.
4. I am sworn against using emoticons.
5. I hate tea.
6. I am hated by my sister for 'poshness'.
7. I am hypochondriac.
8. My dog is hydrophobic.
9. I am a fanatic for Chinese classics.
10. I 'suffer' from Aspergers Syndrome.
11. I enjoy conducting simple domestic tasks.
12. I have glaucous eyes.
13. I like cold.
14. Consequently, I wear as little as I can in most contexts.
15. I have read the Daode Jing.
16. I find it nonsensical.
17. My room is yellow-walled.
18. I am slow to type.
19. I never get bored.
20. I am an Objectivist-Reasonist.
1. I hate Sora from Kingdom Hearts but love Demyx.
2. I can dislocate both of my arms.
3. I tend to like all the odd couples in games ect.
4. I hate being accused of things I didn't do and get really pissed off about it.
5. I still have the teddy given to me on my birthday (actual birthday) and can't sleep without him.
6. I don't use text language unless I'm taking the piss.
7. I am a luicid dreamer.
8. I have loved dragons and mythical creatures since before I can remember.
9. I hate some people that I really shouldn't hate.
10. I suffer from many of the seven sins.
1) I hate Donald and Goofy
2) I hate the Atlantica world on KH2
3) I love swords and guns...well swords with some kind of gun attached to it.
4) I'm totally and most of the time anti-social in real life.
5) I love dragons and mythical things.
6) I can be a litle cold sometimes.
7) People hate when I say "whatever" to every question.
8) I love RP.
9) I am an extreme fan of Soul Calibur III.
10)I act like Sephiroth sometimes.
11)I find it hard to express my feelings to others.
12)I enjoy using the Rocket Launcher on most War Games.
13)I love my family, but I find it hard to express how much I love them.
14)I am a loner.
15)I love basketball
16)I can get romantic with girls everytime I meet one.
17)I love chocolate (I am not fat)
18)I think that Cloud's Love story can be annoying sometimes.
19) I am often known by people that doesn't know me as a cold heart guy.
20)My friends say that I'm a true friend.
21)I have a lot of imagination.
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time to continue
9. Im addicted to the internet
10. Im a complete dumb ass
12. im 13 years old, some ppl still think im 21
13. I go to school
14. I like anime
15. I have a dream to own a farm and grow watermelons
16. I dunno whats Madden
17. Im always late
18. I hate reading newspapers but dont mind reading them online
19. I get excited when the door bell rings
20. im deathly afraid of alarm clocks during the day
21. i have an afro
22. i lift weights
23. i hate Microsoft
24. im really strict with what programs i use
25. im allergic to Microsoft
26. i love my mac
i have to say other things about me as well:
8.i started playing ps at the age of 8
9.my first game was tekken 3
10.i used to like school until 4 grade
11.i hate the colour of green
12.when i was young,around 3-4 years old,someone throw a stone to my head
13.even if it's fake,i like WWE
14.i'm very impatient
15.i like watching horror films at midnight with all the lights off

i have to say many random things about my self,just don't know what else to say right now.


1. I thought FF and KH were bullshit around 3 years ago
2. TidusBlade is my bro
3. Im not as old as you think i am XD
4. when i was a kid, i thought that all adults were boring
5. I luv pie so much !!
6. i thought girls were disgusting when i was like 4-7
7. im very anti-social and im trying to fix it
8. i never kissed a girl XD
9. i hardly go out of the house
10. im almost always on the computer

so basiclly, my life is shit>_<
ill get more

41. I think this is a fun way to get to know someone.
42. I took my RS exam today and I think I did pretty well o_O.
43. On the subject of religion, I'm agnostic.
44. I want to do so much career wise, it's just a case of choosing the best path I can take.
45. I get extremely high on coke, it's quite scary sometimes.
46. I'm a nerd in school, I'm expected to get A's and B's in all my subjects.
47. I'm a really bad typer, particularly on MSN. I'm forever correcting.
48. I used to love MySpace, now I just keep forgetting to sign in.
49. It's horrible getting out my duvet in the morning, even though school starts at 8:40am, which is later than most others I've heard of.
50. I'm fascinated by stars, there's something mystical about them.
51. I hate it when people patronize me, I've seen a lot more than people realize.
52. Many people comment on my eyes - they say they have the appearence of eyes that have seen too much.
53. I agree with number 52, they do express that.
54. I get bored easily, and constantly adapt to change.
55. I'm a horrendous fidget, don't ever let me lean against you whilst watching a movie or something xD.
27. i like using emoticons at the end of each sentence :cool:
28. technology amazes me:wacko:
29. i get jealous when i find out a computer can do calculations faster than me :mad:
30. I'll never wanna be a mod or admin :D
31. im aiming for at least 100 facts about me:P
32. i never check my emails unless it's important or someone told me to check :huh:
33. I really really really love watermelon ^_^^_^^_^
time to continue...

11. I still love pie !! (especially blueberry)
12. i always feel.. so left out of everything
13. don't take me as a nerd but i get legendary marks at school
14. i like animals
15. i'v seen my rabbits doing each other once
16. im thinking of getting gerbils or guinea pigs
17. i like MMORPG's
18. this is the first forum i join
19. i dont play much FF myself
20. People say that im nice but i dont really see that in me
21. Im pretty trustworthy
22. i like to help out
you didn't expect this huh ? i like using spoiler tags
24. i think sea green is soooo
25. i like writing random facts about myself
26. i sometimes swear but i just dont mean it
27. my fave teacher is my history teacher
28. i live in a villa
29. i think smilies are a good way to show how u feel
30. i dont tell or snitch on people

ill be back with more facts

34. Im obsessed with flashing lights
35. i stare at the traffic lights and wait for them to change
36. I squeak like a little girl
37. i squeak when im scared
38. i find the stock market wierd
39. i thought dogs were used to dig up foundations for buildings
40. i thought game boy was a boys only console
41. im really lazy
42. im almost never serious
43. im addicted to pepsi
44. 3 is my favourite and lucky number
45. google pwnz microsoft
46. i love abstract backgrounds
47. i love awesome sigs
48. i stare at awesome sigs
49. saving private ryan pwnz
50. photoshop r0x
21. DragonZ3ro thinks my eyes are ugly.
22. I am beginning to conduct a sociological study on the link between a young adult's religiosity and their perception of what constitutes deviance.
23. I have a three-inch tongue.
24. I detest general intolerance and short temper.
25. I am keeping my original username secret.
26. It is my ambition to live in my current conditions forever.
26. There is nowhere that I go without my backpack.
27. I have committed to memory 75% of the world's capital cities, but cannot name 50% of the counties in my own country.
28. I am reading The Art of Coarse Acting aloud for my exam in speech and drama.
29. I hate milk.
30. I am apiphobic and was consequently chased out of a sociology lesson a few weeks ago.
The list continues...

22) Sometimes I do things because I must (like doing my homework for example)
23) I started playing games since I was little.
24)The First FF I played was FFVIII.
25) Most of the time I am alone.
26) I hate the Atlantica World of KH2.
27) I hate when people wants to know what I am thinking.
28) I hate people messing with my affairs.
29) I am a writer.
30) I am 16 even if I am more mature than guys of my age.
31) I hate when people takes pictures of me (Even if they say that I am cute)
32) I hate when someone tells me that my eyes are cute.
33) I can be a true friend once you know me.
34) I will probably never be a modarator or something like that at any FF sites.
35) I am a member of almost every FF Sites.
36) I love RPG.
37) I always do the same thing when I am bored. I just stare at the ground.
38) I am good with analizing theories.
39) Almost every friend that I have calls me by my nickname, which is "Leonhart".
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56. It's hard to think of random facts about yourself.
57. I'm like a little kid at Christmas, I get so excited.
58. I am extremely stubborn, it's hard to change that.
59. With my stubborness I wind people up a lot I think xD.
60. A lot of people say I'm amazing at comebacks. Normally I just shout out the first random thing that comes to me.
61. I have a messed up spine, it sticks out so much but I'm definately not anorexic.
62. I love hockey, lets play :P.
63. I can't wait til I go to college and meet new people.
64. I laugh a hell of a lot, but know when to be serious.
65. The Great Barrier Reef is something I'd love to Scuba Dive down to and see.
66. Another 6 and then I'd be a devil mwuahaha.
67. My throat really hurts right now -_-.
68. I love music, it's my excuse for everything.
69. -er. *Winks*
70. Ignore the above xD.
71. I think I'm running out soon xD.
72. I'm really fast when it comes to sprinting, but don't ever get me doing long distance.
73. I get really snappy when I'm wound up - like a crocodile xD.
74. I keep saying 'Your Mum' it's the best phase ever [perhaps old now].
75. I'm a grammar hoe - all capital letters, full-stops and correct spelling.
76. I love writing stories.
77. I ruined the chance of going into Graphics Designing :/.
78. I'm too impatient, I need to control it.
79. Copying really ticks me off >:( Grr.
80. I have the best Grandad in the world, he jokingly called me a wa*ker the other day xD.