Random Facts About Yourself

81. My Mum spends way too much money sometimes, it worries me.
82. I love cracking my bones x].
83. I hate fights on MSN, I get so tempted to just block or sign out.
84. I don't think I've ever played an online game.
85. Don't ever mention World of Warcraft, ugh. -_-
86. I love hyper smilies, I've seen some great ones.
87. I takes ages posting, and have no idea why o_O.
88. Surfers = oh my god *Drools*
89. I have really bad circulation, my hands turn blue a lot >.<.
90. I haven't posted in the spam area yet, but I love spam games x.X.
Yeah me again...
41) I would love to know what it fells to be a mod or something like that.
42) I whish to create the perfect RPG. (I know that is imposssible but...)
43) I got a hair cut...
44) I am always online and sometimes I just pass here as a guest and I don't sign in.
45) I post at 5 different FF forums, all of them at the same time.
46) I love the RPG Inferno.
47) I will create one day my own RPG with all the things I ever wanted to see in other RPG.
48) I am at level 99 at KH 2.
49) I defeated Sephiroth at Level 45 in KH 1 and KH2.
50) The only reason I keep playing KH 2 is because of the new Gummy Ship System.
51) I came here because Darkblade asked me to come. Thanks DarkBlade!
52) I think that Riku(KH2) is cooler than most KH characters.
53) I wanted to use Riku's Keyblade, Way to Dawn in KH2...but is only for Riku....*sighs*
54) I have a copy of Squall's necklace and I wear it every day.
55) I post here because I love this forums:)
56) I am at Level 98 at KH 1.
57) I think that the Ice Titan at KH 1 is annoying.-_-
58) I don't know why I post so much at FFF. Guess I can't live without posting at leats once^_^
59) I think that Riku's Sig is cool:cool:
60) I think that Darkblade's Sig is also cool:cool:
61) I am a fan of the Castlevania games. The ones that I have played are:
:)a)Castlevania "Dracula's Curse"
^_^b)Castlevania "Simon's Quest"
:Dc)Castlevania "Symphony of the Night" (This one is one of my favorites)
:cool:d)Castlevania "Lament of Innocence"
:huh2:e)I can't remember any more names....
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he i go...

31. My birthday is on January 28th
32. I like riku more than sora
33. I really like online games
34. im a person
35. Im also a guy just to be exact
36. I think --> :giggle: looks funny:P
37. Im thinking of changing my user name to something else
38. TidusBlade loves FF so much that when the box falls back he picks it up and starts kissing it
39. My bro should be a lawyer
40. I just got to 40 facts
41. i hate reading and writing
42. When i get insulted, most of the time i dont get affected

ill be back with more facts
91. I used to be obsessed with post count, on another forum I reached almost 6000. Now, I don't give a crap how many posts I or anyone else has.
92. My tootsies [toes] are really numb right now.
93. I don't actually mind cameras, as long as someone else is in the picture with me.
94. I'm a bit vain xD.
95. I love converse trainers =3.
96. I go to see Lostprophets on the 9th of DEcember in London =D.
97. I want Josh's game room x.X.
98. I know all the words to Pokemon songs, because I rawk.
99. Graphics are brilliant to get into, I love making new things.
100. This number already? o_O Girl boxers get me hot.
and continuing...

43. It takes me lots of time to think of random facts
44. Emoticons are fun:lol::)-_-^_^:cool::rolleyes::D:mad:;):P:huh:>_<:wacko::cry2::mellow:
45. i like black, red and blue
46. i always wanted a limit for myself XD
47. i dont really have a gaming room i just like my comp
48. i hate my dad:mad:
49. My mom is nice and kind
50. Im half way through to 100 facts
51. i forget alot
52. i almost got expelled once in my old school
53. i used to love the number 45 for some unknown reason:P
54. i am not a loner
55. im drinking orange juice now
56. i always wanted to see japan
57. i always wanted to go fishing
58. i dont have any talents that i know of
59. i always wanted to see a big farm
60. tractors are cool ...

ill be back with more facts and stuff

16.My real age is 18,ignore that i wrote that i was 12.
17.I don't like cheese.
18.Last year i broke my hand at school,in the gym
19.I don't like reading my homework for school.
20.I decided to finish all twelve years at school,that's why i'm still going at school,in fact is highschool.
21.My best friend,had his birthday one day before mine.
22.I love ROCK/Alternative.
23.Before i play any FF game,i hated the FF games,i don't know why.
24.When i was young,around 5 years old,i was in love with my other best friend.
25.I was in love with him for more than five years,that means until i was 10 years old.
26.Once i gave a punch to one of my sisters to the stomach.
27.I don't tell for my personal to anyone.
28.I hate those who hate me.
29.My favourite weapons are:katanas,swords,guns and martial arts(i know that it isn't a weapon)
30.WWE is my favourite fake wrestling TV show.
1. I'm a band geek.
2. I play bassoon.
3. My school doesn't have a marching band.
4. My school is literally _right next_ to Gatorland.
5. I can type 93 WPM on average.
6. I don't read mangas or watch anime but my friend has gotten me addicted to Love Hina and DNAngel.
7. I like classical music.
8. I speak Spanish. (fluently)
9. I speak Italian. (not fluently)
10. I can write in portuguese (still having trouble understanding spoken.)
11. I watched an opera today (Samson et Delila)
12. I love my Nintendo DS.
13. My favorite video game is Chrono Trigger.
14. My favorite song is Tus Ojos by Belanova.
15. My favorite genre is Latin American Electropop.
16. I want to start a video game company in south america.
17. I want to write music for video games.
18. I have to Scottish Terriers. One is black, and the other is white.
19. I'm taking a course in Latin.
20. I'm graduating high school in May 2007.
21. People always mispell my last name (it's Davison, not Davidson)
22. I'm gonna be famous one day.
XXIII. I think Roman numerals are so cool.
XXIV. My watch has Roman numerals instead of arabic numerals.
25. The Wii comes out on sunday.
26. I own a mac.
27. I'm fricken tired and should be asleep right now because I need to wake up early tomorrow and do my algebra ii work
28. My favorite color is orange
29. I want to major in Linguistics.
30. My favorite number is 19.
31. I use the dvorak keyboard instead of the qwerty keyboard.
32. My favorite color combination is orange and blue
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continues here...

31.most of the times i'm bored to death
32.i don't know if i can believe him...
33.i like vanilla ice-cream
34.i hate my old classmates,i never felt like a family with them even if we were in the same class for six years
35.i played KH1 for the first time this summer
36.i think i'm very stupid
37.i live with my mom and my two sisters
38.my father is dead for me,although he's very alive
39.i've never kissed a boy,i don't know how it is
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61. im running out of facts
62. i think my little sister is very greedy, annoying and stubborn
63. I sit at my comp most of the time when im at home
64. I forget alot
65. sometimes, i feel like a goldfish
66. I think im getting taller
67. i always wonder who created the internet
68. im 11 (almost 12) and im in 7th grade and i get amazing marks most of the time
69. I hate my dad
70. i cant wait till i get my Wii
71. I enjoy science in my school (Experiments not notes and questions)
72. For me arabic is like the time i sleep
73. im sick most of the time
74. i got a rash 2 times
75. I got my tonsils removed when i was like 7 - 9 years old
76. I love big numbers
77. i used to swear in almost every sentence i say when i was 8 - 10 years old
78. Im kinda chubby
79. my face almost got hurt or crushed badly before
80. i like it when i advance in the amount of facts i write
101. I'm going through a Graphics phase right now. I have a lot of requests which I'm happy about.
102. I think I just met my twin, The Welsh Paddy. You rock dude.
103. My watch is extremely annoying for others. When I write, it bangs on the table, hehe.
104. I'm dying to go to college, I'm so excited.
105. I can hear the football right now.
106. I only watch football if it's the world cup or if England are playing.
107. A bit of an obsession with Peter Crouch xD - At least, I did in the summer.
108. I can surf. I learnt when I was 7ish.
109. Sora's tush in lion form = adorable. The way it wiggles is so cute x].
110. The majority of the day has been spent in my duvet - ill =[.
1. I'm pretty sure this thread is made somewhere else, although it's only 10 facts
2. I am white
3. I make animations
81. pink is now my favorite colour
82. i started to learn making graphics
83. i made my own sig and avvy this time
84. i use wikipedia to help me on my homework sometimes
85. Kaboose is my nickname
86. i like playing flash games
87. i use one password for everything
88. i am a muslim
89. my favorite forum is Costa Del Sol
90. yesterday i watched a horror movie
101. Struggling to breathe.
102. I have scars on my wrist where I used to cut myself.
103. I hope people don't judge me by 102, my reasons can be justified.
104.. Constantly questioning things, I rarely take things first time.
105. Really exhausted right now x.X.
106. Starving.
107. I rarely watch TV these days, I don't like it o_O.
108. Mussed up person. Cha, mussed :P.
109. Mayionase on chips is beyond smex.
110. Need a dictionary for the word 'mayionase'.
111. Want to send the song I'm addicted to, to someone.
112. Pleased with my report
113. Still need to post that up.
114. I love how emo's dress.
115. Despite the fact I'm 'surfy.'
1. Im in a reservoir dogs phase.
2. I hate my socieolgy teacher.
3. Im currently doin coursework.
4. Have recently passed several tests (yay me).
1. Is scared of emos
2. feels that Sephire is an emo
3. Thinks cutting yourself is almost as stupid as suicide
4. thinks sephire is wierd for cutting herself and saying DB should stop smoking
5. Is bored.
5: I think people shouldnt judge eachother.
6: Im doin my college application forum.
7: Reservoir dogs is one of my favorite films ever.
1. I hate narrow minded people
2. I like shouting at narrow minded people
3. I once spent a summer being nocturnal
4. I got electrocuted fixing my PS2 while watching Jackass the movie
5. I get easily annoyed at AOL
6. I have a parrot called Lecter
7. Lecter once took half my finger end off
8. Im accident prone
9. I hate tinned soup
10. I wear glasses
11. I once got flung accross my bedroom by a mattress into a chest of draws
12. I studied kickboxing
13. I hate Britains Booze culture
14. I'm going to kenya in febuary
15. Got thrown out of a food technology lesson for moral reasons