Random Facts About Yourself

1.I absolutely love almost any person I come across, but only truly trust at most five people at a time.
2.I care for my dogs more than most humans.
3.I miss a guy I used to know about four years ago very much.
4.I can not talk for weeks at a time if I'm depressed, but I can't shut up if I'm happy.
5.I'm a horribly ditzy klutz, especially in school, and especially especially around crushes. :P
6.My parents are divorced.
7.I'm trying to lose weight.
8.My childhood heroes were Batman and Sailor Moon. Shut up, no comments. :lol:
9.I currently have a crush, but he's taken.
10. ^ I wish the girl who took my crush to find happiness with him.
11.The top four people I ever adored most was my dad's dad, my mother, that guy I miss from four years ago, and my best friend.
12.I have books smarts, but absolutely no common sense. :P
13.I HAVE thought about suicide, but have done nothing.
14.Best comfort food are buttered rolls and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.
15.I am a Christian.
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Here we go again...

63.I changed my username again
64.I changed sig and avatar again
65.Did I mention that I'm crazy about Sasuke,I wish he existed
66.I can become very annoying when I want too
67.Also I get angry easily
Some more
16. i have two windows in my room
17 i have two wind ows in my room but no curtains
18. i hate the my space me me me culture you should read about it in my blog
19 i thought that that was funny
20 i listen to too much rock music
21 my dad steals my CDs
22 for the past week ive used a bull worker/ Powerbar
23 I think bull worker sounds better than power bar
24 i hate blood tests and injections
25 dont know my blood type
26 dont really care what my blood typeis
27 I really hate wednesdays
28 I hate daytime tv , home improvement programmes and reality tv
29 I went to an Christian school
30 im an atheist

1. My hair is...longer than the average length
2. I don't know what the average length is
3. I'm a moderator elsewhere
4. I'm a bastard
5. I'm sarcastic
6. I despise Marmite
7. I've only just got FFVIII
8. The last "random fact" about myself almost sickens me
9. I favour Final Fantasy 9 above the others
10. I'm a typical British guy, with a typical British accent.
11. It's a sexay accent
12. I'm currently nibbling on Doritos
13. I can't think of anything else right now (in the context of this fact...thing)
I'm formerly mod at FFK, now Admin.
I like to put cheese in my tomato soup.
I like funny people.
Some ass at McDonalds sneezed in my cheeseburger.
I think that Albel is the coolest swordsman ever.
1) I'm really shy around people I don't know
2) I'm 18 nearly 19
3) I'm crap at spelling and use spell-check whenever I can
4) I don't drink alcohol
5) I don't smoke (both my parents do)
6) I have asthma
7) I don't understand most of the internet slag
8) Sometimes I really hate my brother and what to hurt him...
9) Although I would always look out for him no matter how much I hate him at the time
10) I love reading fan fiction and would prefer to read that than a book
11) I am also a Star Wars geek and a big L/M 'shipper...:blush:
12) Although I've never read a Star Wars book (I just find out what happens in them on the internet)
13) I find it hard to finish something if I'm not interested in it
14) I love my mum's parents loads and use to spend every weekend with them
15) I got my Black Belt in Karate when I was 12 then quit
16) This was the first forum that I was active in
17) I was never popular or know at school (even the bullies ignored me)
18) I hate been the center of attention
19) My dad's an alcoholic and at the moment I cant stand to be in the same room as him :mad:
20) I love my mum loads and wish I could buy her everything she wants ^_^
1.Im an admin elswhere
2.I m shy around strangers
3.I'm not an emo
4.But like emo music
5.I'm pesemistic
6. I'm half irish
7.I love Fencing
8.I like my cat more than my sister
9. My parents are divorced
10.I go to a private college/skwl
11. First game i ever played was FF6
More comin later.......
1. I'm a huge fan of Dir En Grey.
2. I make shy look ridiculous.
3. I'm everyones best friend until they grow to hate me.
4. I've dislocated my shoulder blade 5 times, as well as chipped it.
5. I'm 6'2 and weigh around 150ish pounds.
6. I'm a full British guy. If you lived here you'd call me a Brummy.
7. I'm currently detoxing from drug abuse, which I was into for years. I've been off them for over a month now. And it's hard.
8. I spent two years living in Glasgow without any family.
9. The Mega Drive and Sonic The Hedgehog are what made me the gamer I am today. Up Down Left Right A and Start together baby!
10. I used to compete in martial arts tournaments. I was learning Tae Kwon Do and was kicked out due to a real fight that occured between me and a guy from Russia who bit me during a semi final bout.
I'm bored so I'll do some more ^_^

21) I hate Xbox and I don't know why I just do :confused:
22) I love Sharks there just cool :cool:
23) I have to have all my C.D's in the right case right way up :wacko:
24) I have all my game, C.D and DVD cases in order of what I like :blush:
25) I love Pizza especially mushroom :D
26) I text/e-mail people unless they text/e-mail me :shame:
27) FFVII was the first FF I played :P
29) I listen to any type of music ;)
30) I am terrified of snakes and frogs :blink:

I'll do more later :wink1:
1. I agree with the KH II 7 days. VERY boring.
2. Tastes in FF guys change with each game i play.
I'm allergic to orange juice.
It makes me pass out and throw up each and every time I drink it.

I'm also allergic to red dye.
I can't eat shock tarts or drink cherry frappies without my toungue swelling up. lol.
16.I’m obsessed with my hair being oily or tangly. I always wash and brush it. XD
17.I love BLT sandwiches.
18.Dogs are my favorite animals.
19.I recently had my special 16th birthday.
20.My favorite smilie is one I thought of, haven’t seen. Y.Y Sad and crying, if you can’t figure it out.
21.My favorite food group is fruit.
22.I have a bad habit of eating grain/bread stuff after 9. (Collects more fat the later you eat.)
23.My favorite book is Dr. Franklin’s Island.
24.I collect Poke’mon inside the games and Poke’mon cards outside the games.
25.I read daily.
26.I read at least 12 books a year. A lot more than any of my classmates read.
27.I like to climb trees.
28.My favorite game system is PlayStation2.
29.My hands get dry a lot, so I use a lot of lotion.
30.I love fruity/sweet smelling lotions.
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I hate wearing skirts.
I love wearing pants,lol.
I have around 60 addies in my MSN list.(in my old e-mail address)
the last two toes(being the babie toe and the on to the right of it) on my left foot are twisted to the left so the nails look like there on the sides of them

wierd eh!
1) I'm a girl
2) I'm bi xD
3) I love shopping and wearing cute close
4) Despite the fact that I'm spoiled I'm really a good person ^_^
5) Friends are probably my most prized possession
1. I'm in college
2. My favorite color is green
3. The SNES is my favorite game system
4. I love bunnies
5. I love anime and manga
6. Favorite FF character is obviously Rydia from IV
7. Favorite video game ever is Chrono Trigger
8. I have two sisters and three brothers. We're like, the brady bunch!
9. I really wish I could draw, but the best I can do is stick people.
10. I was in Color Guard in High School
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I'm an old school gamer...nostalgia for the win!
I have more girl friends than guy friends
I get this obsession over Oreos as soon as Shin CZ starts about them
My first surgery was when I was 3 months old
I only have half of my brain (no seriously)
I'm 16 and in college.
I love to draw.
I'm allergic to new wet slippers. It makes my feet itchy. Then I'll start to scratch it, and then *poof* I have a wound.:mad:
1. I'm classified as "emo," and yet I do not dress the part.
2. I actually like FFVIII. I think it's a great game.
3. I think Vaan is totally metrosexual.
4. I have a mild case of Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome.
5. I cannot go even one day without chocolate.
6. I am a Basch fangirl. <3333
7. I've never been kissed. Nor have I ever had a stable relationship.
8. My favorite show is Spongebob Squarepants, I watch it whenever it's on t.v.
9. My parents are older than all of my friend's parents (my mom's 51, and my dad's 60).
10. I talk to myself when I'm alone.
11. I like asparagus and spinach... with the right amount of margarine, of course.
12. My older sister and I have a ultra-bipolar love/hate relationship.
13. I'm the only girl I know (in my school) that likes videogames enough to remember the storylines of most that I've played.
14. My showers are always scalding hot. I can't stand lukewarm.
15. I am the only student in my grade that knows how to spell and use grammar correctly.​