Random Facts About Yourself

116. I can't count, it's official xD.
117. I'm not too bothered about actually being behind on fact numbers.
118. Chemistry today went surprisingly well o_O.
119. I don't think I passed though.
120. Exhausted, exhausted, exhausted. Drained. Tired. Did I mention exhausted?
121. I really want younger siblings.
122. Mark [one of my brothers] becomes more of an annoyance to me by the day. He just has no respect.
123. It appears I never seem to get anything right with a certain someone.
124. I really hope Riku gets his comp fixed soon.
125. My birthday in two weeks, should be fun =].
62) Known as a cold hearted guy...
63) Member of the "Socialy Inperfect Group".
64) RP Fan.
65) English is not my first language.
66) My first English Teachers were games.
67) I change my usertitle almost every two days. (maybe less)
68) I don't have a lot of friends. (They are hard to make)
69) Hard to express feelings.
70) I practice Martial Arts.
71) I am somehow shy....I don't talk too much if I am among some of my classmates.
1. im trying to get to 1000 posts
2. im at 904
3. no dinner yet =(
4. starving
1. I used to be a drug dealer
2. My dad is in and out of psychiatric group homes
3. I met my wife when we were both 18, and we've been it ever since.
4. My cats weigh roughly twice that of normal cats.
5. I almost compusively buy used videogames.
6. I wore Metallica T-shirts in 2nd grade.
7. I've cursed frequently and fluently since 2nd grade.
8. I love Macs and hence any other sleek, shiny white boxes.
9. One of my cats ate its previous owner.
10. My little sister was married for 3 months to a guy she met at a tattoo parlor
11. I wanted an Aztec calendar tattoo on my back for 5 years
12. I didn't get it because a cracker like me taking a traditional latino pride symbol and putting it on me would be stupid and kind of insulting
13. I also spontaneously became extremely hirsute between age 18-25
14. I spent 2 years of high school blowing Die Faggot like richivinsky
40.Just right now i'll continue
41.I like Yaoi(if you know what it means);)
42.I have tried beer since I was 4 years old
43.I do hurt people by mistake a few times
44.I'm more into action games than RPG games
45.I have broken a glass table in the living room,but I didn't cut myself at all,I was lucky
46.My favourite sport is volleyball
47.My best friend visited me yesterday
48.My ps2 is blue,it's rare to find that kind of colour for a ps2
49.I love violent and bloody games
50.I love God of War for those two reasons and because it feels nice cutting the enemies' heads

1. Is like O.O after seeign SoaF's 41
2. wonders why she likes gay hentai
3. Is distubed.
72) If I fail at something, I spend the next three days after that hating myself more than anything in the world.
73) I am most likely self sacrificing when it come ups to decisions.
74) I can count the number of friends I have...let's see...1,2,3,4....7....that's all.
75) I hate spams.
76) For me love is a double edge sword, it can bring great joy but it can also create great suffering.
77)Most of the time that I sign in on MSN I set my status to offline to see who gets online without them knowing that I am.
78) Most of the time I don't start MSN conversations, I only wait if they want to talk me then that's fine but if they don't then I don't need to bother them with my annoying presence.
79) I do things because I must, not for any particular purpose.
80) I do belieave in God. I believe that its and almighty being that cares about us.
81) I know more about life than you could ever imagine.
82) I want to reach 1000 posts.
83) I love the RPG Inferno.
84) I know very well how to hurt a heart.....that's way the compare me to Xaix.
85) I hate flamming towards me.
86) RPG, action, and Horror games are my favorites.
87) I play games in which you see a lot of blood (Blood Omen 1 and 2, and Legacy of Kain Defiance)
1. I find TSG to be a horrible mod
2. I am against DB's 'make all infractions permanent' thing
1. already did
2. is close to 1000
3. is tryign to reach 1000 without spamming.
51.I'm trying to reach 500 posts for now
52.In another forum I change two sigs every day,lol:lol:
53.I'll stop changing sigs when I get one very good
54.I love anime very much
55.My favourite anime is Naruto and One Piece
56.My favourite character from Naruto is Sasuke and Kakashi
1. hates one piece
2.thinks shonen jump is stupid for putting Yugioh GX in their magazine
1. Im playin far cry alot
2. I will have to stop playing with scisors soon
3. I wear fez's
1. wonders why you would stop playing with siccorz
2. has a friend returning to america today!
1.) I'm Greek/American.
2.) I have brown hair and blue eyes.
3.) I'm almost 6 feet tall.
4.) I'm all for discovering the mysteries of life, and why we're here and such.
5.) Global warming makes me very upset and angry that people won't do anything about it.
6.) I tend to be antisocial a lot, because I think myself above alot of people and the way they act. (except the ones I can relate to in my niche, or my posse who are like me)
7.) I love to lead and be a leader.
8.) I love to work it.
9.) "Work it!" is my fecking phrase, dawg.
10.) I have a very crude sense of humor but even I know when to draw the line.
11.) I'm open-minded about alot of things. (Just how open-minded? You'll have to get to know me better to find out.)
12.) I sometimes wonder how people can be cruel to eachother over the most childish or irrelevant things.
13.) I shit on society and what our standards are.
14.) I'll stand up for what I beleive in and if you don't like it, too bad.
15.) I love to try lots of different foods. My faves are Greek, Asian, Italian, Mexican.
16.) I like to be strong and protect people. I could never stand being the one needing protection...
17.) Martial arts and fighting give me a sense of excitement...
18.) Art and stuff? Yes please. Creative person right here.
19.) Flashy stuff interests me greatly, like videogames and computer animation and graphics.
20.) I have been obsessed with Final Fantasy VII since I was 11.
21.) I have also been obsessed with the characters of Cloud and Tifa since I was 11...
22.) Steretypes are ghey.
23.) I'm perverted as all hell and you may not like me.
24.) I feel real sad for the animals that we kill for meat but at the same time I know that it is the cycle of life.
25.) Aliens exist. Beleive it. 100% percent beleiver.
26.) I have read more FFVII related fanfiction and articles probably than I have read stories in books in my entire life.
27.) I have been obsessed with forums since I was 11 and ******************* was my very first one, in which I was a n00b and got banned.
1. 6' tall
2. love all sports
3. i love going to the ocean and the snow
4. 75% italian
5. hate windows
6. love mac
7. final fantasy addict
8. try to live a double life between sports and music
9. play division 1 golf in college
10. won a dci world championship at the age of 17

thats all for now
57.I love the sound of the electric guitar
58.I wish I'll learn how to play it
59.My favourite anime ever was Sailor Moon(i dunno if i said this again)
60.I'd like to travel to Japan
61.I'm planning to learn Japanese,Italian,French and maybe Spannish too
62.Who wants to know more facts about me?
  1. My name is Dave
  2. I have blue eyes
  3. I have black hair
  4. I'm around 5'11"
  5. I live and was born in Scotand and am subsequently...
  6. Scottish
  7. I have wonderful friends
  8. I have met fantastical friends on various forums (i.e. Becki, Mandi, Shannon)
  9. I am a good Drummer
  10. I can play the Keyboard well
  11. I am hoping to upgrade this to Piano
  12. I am in 4th year at High School
  13. I am in top classes for each of my subjects and received good prelim marks at the end
  14. I partake in the Fife Regional Wind Orchestra each saturday as a helper for the younger percussionists
  15. I hope to one day become either a Vet, a Forensic Scientist or a Music Teacher
  16. I am in the School orchestra
  17. I have a ginger and white cat called Muffin
  18. I live with my parents
  19. I have a double bed
  20. I have five pillows
  21. I have played Final Fantasies VI through X-2 and each of the Kingdom Hearts games released in Europe.
  22. My favourite characters are Riku and Sephiroth.
  23. I'm a Global Moderator here and an Administrator at FFSharingan
  24. I get the bus to school
  25. I eat out of school - the lunches are horrible
  26. I am an Atheist ... although I often take the role of an elite Sephyist.
That's all for now.
1. My nickname is Ali
2.My full name is Alexandra Hope Renee Cassidy
3.My middle name is Hope because i was born on Independance Day( my mom was going to call me Liberty. It's a nice name but thank the lord see didn't)
4. My birthday is July 4th 1990 (duh i just told you that before)
5. I have blue eyes.
6.I have auburn hair.
7.I am 5ft 4inches (yeah iknow, short ass)
8. I was born in Memphis, TN
9.I have lived in all the states except from Hawaii.
10. I never knew my father. (the only thing i got from him was my last name)
11.I would be lost without my mom and my younger sister's
12.My best friend is my journal
13.I have a dog called Boris
14.I ctually like moving every so often, well actually probably every month or so, i like change, change makes you grow
15. I live in Nashville at the moment, but next week, who knows!!
16. I live mainly in motels, trailer parks and at my moms relatives or friends houses.
17. I am a redneck if you like.
18. I adaored my late grandmother.
19. I hope i can achieve something other than living in a trailer park all my life.
20. My mom had me when see was 17
21. I do okay at school and i hope to be a success one day at whatever i may do.
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