Rate the band above you


Hardcore, or whatever passes for hardcore these days, bores the hell out of me. All style and no substance.

Black Sabbath

Went through a sabbath phase when I was say... 11? It was very brief, couldn't get into it!

Queens Of The Stone Age

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Not a bad band by any means, I really dig Matt Barlow's vocals, and the first couple of albums weren't half bad. Their latter ones are quite mediocre though, and I lost all respect for John Schaffer when he fired Tim Owens to get Matt Barlow back. Only about a month after saying that Tim Owens was the singer Iced Earth should have had all along and that it was his voice he heard in his head when writing for Iced Earth. What a weakling hypocrite.

Deep Purple
8/10. As with most bands, I dislike the switching of members but when they had the right lineup, they were a kickass classic rock band.
Hell, Smoke on the Water alone gives them cosmic points.

The Hex Girls (lol)
10/10! I love the Hex girls lol they were the best part of Scooby Doo and The Witches ghost lol

Foo Fighters

this has 2 of their songs: The Pretender and Let it Die
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8/10. Dace Grohl is a legend. Their older stuff is much better than the newer though. I was quite disappointed with Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace.

Madina Lake.
I've heard a few songs, my ex loves them. So I'l give them a 5 because they aren't bad I suppose :monster:

James :neomon:
I've heard of them and I actually listened to a few of their songs but I didn't like them so I'll give them 6/10

Sum 41
My mum likes these that's why I've heard of them hahaha. Again only heard afew songs by them, but I like what Iv'e heard so Il giv them a 7

The Verve :neomon: