Rate the band above you

You've never heard of Blur?!

Anyway, Booty Luv are absolutely terrible; 0/10. They can't sing, and come up with annoying and terrible songs. They're going to go to hell.

The Academy Is...
Then you might be interested to know that they released an album last year? Unless you meant that figuratively... ><

0/10, again. Simply, Mika's voice irritates me to the point I have to turn the radio off for a few minutes until he's done.

I can't say I like the gallows, not really my kind of music, although they do write good songs.

I never really listen to them and I started listening to them currently. Hmmm It is not my style but I will give them a fair... 8/10

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
6/10 - They're not too bad, although I don't think I've heard enough of their songs to be able to judge, so who knows.. But I like that one with Kylie Minogue a lot - Where Wild Roses Grow..?

The Clash
8/10 - I really like them, not my favourite mind you but they're worth listening to. :monster:

The Strokes
7/10. Julian Casanblanca is a wonderful lyricist. First Impressions of Earth wasn't as good as Is This It, but still not a bad album.

Look See Proof.
9/10 - I love them! Powerful, uncommon music AND videos.
My favorite is Casualty :)

I admit I have some of there songs lol

Brokencyde if you dont know them Look them up =p
4/10. I used to have A Beautiful Lie, but the only song I really liked was The Kill. The rest were all pretty average and quite forgettable, I thought.

Lenny Kravitz.