Rate the band above you

*shrug* Eh, post a music video for lazy peeps, then XD Oh wait...that's for the new thread...nevermind. ^^;


They're pretty good, I suppose. I've only listened to a couple songs by them, but I liked them.

Not heard of 'em. Sorry :\

Stone Sour.
if you don't know the band don't respond... its pointless

now ...rush eh!

there good, i'm not a huge fan but they were/are good at what they do..

Stone sour... i prefer slip knot

Tom Petty??
Hate him with a PASSION! -100!!

Sorry, really cant stand him!

The OffSpring.

How can you hate him? Oh well, i guess there are ppl who do, i already knew that though, umm, about OffSpring... I never really heard of that band, but i looked it up on the internet and listened to a couple of thier songs and i liked it.

I've only heard "Running The World". I liked the intro and the music, but his voice and the lyrics ruined it for me.

I'll give 5.5/10

Beethoven gets a 8/10, cause well its Beethoven....
his music is very good, i don't know as much as i would like to though...
