Rate the band above you

Whoops I think you meant to rate the persons choice above mine.

As for Zutons I have never heard of them.

The Gourds
Never heard of them. @_@

Style of music?

Anyways, mine:

Escape the Fate
I Am Ghost

I chose two. You can choose either or.
o_O......i havent ever heard fo those lol.

Hollywood Undead or Mindless Self-Indulgance. i cant decide either T.T lol

i've heard a few songs, btu not enough to pass judgement.

Flogging Molly.
Heres an idea, how bout people comment on the band if theyve heard or lsitened to them? Cause all this "Never heard of the" is getting ridic now ...

3/10, not a massive Eric Clapton fan.

Okay, everyone should have heard of Tenacious D ...

seeing him set a guitar on fire will always be in my memory, well, seeing a video fo it :P

Slayer, anyone heard fo it, its been around for 25 years.
didnt they have a song used on an ipod commercial?

ok, how bout Turbonegro?

and i love thrash metal.
10/10!!! They are amazing, would love to see them live. Excellent musicians. Not sure about DKM doing an iPod advert ...
