Rate the band above you


Still really not my thing, but I think they're a bit better then FOB, so I'll give them a four to be generous. Just so you know, I didn't mean to sound harsh with the FOB thing (if you for some reason felt offended at all), I personally just hate them.

Public Enemy

Still really not my thing, but I think they're a bit better then FOB, so I'll give them a four to be generous. Just so you know, I didn't mean to sound harsh with the FOB thing (if you for some reason felt offended at all), I personally just hate them.

Public Enemy


Best rap group ever.

On a side note, the "never heard of them" thing seems kinda silly. It doesn't take that long to jump on myspace or youtube and listen to a song before you comment. Who knows, might find something you enjoy.

As for Anthrax:


Solid classic metal. Not always my thing, but I can't give them a bad score because of my taste; they're a quality band.

The Southland
never heard of dEUS till i just listened to them, just now...and there ok not my cup-o-tea but not bad either



Arguably the creators of the industrial sound. Have been great for 20 years and always will be.

Apoptygma Berzerk
Dropkick Murphies.

Interesting choice, and a band I am intimately familiar with, as I often was in Boston during their more formidable years.

The first album, Do Or Die was a relentless blast of classic punk mixed with traditional Irish music. I would give that album an 8/10.

Then, the new vocalist. Always a dangerous move...a bassist or a drummer leaves, the band sounds a little different but usually the basic blueprint is intact. A singer and sometimes a guitarist...not so easy to replace and still have the feel of the original band. Usually not a good move, few bands can pull it off successfully these days. The Dropkick Murphies fell into the latter category, unfortunately.

Live, their performances were no longer as solid or violent, and a lot of their earlier intensity had been lost. The songwriting seemed to suffer, as The Gangs All Here seemed to suffer from a lack of direction and vision. I'd give that album a 5/10

Then, I don't know what happened to them. Various lineup changes, terrible live shows, sub par songs, and a whole lotta filler, everything after their second album was virtually unlistenable.

Damn shame, as in their hey day they were a force to be reckoned with, but most bands that stick to the vrai punk ethos these days only have about one good album in them (Refused, Milligram) before they self-destruct. Sad story, really.

I'll go with Judas Priest for my band.

Edit: Whoops, I must have been on the wrong page.

311 - well, Grassroots was a decent album, and Music was alright, but they got pretty bad pretty fast after that.
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