Rate the band above you

the doors are good, but i have to be in the right mood for their music...

Chiodos would be a 8/10
I like some of the progressions they have, but the lyrics just aren't very good IMO. The guy also has a very distinct voice which is good, but can be too much at times.

Since Sasuke didnt even bother to listen to it, I'm posting it again

http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm...ndID=700 6643
I assume most of you have never heard of them so there's link to play music.
haha, yea, a bit unfair but its no fun listing just the really famous bands. expand your horizons people.

Hatesphere gets a 7/10 for me.
I could never really get into metal to be honest so it affects the rating obviously. But I do respect the technicallity of metal so I never bash it.

Here's some catchy girly electro pop. Play "I Get Around"
there OK i guess, too generic for me...7/10

here's a band from my preteen days....Orgy