Rate the Battle System

Rate the Battle System.

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ShinRa Guard
Oct 7, 2009
Im not going to comment because i only got the game today and im not sure if it changes.

But i would love to hear...... ummm....... read, what you all think of the battle system :)

please answer the poll too, you can chose more than 1 option too.
I don't mind the battle system, but I wouldn't mind if it didn't go into battle screen, just fight as you see them. Maybe, I don't know.

Edit: Poll? I don't see one.
Edit: Oh. I see it now.
I don't mind the battle system, but I wouldn't mind if it didn't go into battle screen, just fight as you see them. Maybe, I don't know.

Edit: Poll? I don't see one.

i just made it and my comp lagged a bit, soz it wasnt there strait away :)
I'd give it a 6/10. The ATB system is as good as it ever was, and the Paradigms are highly addictive. However, they feel like a step backwards from XII's Gambits to me, the fact that if your controlled character dies means game over is highly aggravating and, in my opinion, a major design flaw - after all, other characters have Raise - and the ability to swap characters out in-battle would have been nice, as well.
It doesn't feel as slow as battle systems that use an ATB system normally do, because you can do more than one attack at a time. However, the loss of freedom of movement and customization that there was in XII is crippling. So, 6/10.
I hate it. I hate it to hell and back. I really dislike that the purpose of battles is basically to stagger your opponent. When I first staggered an enemy I thought it was a really good addition, and was expecting to use it to take down the occasional big enemy or whatever, but more often than not it is the key to every battle.

I think the Paradigm system is alright, but as with FFXII, I have never liked only controlling one character. I see the switching between them as a bit of a hinderance, and it disrupts the flow of battles. The first five hours or so of gameplay are completely devoid of any challenge whatsoever.

Bordering on off topic, I know, but the character development/Crystarium system seriously sucks too.
I gave it a 9. I hesitate to call anything perfect, but enjoyed XIII's battles a lot.

Not dying when your leader died might have made it better, and making choosing your individual actions more viable versus just auto-battling continually would have made it better.
I actually enjoyed the battle system for XIII it was fun but the whole thing with the leader dying kinda put me down bit other than that the system was great.
The battle system in 13 trumps the other ones, except for the summons. They see too run of the mill, and the CG for the didn't blow me away, it seems disinterested.
Yea, I hate how when your leader dies you get game over, just asking though, who would want to change it more like FFXII when you change your leader to another person?

A:"oooooooooh iv never seen a genie like this befor"
A:"uh-bu-bu-bu-bu-ba-ba, dont talk, im your master now"
A:"for my first wish"
Well, it's a hell of a lot better than FFXII. For gambits I only set attacks and healing spells anyway. The paradigms are a blast as well.

However, it has its flaws. The leader dying is one, but the other is that, for some reason, one of my other attackers will always go attack someone that I don't want them to. One advantage gambits do have is that you can direct your characters attacks somewhat.

I gave it a 9/10, although I'd probably change that to an 8/10 now. Still has to be one of the better combat systems in the series though.
I like the way they combined active and turn-based battle systems into one, and the paradigms are awesome! It does require a bit of guess-work though to figure out just what paradigm set-up would work in a certain battle, but that makes the game more interesting. With XII, I didn't use half of the gambits they had for sale. The healing and attack gambits were the main ones I used, so that got a bit easy and repetitive.

I hate that you can't switch out dead party members like you could in XII, though. I'm not a huge fan of eidolons as of yet, either, but I will say they are better than the espers in XII.

Overall, I guess I'd give it a....8/10. It's definately a good battle system, but it's not perfect in my opinion.
I actually thought that XIII's battle system was quite refreshing from the other battle systems. At first I was getting frustrated with the paradigram system, it had me screaming at my TV a lot XD, but after I got the hang of it, I found it very useful. Many people think the Cyrstalarium system is a waste of time, but I like it because I got to choose what kind of job I wanted my character to be. Kinda like in X, I could make someone who's normally an attacker like Lightning, become a medic like Hope. I also liked how fast paced the battles were, instead of like in some final fantasies where you could go to the restroom and get a soda in between attacks you actually had to pay attention for the most part. Also with the battle system that I liked was that I had to frequently switch my people and my paradigrams to fit my needs of the battle. It kept things interesting and made the super boring grinding a little less boring XD. I thought it was very creative and new, but when you try to make them learn a new job they're not already into, you pay so much for so little D:! That's why I just stayed with what they were best at, cause otherwise I wanted to cry at all the wated CP =P.
WAAAAY too repetative imo, i love my cutscenes and when i have to fight my way for like 30mins to go talk to someone, i sigh in fustration. e.g.(first land on pulse, "hey wheres that Hope guy?". You spend the next 20mins beating the wildlife to death to find out). and it doesnt seem to change much appart from 'Paradigm dancing' at the start, and unlocking all crystalum paths...
I sometimes swear at my TV in anger when my leader takes a full on asault at the start of a fight and dies... or gets 1 shot, Solution: i use Sazh as a commando cuz as he attacks he moves back out of AOE range and if enemies decide to attack him, you knock em back a bit with your vigilance and bring back out your sentinel before they reach you
I voted for 8/10.


- Controlling one character allowed me to narrow my focus down to just the leader.
- Paradigm system was nice, especially when I can customize it. The AI does its job well.
- I like how spells can actually hit multiple enemies who stand together.
- Stagger is a neat inclusion, and I had a lot of fun watching Lightning throw staggered opponents into the air and own them.
- I love having my health regenerated between battles.
- Gestalt mode rocks!
- I like it when multiple factions attack each other, because it's just one huge brawl.
- Characters can actually move so that large attacks don't necessarily hit everyone in your party!


- Controlling only 1 character gets frustrating when the AI decides to act stupid.
- Eidolins are pathetic when they're not in Gestalt mode.
I voted 9/10..
I really like XIII's battle system.. its better than the gambit system of XII.. I love the battle system because I just like Active Time Batlles.. the paradigms and the gestalt mode rocks.. and all you need to do is to pay attention on your HP and the chain gauge.. when you have low HP and the enemy is nearly staggered, switch to diversity.. when the enemy is staggered, quickly change to cerberus.. its really addicting once you get a hang of it...
boy am l glad the same things that pissed me off has urked other people Sqaure-Enix only gets one chance at thses games and to take a stupid on a thing like having the game end when yoor leader is K0 is just rediculous l cant add anything else other what has already been said except with more profanity these days for such a great series to do something that a 3rd rate game would do is beyond me the guys at SE aernt new to this they have 20 years Exp making games and some of the things in XIII are just ridiculous this game is essentialy a limited experience and thats not good enough at this stage in journey.

My main urke comes fron the fact that i was Dahaka on top of Teajins Tower the other day and this guy has hp in the region of 2,300,000 so its gonna be a long fight and he can hit with an attack that does critical damage that cant be healed quickly so swithced to the mid cinic paradigm and had the guys set about healing n ow by this stage a had done 500,000 hp damage and the Dahaka hit me pretty hard and then followe it up with a 3000 hp attack that KO lightning and she was my leader now thats just not right and it was the last time i played it probably for ever HULK AM SO ANGRY
Hmmm I could almost like the battle system if the player chose the comands instead of the AI it almost makes it redundant to have an actuall player because of that. Very rarely does one HAVE to chose the comand beyond libra or a tech it could have been a ten in my book but im giving it a 5 simply because it renders the player rather usless in an unfun way
I hate it and for many reasons.

Say what you will about XII but in that game you programmed your characters to do specific commands. and if you felt that "the game is playing it for you" you can alter the gambits by giving other party members the "attack leader's target" gambit alone for example and setting the battle to wait mode giving you the freedom to manually pick the actions of all three characters without having the nemies attack you while doing so. You can adjust the battle speed too, I always put the speed to maximum and set the battle mode on active making grinding swift and smooth. My point is it's flexible. You can customize the battle system to your own liking. Whether you want to control all the characters manually or program them to take specific actions or even a little bit of both.

But in THIS game you don't have the freedom to do SHIT. Sure it's a nice concept, fill up the stagger bar to inflict heavy damage on enemies with tremendous amounts of HP. But I have to say, Mana Khemia did it better at least in that game you get to control all characters. You change the AI's behaviour with paradigms- sure I enjoyed it for about 2 hours into the 20 hour mark. But it didn't satisfy me I felt like instead of doing what I tell them to specifically like in the gambits after figuring out what works on whatever enemy I'm strategizing for I'm just telling them to "be a healer" or "be a mage and go apeshit". And the AI's are good but still I can't count the times I had to go "friggin' heal me you little shit!!". And when you switch paradigms you get this flashy animation of everyone changing their paradigms, the show you a shot of each character individually and while doing so you get hit in the process. I felt it was too easy (probably the easiest FF imo) I'm not saying it's horrible I'm just saying it's not for me.

"friggin' heal me you little shit!!".
Lmfaoooooooooo Early on I think that was a constant saying of mine and that ^
Is the perfect explination of why I detest this game...I mean the battle system.
I gave it an 8 out of 10. It's a really fun battle system, and very refreshing compared to the previous ones but it's not perfect.

I love Paradigm system and being able to mix and match the different kinds to suit the battles and the characters in the party.

I don't like being able to control one character only, and I really hate that once the party leader dies you lose. At least in 12 you could switch to a new party leader and then you would lose once all of the party members were dead. That made a lot more sense.