Rate The Sig And Avatar Above You

cooool same as before i am soo glad...does that mean your better?
Ava: 8/10 simple and looks good.

Sig: First: 8/10 nice and colorful.
Second: 7/10 dark and interesting.
Third: 9/10 this one is just a joy to look at :)
Sig: 8/10 ~ Its great! I love the images used, they have been blended together great. The colour and text is excellent also. Nice black border also ^^ Avatar: 7/10 ~ Another great piece. Love the lighting used on the image and the background colour. Nice text and border too.
Avi: 7/10 - That's a very cool plushie
Sig: 1: 5/10 - It has a very nice BG, but the stocks and text just make it really ugly. It's also too large
2: 6/10 - Both sides of it are nice, but it's too plain in the middle
Avatar: 0/10 - No avatar.....
Signature: 7/10 - Althought it means nothing to me it still is a good signature I loved how it was tinted green and he had the gun but I don't like guns that much so sorry if you don't like my rating
Avatar: I like it ^^ Seems mysterious with its blackness and greys. Nice border also and the picture used is good qulaity. 7/10

Sig: Its a nice picture of an upcoming FF character. But its a tad plain, no text or border. 4/10
Avatar: 8/10 I love that picture of Tidus and Yuna
Sig: 9/10 I love the pic of Rikku. I'm not quite sure I understand the one above it though. And what's written under Rikku sounds really nice.
Avatar is weird, must be personal. 5/10

Sig is cool, I realy liked Serenity. 8/10

If you seen Serenity, then you would have known it was Jayne Cobb from the film and TV series ...

Avatar: Its of a woman, but is quite small and difficult to make out. 4/10

Sig: Thats a beautiful image, but nothings been doen to alter it. 5/10