Rate The Sig And Avatar Above You

Avi: 9/10. I don't really like Shadow, but its still a cool avi.
Sig: 8.5/10. Same as above, but a little on the, erm, bold side. And if you look at it really fast, one with a sufficiently warped mind can disturb themself.

P.S. Now my sig's a sentence WITH a cool fractal flame background. INSTANT WIN!!!
The Av is old. but you don't really come around often, so it can't really be helped. I say 6/10

Sig is really.. just strange. 4/10

Right now my new sig is awaiting it's creation at vector industries. So.. Yeah.

Avvy-4/10 Kind of small...but gets points with the blinking :)

Sig-6/10 I like the red and black esque, but besides that the text is hard to read.
Av- 9/10 I love Seifer!

Sig-5/10 the sig is alright, but that render of Seifer is really iffy.
Avatar: 8/10- nice pic of Seifer

Sig: 7/10 - almost the same as you avatar but it is really hard to read what it says. Maybe you could fix that?
Avatar: 7/10 (would've been cooler if the purple was gone, and if it was a moving .gif)

Sig: Like the Lucca one, and how it says Lucca with the text & colour = 8/10

I dunno why though, I'm just not feeling the Yuffie one = 5/10
avatar - 8/10 - much better sprite :)
Sig - 9/10 really works well with the text underneath it and it looks cool ^_^