Rate The Sig And Avatar Above You

@ Lone Wolf: :P

@ GG: Avatar 9/10, very CG-like. I like it.

Signature 8/10, Aerith's face is obscured too much by the light.
Avatar: 7/10 - Simple and clean, a good side profile of Aerith...

Signature: 8/10 - Again, simple and clean... I really like the added animation.
Avatar: 9/10

She looks nice...i would have said sexy, but then i'd be admitting I like brunettes

Siggy: 8/10

Sooo many interesting people. especially squall. and that camel/dog thing...is kinda creepy
Ava gets a 8/10. I like wolves.
Sig 1 gets a 3/10. It's FF but it's kinda small...and a bit blurry
Sig 2 gets a 8/10. I like Dragons too.
Avatar 4/10 The Sonic thing is unknown to me, there's nothing going on, boring white backround. Sorry!

Signature 6/10 It wasn't smart to put your team dark down but it wasn't dumb either! I suppose you're their leader? ^_^
8/10-I like the design and colors of Majin Tobias.
6/10-Not graphically appealing, because there are no graphics, but I'm sure the rest there is there for a purpose.
Avatar 8/10 Well I guess the colors are good aren't they? ^_^

Signature 10/10 Awsume changes, chracters and an applause if made that sig yourself!

Great looking signature. Love the text, colours and images. Nice white border finishes it off perfectly.
Avatar is of my perfect couple, but nothing really wow factor.

Sig: 7/10
Avtar: 6/10
Avatar 8/10 It's actually a very good pic. It's nothing special to blow a bubble gum but it is funny :P

Sig 10/10 My favourite since I first saw it. I have no idea how you did it but it's the best sig I've seen so far in this forum. I would do anything to get one like it. As for the sig above: great pic, colors text etc. Excellent ^_^ (I'm sorry for what happened to your PS2)
6/10 - It looks like Reno is a pedophile. Don't know why, just does.

8/10 - Reno is one of my favs from FFVII. Much use of him gets a nice score.
Avatar - 4/10
Signature 4/10

I'm afraid I'm not as impressed towards this Claire Davies as you are.
Av.-7/10 Sephiroth looks kind of like a zombie...

Sig.-9/10 Sephiroth Owns, and looks so cool there!

Just too tell people, when my username gets changed, so will my siggie and avatar
I suggest you put a real avatar and so sig so someone can actually rate them :/
Avatar - 7/10, for some reason the guys face freaks me out.

Signature - 8/10, the images look well, and are nicely blended, but i don't really like B&W sigs...
Avartar 9/10 - Can't go wrong with Cloud! And it's cute aswel

Siggy - 10/10 I love the chainsaw and the sever is such a git....there should be an I hate the server group if there isn't already lol

I cant do all those siggy things so I know mines crap >.<