Rate The Sig And Avatar Above You

Avatar - 6/10...because i can't tell what it is XD i think its meant to be a cat or something?

Signiture - 8/10 - Tad disorganised but the Kelets rawk!
Avatar 9/10 -Beautifully captured ;)
Sig 8/10- Three motional pics and Bree's quotes, love it. 'course it could use some more creativity.
Sig: 9/10 i love it all, but it could use something else...some sort of BAM! HERE'S MY SIG! kind of thing...

Avy: 9.5/10 I've always loved it, and always will. It's so good, and represents how i've felt at times...
Avy 7/10: I don't like anime, but it looks nice

First sig 7/10: It's your avy, only longer. It looks nice, I like the red.

Second sig 5/10: Too cluttered, red background too pixely, white border uneven.
Avatar: 8/10 Scary, but I have no idea who that is:P
Signature: 4/10 needs more color, come on! Use your creativity
It's Judge Zargabaath from FF12, judges, Cid and the Occuria were the only good things in that game <.< As for the siggy, well, I'm working with GIMP and I'm new at it....so I suck xD

Avatar: 6/10, simply because it took me a good bit of staring to figure out what was going on. Crowded avatars don't work well due to small size.

Siggy: 9/10, lot of nice contrast in it, not too flashy but not too simple either.
Avatar : 6/10, kinda simple looks like it could use alittle work with the sharpness.
Signiture: 8/10, looks great but i think it could use something in the middle perhaps? I like it tho xD
Avatar - 8/10 - I don't like the white in it though...

Signature - 9/10 - I love the effects in it ^_^ and it just looks pretty xD
10/10 - Loved the blue in it and i always love it when theres writing in the avatars xD. It just fits together so well
9/10 - Love how cloud and aerith's heads are outta the sig and the writing in it "Devotion Cloud X Aerith", so nice xD
Can't really say much about your sig and avi.... can't even rate it ... w/e

2/ 10 for both.
Avatar 10/10 if you drew those pics
Signature: 8/10 first one has great colors and border (because of Zack too :P) the second one is a bit scary, no offence though
(I'm going to change my avi now -_-)
Avatar 9/10- u really do love those two. if you find a picture where they hug or something it will be 10/10
Signature 10/10- great message
Off topic - It's really hard to find any really good Zerith avatars! trust me i've tried :P So i think Shiva should get a 10/10 anyway :P

On topic -

Avatar - 8/10 - it's just a picture...but a nice one.

Signature - 7/10 - A tad too boring and plain for my liking...
Avatar 10/10 great colors and the txt, it really shows that Aerith cares about Cloud:)

Signature: 10/10! Love it, it's really cute, I like Cloud's left arm, instead of a lion it has a tedy face. aww
now your getting 10/10, because it's a different picture then when i posted
it's great!!
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(you spelled their wrong:P common mistake)
Avatar:8/10 very cool but it could be better with some colors.
Sig: 10/10 fits your avatar, also love the way it goes red, b&w visa versa.