Rate The Sig And Avatar Above You

3/10 - meh, there's nothing extraordinary about it.

Sig - 4/10 nothing too extraordinary about it, but it looks like it got some graphical attention.
Avatar: 8/10. Hope that's not a bong in the photo. Pretty girl, though.
Sig: 10/10. Squall's always nice to look at, and the graphics were well done.
Avatar: 4/10. This may seem really shatty of me, but I have no idea what this 'kurama' is. However, the multiple photograph effect is very interesting, but the reddish background doesn't do it justice. the photos need to stand out more. (Yes, I give a lot of feedback :P)

Siggy: 10/10. It's a bit small but a VERY good drawing. The nice part about it is that the banner with the name doesn't intrude on the drawing itself, something that often becomes a problem. It'd look better on the left side of the post though. :P

Know that when critiquing my sig and avvie, I prefer elegant simplicity rather than intricate extravagance. :P
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Avatar - 7/10 black and white on avatar? I just don't identify with it. xD

Signature - 7/10 I know it's Mark's
. The color scheme and fractals is unique.
AG, you posted quicker than I did, so this first part is directed at Warbourne.

*sticks tongue out at Jazzy* You men never understand elegant simplicity. Amidst all the busy avvies out there, mine stands out becuase it is so simple.

Avvie: 10/10 And you say you don't get simple outlines! *casts eternal shame and guilt on Jazzy*

Sigg: 10/10 I don't give 2 shats about football, but that's just overall a sexy sig, from the way it's done.

As for you Mark,

Avvie: 9.5/10 Very nice angle and everything, but the background is too dark. more flowers. :D

Sig: 10/10 orgasmic. The background actually looks like roses, even though I know it isn't. Very cool. I give you a bowl of cookies.

And this time, I wanna woman to critique my shit!
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Ava: 7/10 - I love vector Dragon type stuff, I just don't like the white background.

Siggy: 6/10 - The fractal work on the background is great, colors are cool, but doesn't blend too much. The text is cool I just don't like the white stroke going around it :P.
AVY= 8/10 simply for the fact that I really really like it. It almost resembles the attitude and complexion of my RP character :P

SIG= 7/10, It's a really really really really really good picture. Did you draw it? Though, your sig needs a little more than just a picture. It's kinda emptyish...
avi- 8/10 i like it for some reason, cant put my finger on why

10/10- i love all the colors and even tho i have no idea who the people in the pic are, i think its awesome. julius really does no how to make sigs :)
avi- 7/10, like the graphics, but I don't like that you can't see the face, other than that you can see everything else clearly.

Sig- 10/10, I like how the words blend with the scenery and what's happening, and I also like the close up on their face with the full body picture.