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what rating do you think this game deserves

  • 10-9

    Votes: 39 65.0%
  • 8-7

    Votes: 15 25.0%
  • 6-5

    Votes: 6 10.0%
  • 1-4

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • not applicable

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
First off, I completely agree that the Malboros have lost their fear factor. I used to be afraid that, when the battle transition started, that the monster would be Malboro. It was a legendary monster that struck fear into all FF players (that Bad Breath was one of the most feared moves ever). In XII they definately lack that and are just pathetic now. It has been demoted.

Secondly, the reason why SE keeps the same names for the monsters because for one it would be extremely long-winded and time-wasting to create a whole new set of names for a whole 100-odd monsters. It is also one of the trademarks of FF. FF practically changes with each iteration and the only things that really link them together are such things as the summons and the MONSTERS. They're sort of the identity for the FF franchise and players could not really see an FF game without them. They are one of the treasured assests of the games and should NEVER change!! I mean who could imagine not running into such iconic monsters as the Cactuars and the Malboros. These names are here to stay!!

Although I do agree that perhaps the cities should be changed. They dont need to ever stay the same, especially considering the FF world changes with each instalment. Having the same name for the cities and the world map may be a bit too much.:D

TRUE DAT!!! In FFXII I like the fact that They have kept the same names as previous installments it makes for a more FF feal in a game. I do like the fact the places change but wouldn't mind bumping into "Oh I've been here before!!" just for kicks... But its really easy to take something someone else has done and look at it and say "Well you could've done it this way or that way". You gotta give credit where credit is due... they made a great game here and if they want marlbros to be wimps or the lead character to be 17 so be it. I can live with that. I'll miss the old scary Marlbros but I still give this game a 9.
TRUE DAT!!! In FFXII I like the fact that They have kept the same names as previous installments it makes for a more FF feal in a game. I do like the fact the places change but wouldn't mind bumping into "Oh I've been here before!!" just for kicks... But its really easy to take something someone else has done and look at it and say "Well you could've done it this way or that way". You gotta give credit where credit is due... they made a great game here and if they want marlbros to be wimps or the lead character to be 17 so be it. I can live with that. I'll miss the old scary Marlbros but I still give this game a 9.

why do you guys want the same thing in each and every ff game i would have liked it if the names were different if not all than atleast the major ones. why are the stupid molboros so important whats so special about them dont you guys have something better to discuss about
why do you guys want the same thing in each and every ff game i would have liked it if the names were different if not all than atleast the major ones. why are the stupid molboros so important whats so special about them dont you guys have something better to discuss about

I've already explained why the names (of the monsters specifically) should not change and I'm not saying the Malboros were important or anything; I was just saying how they were one of the, rare, monsters that were quite a threat (even more so than the bosses). Someone brought it up, I agreed; nothing major (well not on my part). It's fine for someone to throw up their dissapointment in something when rating the game, is it not. Chill man.
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10 / 10 because:

1) AMAZING CG- e.g. the parade bit at the beggining when Vayne arrives at Rabanastre :O

2) GAMEPLAY - No more turn based stuff, as realistic as a final fantasy game could get

3) CHARACTERS - Really great characters (OK so they didnt "develop" enough but so what?) particularly the Judges they were tasty!

4) MISC. - This FF has devloped DRAMATICALLY and pushed the series forward greatly also, at the end of the day its a Final Fantasy (so dont complain!) and I am proud to have it sitting alongside VI VII VIII and IX in my collection.

no doubt! The gameplay is good, the story is good, the graphic is good,.. Heh if I continued like that this could become a pretty long list.. Let's jump to what I didn't like... well, there was nothing I disliked with the game... the only thing must be the music... It's not bad, rreally, but it wasn't as good as Nobou Uematsu's music
I gave it 8/10 not sure bout 10/10 because i mean if this game is 10/10 whats final fantasy 7??? XD
:P You can have joint favourites lol!

I do!

I'd give this game an 6½/10 and that is because of the plot and characters. Okay, the beginning was great, sneaking into the palace and escaping from Barheim Passage etc. At that time, I thought that this could only get better and better, because I already loved the beginning.
Well, then I waited the moment when the story opens its secrets and shows to me how interesting characters I'm playing with. But that never happened. I mean, what's the point of
hunting two stupid swords and after that destroy the Sun Cryst? I thought that the war would start in the middle of the game and after that Vaan and his mates (or should I say Balthier and his mates?) would save Rozarria and Dalmasca from evil Archadia with the resistance and such.
That would be much interesting.

Characters were okay, but they weren't so interesting. I got the good impression of everyone's nature, but in the game, their nature didn't come out enough. That was a disappointment.

Battle System was good and refreshing, I liked it, though I like the older systems better, but this was still good. But License Board could have been better. Everyone should have had their own classes.

So, the game's plot is terrible, characters were okay, battle system was good, musics were okay/good, but because of the plot, I think that this game is worthy of its 6½/10 rate.
This in my opinion is the greatest game of all time. The story, characters, materia system is almost perfect. It receives a big fat juicy 10 out of 10 from me.
..You seem to be lost dear. This is the FFXII section, not FFVII ;)

Materia is not seen in FFXII =P

Nethicite and Magicite are however.
39 voted for 10-9 and only 15 for 8-7
thats quite shocking i thought most people hated the game

did a administrater or moderater do this ** looks at judge rulia **

anyhow the game is good and maybe it does deserve this rating but if you think about the plot then you began to differ
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What is wrong with you? You thought wrong - many people love this, and why does it seem such a crime to vote for it in the 10-9 area? No, I didn't alter this, and no, when people think about the plot, not all of them are going to think it's crap.
I gave it a 9. The game was great, I especially liked the new battle system (ATB I think is what it's new name is) but the lack of detail in character's was something it lacked. Penelo seemed as if she had no background, just Vaan's friend.
It's ADB (Active Dimension Battle ^^)

If you have the European copy, on the back next to a picture, it tells ya.
I gave the game a total score of 10, but here's my individual ratings

Gameplay- 10/10
Storyline- 7/10
Graphics- 10/10 (no comment)
Characters- 9/10
Locations- 7/10
It's a 10 for me too. This has to be the best game I've ever played and by far the best FF for me personally. Being a die hard fan is fun!

I would have liked more indepth knowledge about the characters but I guess it would have been hard to put anything more in to the game. There were lots of hints though.