Playstation Reasons Behind PSN Outage

I just remembered that PSN wouldn't take my debit card anyway. I tried it over a thousand times, and even talked to customer service.

Haha, Sony is so smart, who would have thought they were protecting me by having shitty customer support? :rofl:
I heard from my dad that This was on CNN. and apparently they caught the guy. some 19 year old Kid in Switzerland.

Take this with a grain of salt though. I dont trust him. Thought Id shsre it though.
yea man im not gonna say anything smart cus im dumb as a stick but my former buddy on the playstation sed all the stuff you guys just sed hackers rebuilding....such suspense....such horror....when will our 75000 heros be able to log back onto the psn tune in next um....sometime in the future!! as we continue "TALES OF GAMER HORROR" (Y_Y) i want my psn back....butthole hackers (-_-) i shall stabs them if i finds them wouldn't you?

oh wait they found him o_O my did they stabs him for me...12 the face...with a icepick...made of silver?
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The Rothken law firm has filed a federal class action lawsuit against Sony on behalf of "approximately 77 million" PlayStation Network users who are unable to access the PSN.
Calling the security breach the "largest compromise of Internet security and the greatest potential for credit card fraud to ever occur in United States history," the suit accuses Sony of "breach of warranty, negligent data security, violations of consumers’ rights of privacy, failure to protect those rights, and failure and on-going refusal to timely inform consumers of unauthorized third party access to their credit card account and other nonpublic and private financial information."

According to the suit, Sony failed to maintain a proper firewall and "computer security system," "failure to properly encrypt data," "unauthorized storage and retention of data," and violation of "Payment Card Industry Data Standard(s) and rules and regulations."

Calling this a "reprehensible situation," the suit states that Sony "caused, and continues to cause, millions of consumers fear, apprehension, and damages including extra time, effort, and costs for credit monitoring, and extra time, effort, and costs associated with replacing cards and account numbers, and burden, and is harming both consumers’ and merchants’ ability to protect themselves from such fraud."
The suit categorizes the time between Sony learning of the problem and informing the public as an undue delay, saying that it prevented consumers from making informed decisions as to "whether to change credit card numbers, close the exposed accounts, check their credit reports, or take other mitigating actions."
The suit seeks both actual and punitive damages for the class. Although it doesn't name a specific amount, I think we can assume it will be at least a two crap-loads of money.
Affected parties can sign on to the case by contacting the law firm through a web form or by phone. Here's a copy of the entire complaint for you legalese fans out there.

Argh, I just got my game with the bonus DLC I can't even use :rage:

I'm disappointed that Sony couldn't prevent the attacks, but more than anything I'm pissed at the fuckers that hacked into the service in the first place. I honestly don't know how anyone can heartily support hackers that ruin things for other gamers >_>

My personal concern is that I have about 60 bucks between my NA and EU account on PSN, so not too much private info, but my munniez is important :ness:
People need to get of Sony's back tbh. So what, they had a mess up, it's not like it's un-human to have that happen. Shit happens.

Yes, it's horrible they might've gotten to your personal information, but you can keep an eye on your money through your bank. Everyone was bitching about the PSN being down, be glad. Be thankful they took it offline and have it searched through by experts to prevent shit to happen, instead of having selfish asses play online for the sake of not being able to play for a day or two.

Pisses me off. =/ It's not like THEY'RE happy this happened, they're trying to fix it, and then this 'got sued' bullshit. :ffs: Are you SERIOUS.

I'm sticking with my ps3. Fuck moving over to Xbox just because of one mess up.

Ps. No offense to those bitching. :elmo:

Get a grip is my opinion.
People need to get of Sony's back tbh. So what, they had a mess up, it's not like it's un-human to have that happen. Shit happens.

Yes, it's horrible they might've gotten to your personal information, but you can keep an eye on your money through your bank. Everyone was bitching about the PSN being down, be glad. Be thankful they took it offline and have it searched through by experts to prevent shit to happen, instead of having selfish asses play online for the sake of not being able to play for a day or two.

Pisses me off. =/ It's not like THEY'RE happy this happened, they're trying to fix it, and then this 'got sued' bullshit. :ffs: Are you SERIOUS.

I'm sticking with my ps3. Fuck moving over to Xbox just because of one mess up.

Ps. No offense to those bitching. :elmo:

Get a grip is my opinion.

Sing it sistah.

Sony doesn't want this to happen. They don't want to be sued, they don't want millions, even billions of people being pissed with them. Whether this is the work of Anonymous or not, they've succeeded well in turning an entire fanbase against their God.

That said, I don't own a PS3. But I've wanted a PS3 and this doesn't change anything. So I may not be affected now, but I could be at a later date if this happens again.

What you need to understand is that this can happen anywhere. If you put your credit card on any website, be it with Sony, Microsoft, Paypal, ebay, YOU run the risk of it getting stolen. There are millions of disclaimers always stating that these are the risks YOU run by putting YOUR information on the internet. It can be as huge as a billion user lawsuit, or a one time individual fraud.

But in the end, you were the one to put your information out there. You've only yourself to blame because it can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime with any website. Not just Sony.
+rep to both of you.

Seriously. I (well Dad) bought IX off PSN. So We may be one of the 77Million people with our Info stolen. But we have it covered. Dads monotoring His credit card and Im keeping up on Info. but anyway. Yeah. If you went and bought something off Ebay or amazon or play asia or Wifi or EXbox live OR WHATEVER. and This happened. Its Your fault. You put your Info There. You ran the risk of this happening.

Yes we trust those Site to block Hackers. But sometimes the smart ones can get through. As seen here. So what The PSN'ers should be doing instead of Bitching like little kids who lost their toys. Is tightening Their Security. Because Whining over it isnt gonna help. It wont do a thing. and while were whineing. Their getting into our info.

Also not exactly saying any of you are Bitching. its just that ive been to a few Diffrent sites and the amount of Failure is giving me a Ulcer. So I decided to rant somewhat. Also To raise awareness ontot the main problem and what we should be doing.
I honestly can understand why people bitch about this.some have their info from creditcards in the open etc.. Im not sure HOW the hacker can actually get money with that info without SECURITY codes..yet people are can happen.

PSN Users have the right to state their opinions..those that comment about the complainers are in reality the same...they are also bitchin...

I can understand why people are dissapointed by Sony and I value their opinions..For me personally I dont have a grudge against Sony...

A company is a company which can make mistakes..At least they are not as faul as Microsoft..

I'll be a Sony fanboy as long as they bring out quality they have done for decades..

I have trust in Sony Japan!

- PS3 Fanboy - Ohri-Jin
:rofl: I wonder if it's Blumenthal or Lieberman. :ohoho: Great to see CT senators love PSN. :mokken:

I'm not totally sure if debit cards are allowed as a credit card for PSN, but if they are, then a person could get their account cleaned out. If it's an actual credit card, then it just yields a bill, so its not directly associate with your bank account. Having a high credit rating and using a credit card that I've been using for 10 years, I'm not at all worried about this. If I see additional activity on my account, I'll report it, and have it removed from my bill. Of all the people that are on PSN with account information, I'm pretty sure I won't raise their eyebrows, so I'm sure they'll move on to someone else who has better credentials.
G4 said:
Sony released another batch of answers to some of the questions PSN users have been asking. They addressed the matter of law enforcement, data encryption, and what Sony plans to do to protect your data in the future.
Q: Is Sony working with law enforcement?
A: Yes, they are working with both law enforcement and a recognized technology security firm to conduct an investigation. "This malicious attack against our system and against our customers is a criminal act and we are proceeding aggressively to find those responsible."

Q: Was personal data encrypted?
A: All of the data stored in the PSN was protected "physically" and within a security network. The credit card table was encrypted and Sony sees no evidence that credit card data was taken. However, the personal data, which includes your name, email address, billing address among others, was not encrypted.
Q: Was credit card information taken?
A: Again, Sony has no evidence credit card data was taken but they "cannot rule out the possibility." "If you have provided your credit card data through PlayStation Network or Qriocity, out of an abundance of caution we are advising you that your credit card number (excluding security code) and expiration date may have been obtained." The security code, sometime referred to as the CVC or CSC, was not accessible because Sony never stored it.
Q: What steps can you take to protect your data?
A: Sony wants you to be aware of any phone calls, emails or postal mail requests for personal or sensitive information. Sony will not contact you in any way asking for information. Once the PSN is restored they encourage you to change your password.
Q: What steps are Sony taking for the future to protect data?
A: The first step to protect data was to disable the PSN. The second is "enhancing security and strengthening our network infrastructure. Moving forward, we are initiating several measures that will significantly enhance all aspects of PlayStation Network’s security and your personal data, including moving our network infrastructure and data center to a new, more secure location, which is already underway. "
Q: How do gamers know which credit card was attached to their PSN account?
A: Once you added funds to your PSN wallet, you should have received an email from "" to the email address associated with your account. This email will contain the last 4 digits of the credit card used to make the purchase.
Sony also addressed the issue of letting PSN users know. They are currently "sending emails directly to all 77 million registered accounts." The majority of emails have been sent at the time they posted this blog. G4's official PSN account didn't receive an email until 5:45 PM today. I have not received notifications in regards to my personal PSN accounts yet.
Two questions: Have you been notified? What questions do you still have?
To read all of the questions they answered check the PlayStation Blog.
I am severly disapointed in Sony, I would not of expected this sort of outcome and this problematic for them, they are currently being sued by some consumer protection agency I think. This is spiraling out of hand as of thee moment
This isn't directed at any one person here who is coming to Sony's defense or is saying "poor Sony"...who I really feel sorry for are the people who have to sit and worry whether or not they are going to be victims of identity theft...and those like myself who had to sit on the phone for a period of time canceling their cc's in prevention of possible theft...and to those who have said it is the person's choice for giving out their cc information...yes, it is my choice that I have given out my cc information to them...and yes, I am aware that any time I do that, there is a risk involved. There are obvious risks with everything that we do.

However, it is a company's responsibility to secure and encrypt that information. If they are allowing you to put it on there there should be a degree of protection with it...industry standard security protection. Sony failed here. 77 million times over. It really is mind-blowing to me as to how thats possible.

Also, what really steamed my broccoli is how it took them roughly a good week to tell their customers that their cc/personal information may have been breached. I think people should know the day of that this information may have been leaked, that way they can start monitoring their accounts and etc...before something really bad happens and/or they fall victim to identity theft. Its SHADY...and its poor PR on Sony's part...and THAT is what I'm irritated with...and I don't believe that being ticked about those very obvious problems is unreasonable or out of the question. :monster:
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When the server was taken down at first, I wasn't one of those that bitched about it. I just thought that it needed some downtime to deal with whatever happened. Loads of people across the internet moaned about it, but whatever.

Now I only feel the need to bitch myself when the credit information is very likely to have been stolen. People may say, "Oh, stop bitching. It won't help!" But at the end of the day, you give your details in the confidence that no one can get them. This is Sony's fault for what's happened and I'm actually glad they're taking responsibility for it. This is really bad and the future of the network is uncertain.

I'm not annoyed that the network's not on, don't get me wrong. I'm pissed off that they didn't have the proper tools to stop people getting hold of millions of users' personal information. When it's you who has to face the possibility of losing money or similar things, only YOU can be angry because YOU will have to pick up the pieces.

Getting back on topic slightly, I do hope Sony get this corrected soon. As soon as the network is back up, I'll be sure to take off my debit card information. Even though I'll still use their services, I've lost an awful lot of faith in them.
I'm still happy that they refused to take my Debit card. :rofl:

But I have to agree with Ami on this. It IS Sony's fault this happened, they didn't have the necessary safety nets etc etc in place. Screw PSN being down, the thought of having your credit info in someone else's hands is hell. And you can say that you can get it all taken off and such but that's not always the case.

And that's no comfort when you actually have to deal with it.