Playstation Reasons Behind PSN Outage

Holy shi-inFamous is huge o_O

I'm pretty sure I got a lot of room on my PS3, but I'm still surprised.

Still deciding on what my second game will be...Has anyone played Dead Nation? I watched a walkthrough, so it theoretically isn't as scary as I expected, but I'm still a big wuss >_<
We still do not know when it will be up? That is a pretty huge shame. They should grant early access to everybody for the UC III beta as well. It would e nice for the welcome back.. etc. I heard a rumor that they were doing that. Although it could be wrong.
I have to say I'm starting to agree with the group who are saying why give us free games. I mean okay it was down etc etc, who cares in the end? So you couldn't play online games, it's not like most of you pay to play them anyway. I mean if you had subscribed to Playstation PLUS or whatever sure, but just normal people doesn't make sense to me.

And then I've seen people on other sites complaining about the choice, and I'm just like, they're giving you something free, get over it. Some people want way too much out of a company that was hacked. And at least they were honest about it. You can say it's never happened to any other online merchant service, but if it happened to Apple or Amazon you probably wouldn't hear about it.

Maybe I'm just no spoiled because I grew up with dial up and couldn't play online games AT ALL. I always had to play single player or in the room multi-player. So really the only thing the outage affected me with was not being able to buy PSP games. I'm smart enough to back the ones I already bought up so I don't have to ever redownload them again if I can help it.

And before you say people who got information stolen, I'm pretty sure the email I got from Sony says I got my stolen specifically. Stuff like card number address name etc etc everything but the security code. And guess what? Nothing's happened at all. At this point, I say they just get PSN back up as quick as possible and say fuck all this welcome back non sense.

I mean it's not like Sony just randomly decided to shut PSN down for that long. They had a good reason to do it, and they did it to PROTECT us. It's just like at the end of the day, is this really going to matter? I seriously doubt that that many people are going to go over to Xbox Live and never come back to Sony again, they're just going to complain about it until a week after PSN comes back, and then forget it. I mean we do the same thing every time Facebook fucks up our privacy settings and stuff. Everyone's pissed and gonna quit and gonna sue for like a week and then no one remembers it.

/end rant
hmm maybe some peoples credit card info was stolen and this is their Half Assed way of saying Were Sorry heres some free swag to ease the pain ?

You didn't read my whole post. My info was stolen according to Sony. But guess what? No charges or anything.

I actually got an email saying that they had it. This is just more publicity, and more chance for people to complain despite the fact they are getting free stuff.
hmm maybe some peoples credit card info was stolen and this is their Half Assed way of saying Were Sorry heres some free swag to ease the pain ?

Personal info such as name, address and other things were taken. Stored credit card data is encrypted in a different server. The data that was taken was not encrypted, yet was behind a security wall (which obviously didn't do much).

Cody, I have disagreed with you on many things but you are definitely correct in this. 'nuff said.
I have to say I'm starting to agree with the group who are saying why give us free games. I mean okay it was down etc etc, who cares in the end? So you couldn't play online games, it's not like most of you pay to play them anyway. I mean if you had subscribed to Playstation PLUS or whatever sure, but just normal people doesn't make sense to me.

And then I've seen people on other sites complaining about the choice, and I'm just like, they're giving you something free, get over it. Some people want way too much out of a company that was hacked. And at least they were honest about it. You can say it's never happened to any other online merchant service, but if it happened to Apple or Amazon you probably wouldn't hear about it.

Maybe I'm just no spoiled because I grew up with dial up and couldn't play online games AT ALL. I always had to play single player or in the room multi-player. So really the only thing the outage affected me with was not being able to buy PSP games. I'm smart enough to back the ones I already bought up so I don't have to ever redownload them again if I can help it.

And before you say people who got information stolen, I'm pretty sure the email I got from Sony says I got my stolen specifically. Stuff like card number address name etc etc everything but the security code. And guess what? Nothing's happened at all. At this point, I say they just get PSN back up as quick as possible and say fuck all this welcome back non sense.

I mean it's not like Sony just randomly decided to shut PSN down for that long. They had a good reason to do it, and they did it to PROTECT us. It's just like at the end of the day, is this really going to matter? I seriously doubt that that many people are going to go over to Xbox Live and never come back to Sony again, they're just going to complain about it until a week after PSN comes back, and then forget it. I mean we do the same thing every time Facebook fucks up our privacy settings and stuff. Everyone's pissed and gonna quit and gonna sue for like a week and then no one remembers it.

/end rant
UGH This makes perfect sence even to me....Wich I dont admit happily.
But its quite true worse things have happend with banks,credit card companies ect ect....and you get nothing in return
Well said~
Looks like this "Hack Sony" game is getting popular isn't it? :jtc:

A hacker group has claimed it has attacked the Sony network and stolen more than one million passwords, email addresses and other information.

Lulz Security said it broke into servers which run

It said it had hacked into a database that included unencrypted passwords as well as names, addresses and dates of birth of Sony customers.

In April, hackers broke into Sony's PlayStation Network and stole data from more than 77 million accounts.

Source: BBC News

Here we go again. Another alleged attack just freshly reported. It's totally getting out of hand and yet another headache for all of us. I'm not sure if there's been an actual confirmation yet, but here you go.
Hmm. So it's nothing to do with PSN this time, just Sony Pictures.

PSN is currently down at the moment. Perhaps this is just a precaution?
Anonymous Members Arrested in Spain Over PSN Attack, Government Hacks


There us one crucial rule for self preservation if you are a member of Anonymous: stay anonymous. In Spain, three hackers have failed to do just that, and have been arrested for their attacks on the PSN, banks and several government websites.

A Spanish National Police statement said that three members of Anonymous were arrested in Barcelona, Valencia and Almeria, but they were not named. The suspects were called “leaders of the Spanish section” of Anonymous, but due to the fact Anonymous has no centralized command, it is more likely they mean key and influential members of the group. Spain’s National Police claim the arrests have “dismantled the dome for network hackers in Spain,” with the the main server in country having been seized.

The head of the Technological Investigation Brigade (BIT) said (translated):
In the network part from normal people to other more qualified women who serve as stewards of the [IRC] chats that voted on the targets of attacks.
Spanish police specializing in cyber crime analyzed more than two million lines of online chat and Internet pages to find the suspected criminals. The detainees could face charges of conspiracy, punishable by sentences ranging from 2 to 3 years in prison.

NATO recently commented on Anonymous, saying that “the longer these attacks persist the more likely countermeasures will be developed, implemented, the groups will be infiltrated and perpetrators persecuted.”
Anonymous replied:
Finally, do not make the mistake of challenging Anonymous. Do not make the mistake of believing you can behead a headless snake. If you slice off one head of Hydra, ten more heads will grow in its place. If you cut down one Anon, ten more will join us purely out of anger at your trampling of dissent.
This will come as welcome news to Sony, who are still beleaguered by attacks on other Sony sites, such as Sony Music, from groups such as LulzSec.
