Playstation Reasons Behind PSN Outage

I tried to sign in, downloaded the update manually because it didn't prompt me...

8002A203 - is the error code I get. I can't sign in to the PSN no matter what I try to do, it never prompted me to change my password either. When I try to sign in, it still says; PlayStation*Network is currently undergoing maintenance.

Soooo... Sadface. Yay Sony for getting things fixed though!
Sony: Welcome back gifts once PS Store is restored

Sony has started restoring online functionality of the Playstation Network on a region by region basis. With almost all of North America being able to access PSN now, and the services being restores slowly but surely in other parts of the world, PS3 users has a reason to rejoice after what was an amazingly tough last one month, when they didn’t have any access to PSN.

However, a few questions, especially one regarding Sony’s promised Welcome Back package has been bothering readers since they are yet to get any details as to when they can expect to redeem them.

Nick Caplin – Head of Communications, SCEE has come to the rescue and has now provided an update which should clear all doubt in PS3 users’ minds. He said that PSN users can expect to get their welcome back gifts only after the PS Store is restored. Therefore, it’ll take a bit of time before they post more information regarding the same, but they can expect it to happen very soon.
You’ll be able to get your welcome back gifts once the store is live, which will be a little longer I’m afraid. We will be sharing more information about what you’ll be ble to get a little later on today.
He also clarified that the PS Store restoration in part of phase II and it won’t be restored in any region (even the ones where PSN is live right now) unless and until the promised features, such as online play is restored completely around the globe as that’s what comprises of Phase I of PSN restoration. He assured that they’ll update the blog as soon as they have something to announce:
Today is phase one of PSN coming back online, which includes features such as online gaming. The store will be part of phase two, which will be a little longer I’m afraid. As soon as we know when we can bring it back online, we will let you know here on the blog.
Stay tuned for more updates as and when they arrive. You can follow us on Twitter or Facebook to get them before anyone else.
I am not too fussed with the store not up as long as we can play online for now it should not cause too much of an uproar. I mean I have not been on ps3 since January and never really bought anything from the store so it does not matter to me. :hmmm:
That sucks though, I didnt activate my online pass for that means no online asskicking until psn store comes back online....I actually bought plenty of shit from the store...most I regret sadly...but I am waiting for project FROM DUST..a God game I just gots to have !!!!!!!
That means you never bought something from the psn store.
I see, that makes sense. Thank you.

Just checked my e-mail again and still haven't received it. I'm in no hurry so I don't mind waiting. I assume the network still has high-volume traffic.
The only thing I probably care about on the playstation store right now will be Uncharted III's multiplayer beta which will start July 5th. I hope the store can be repaired by then.
So I still can't use any DLC vouchers I got? Right-o, so no reason to go on PSN for me yet. Haven't turned on my PS3 for almost two weeks now so I didn't downloaded any update or whatever xD

I guess it makes sense: online multiplayer means a lot more than being able to get stuff off the PSN Store.
Alright I went on the Playstation III just now and It says I need to change my password.. and the email is taking forever to arrive. How long does it take because I am not going to wait an hour just for one email to reset my password.. :stang:
Alright I went on the Playstation III just now and It says I need to change my password.. and the email is taking forever to arrive. How long does it take because I am not going to wait an hour just for one email to reset my password.. :stang:

I dunno Adri...I could reset mine right away :sad3: Its not a big deal...I'm not good and I'm still learning. Although...Al and Dames sound so luscious :britt: ...and its fun even though I always do the worst on the scoreboard :monster:
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I dunno Adri...I could reset mine right away :sad3: Its not a big deal...I'm not good and I'm still learning. Although...Al and Dames sound so lucious :britt: ...and its fun even though I always do the worst on the scoreboard :monster:

Meh hang in there Mel. If this email does not come soon enough it should come tomorrow so we will play then. I a on vacation so we have plenty of time to play.. just remember that. :britt: Who cares if you do bad.. lol I can be pretty shit sometimes xD.
Alright I went on the Playstation III just now and It says I need to change my password.. and the email is taking forever to arrive. How long does it take because I am not going to wait an hour just for one email to reset my password.. :stang:

I was able to change my password as soon as I logged in on PSN the other night. :hmmm: Didn't need to check my e-mail. I guess it must be different for some?

I'm waiting for the Download List to become available so I can re-download FF8 (which I bought from PS Store a few months ago but never got a chance to install). I tried installing it but it gave me a corrupted data, saying I must re-download the game. It better work...

Anyway, they listed the free games for PS3. We can select 2 games and will be available for 30 days after the PS Store is restored.

Dead Nation
Little Big Planet
Super Stardust HD
Wipeout HD + Fury
Looks like I'm getting inFamous and either Little Big Planet or Dead Nation. :neomon: The only one there I haven't already played/beaten is Dead Nation, though.

The email reset is required if you have not downloaded anything with that account on that particular system. Otherwise, it will work. So to clarify, you must have downloaded something with the account in question, on the system you're currently reseting the pass on to clear the email requirement. They explained why this was, but I forgot the reason tbqh. :hmmm: Buying something is not needed, free content works.
No love for he PSP people?

I still get a error when i try logging in the PSN Account management/PSNStore

An Error has occured.You have been signed out of the PSN
(80550460) >.> so im getting annoyed with this
I was able to change my password as soon as I logged in on PSN the other night. :hmmm: Didn't need to check my e-mail. I guess it must be different for some?

I'm waiting for the Download List to become available so I can re-download FF8 (which I bought from PS Store a few months ago but never got a chance to install). I tried installing it but it gave me a corrupted data, saying I must re-download the game. It better work...

Anyway, they listed the free games for PS3. We can select 2 games and will be available for 30 days after the PS Store is restored.

Dead Nation
Little Big Planet
Super Stardust HD
Wipeout HD + Fury

Well when I tried to sign on it said that I needed to change my password and that in order to do that email details will be sent to me. It said follow the email instructions using a PC. I use a different email for psn and not my main one. Might arrive tomorrow. Ah free games... I will have to check those out. Thanks for the heads up Mits!
No love for he PSP people?

Oh sorry!


LittleBigPlanet (PSP)
ModNation Racers
Pursuit Force
Killzone Liberation

I will be getting LittleBigPlanet and inFAMOUS. ^_^ Not familiar with the other games listed.
My gosh, such bad timing-I just bought LittleBigPlanet GOTY for PS3 :ness:

Guess I could check out inFamous (tried the demo, it was alright) and see which game is the least scariest to play >.<
blehhh I know they're giving us the games for free and all but srsly, why give us such a random and crappy choice of games? :( I already have LBP and don't care about Infamous and the rest I have never heard of...

/me complains about free stuff
My gosh, such bad timing-I just bought LittleBigPlanet GOTY for PS3 :ness:

Don't you just hate that? :wacky:

Apparently, we're allowed to have 2 free PS3 and 2 free PSP games. Awesome.

Not sure what to get for PSP.
I know what i'll be getting :ryan:

Infamous and Dead Nation for PS3 and ZHP or w/e it's called for PSP... Not sure on a second game :hmmm: