Recommend me an RPG thread


Oct 26, 2006
I would appreciate if anyone could list some RPGS for me. Also how good the plot and battles are.

I've played final fantasy 7-10, Final fantasy tactics, star ocean the 2nd story and Till the end of time. Help!

The plot is good and the so is the battle system, also the characters are quite good as well
Does the game have to be on a Sony console?

I'd play...

-Tales of Symphonia
-Tales of the Abyss
-The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
-Dragonquest VIII
-Pretty much any Pokemon game for a portable console (excluding crap like Pokemon Dungeon and Pinball)
-Kingdom Hearts
-Fable: The Lost Chapters
-Blue Dragon

The plot and battles are passable at the very least for each game.
Dragon Quest VIII is a good one, battle system is same as FF and the story is cracking :monster:

It's a pain for trianing tho as the only things that give really good exp are elusive little metal slime buggers

The caino makes up for it though :monster:

Also try Kingdom Hearts, Im playing the first one myself and I'm really rather addicted :wacky: Altho getting lost alot takes the michael -_-
For PS1:

Legend of Dragoon
Chrono Cross
Vagrant Story
Tales of Destiny
Tales of Destiny 2
Wild Arms
Wild Arms 2
and any FF you haven't played

For PS2:

LOTR: The Third Age
Tales of Legendia
Tales of the Abyss
Xenosaga Episode I
Xenosaga Episode II
Xenosaga Episode III
Wild Arms 3
Wild Arms 4
Wild Arms 5
Wild Arms: Alter Code F
and any FF you haven't played

For PS3:

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

I would recommend more, but I think this is a good list for the Sony Playstation systems.
Oh I totally missed the PS1 part

Breath of Fire 3 is really good, again, the battle system is turn based and it's got a lovely little story line. Plus you get to change into a dragon. Win
As others have said oblivion and xenogears are both incredibly good games.

for playstation 2:
Persona 3
Persona 3
Persona 3
Persona 3
Another fucking copy of Persona 3

Actually, I wouldn't waste your money on persona 3 since persona 3 fes comes out within the month (at least it does here in the states)
If you can get your hands on Lunar 1 or 2, you might like it. I still have to get Lunar 1, but Lunar 2 was very enjoyable indeed.

Also, Grandia. Yes, a must play! Battle system has always been a favorite for many fans, and the storyline is very engrossing. At least I think so anyway.

Arc the Lad is cool too, if you like 2D style. The story is quite interesting enough. Battle system is simple, but fun nonetheless.
As others have said oblivion and xenogears are both incredibly good games.

for playstation 2:
Persona 3
Persona 3
Persona 3
Persona 3
Another fucking copy of Persona 3

Actually, I wouldn't waste your money on persona 3 since persona 3 fes comes out within the month (at least it does here in the states)

You know... I've only ever played Persona 2, and I wasn't impressed.

But that does remind me of two more for the PS1...

Parasite Eve and Parasite Eve 2.

God I wish they'd make a third.
Parasite Eve and Parasite Eve 2.

God I wish they'd make a third.

I agree! I completely enjoyed the first and second game, and while it is indeed an action game through and through, it also has that RPG standards anyway, so that counts for something. It's just a mixture of RPG and sci-fi action, which is a good combination if you ask me.
I never played persona 2 myself. I played the first persona, and while it was a pretty good game and refreshingly different, didn't stand out quite as much as persona 3, or even other SMT games.

Parasite Eve is an amazing game, I'm still tempted to pop it back in sometimes. I never played the second one though.
Unfortunately, i didn't use to play so much RPG back then; until i play FF8 the RPG's weren't my type of game.

- Tales of Phantasia
- Tales of Destiny
- Xenogears
- Suikuden II
- Star Ocean: Second Story
- Valkyrie Profile
- Vagrant Story

- Xenosaga
- Dragon Quest VIII
- Tales of the Abyss
- Star Ocean: 'Til the End of Time
- Grandia III
- Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria
- .//Hack (Series)

There were the few i could play at some time.
Chrono Cross - the system takes some getting used to, but it's fast paced and fun, and the soundtrack is just gold.

Vagrant Story - honestly can't say much, since I don't have it, but it's by Square and it takes place in Ivalice, so what more could you want?

Xenogears - again, haven't played, but it's by Square and the soundtrack is phenomenal (as is anything else by Yasunori Mitsuda).

Xenosaga series - just plain wins, if you don't mind sci-fi RPGs.

Dragon Quest 8 - pretty uninspired story, but the gameplay is great traditional RPG stuff and it's actually challenging.

Persona 3 - I just picked this up a couple weeks ago, and my god it's fun as hell, even though it is anime. Nice fast paced battle system and...well the story seems interesting so far, haven't gotten very far in it yet. The soundtrack is horrible though.

Odin Sphere - nice fairy tale-ish story, and it's a 2D sidescrolling action RPG. And possibly rivals Okami for most beautiful game on the PS2. Also provides quite the challenge.
The Phantasy Star games were also mostly always good, though I'm not sure of all the titles that are available for Sony Systems... I know you can get 1-4 in a compilation of Sega games on the PS2, but I cant remember what the thing is actually called. I also know that Phantasy Star Universe is on the PS2, but I've never played that one.

I used to have Phantasy Star Online on the GameCube (back when I had a GameCube) and you didn't have to play it online, which is something I wish they had done with FFXI, but anyway. Yeah... The Phantasy Star games were pretty good from what I recall. It was like the Sega Genesis' answer to Final Fantasy back when FF was a Nintendo title.
I think I'm probably repeating some games already, but...

Legend of Dragoon

Chrono Trigger: Amazing game!

Final Fantasy VI: My fave FF game from SNES times

Final Fantasy V

Final Fantasy IV

Persona 3; but don't be dumb like me, wait for PS3:FES if you can, but I am enjoying the game as it is right now

Kingdom Hearts and KHII: Awesome game; don't late the rating fool you, the story really sucks you in, and KHII gives some closure

.hack//G.U.; it has SOME references to the earlier .hack games, but you should be able to play this series without a problem.


DragonQuest VIII

Shining Force Neo

Shadow Hearts 3: Cliche, but enjoyable
Xenosage I-III
Rogue Galaxy
Kingdom Hearts I & II
Dragon Quest VIII
Shadow Hearts 1-3

I'd say all of these are veryyy good games to grab ahold of. =D
Blasphemy! The soundtrack is amazing! But I guess not everyone enjoys that style of music.

The music is fine inside Tartarus...but on school grounds and in town, it just gets so repetitive and grates on my nerves. I do not like listening to weirdass Jpop loop over and over, I want me sum nice ambient music :gasp:

I really do recommend Persona 3 though, for Phyrinox and everyone else who's not played it. Like I said, I'm not that far in (because I had a horrible urge to play FF7) but I pretty much got hooked from the get go. The cutscenes are awesome, I like how you can build relationships with your classmates, the battles are really fun....and it's just plain cool aiming a gun to your head and pulling the trigger to summon your Persona :wacky:

Actually Phyrinox, I'd recommend just about anything published by Atlus, they usually put out top-notch RPGs.
Grandia is probably my favourite RPG out of the Final Fantasy series,
Grandia 2 was abit disapointing but fingers crossed for number 3.

Grandia II was my all time favorite. lmao.

Grandia III was a tad bit of a let-down, tbqh. =/. The graphics were amazing but, I loved II much more.