Recommend me an RPG thread

You like Symphonia, don't you? Give Tales of the Abyss a try, then. Amazing game.

Dragon Quest VIII is good, too.

Tales of the Abyss! That's what I forgot! Thanks for the reminder! And I've already played DQVIII and loved it! Didn't beat annoyed after my data was the LAST BOSS!

Thanks for all the suggestions guys. Keep them coming if you have more!
Kingdom Hearts I and II.

I can't believe no has suggested them yet.
I thinks there's already a thread about this on the PS zone; but this seems to be more open; so i'll quote my PS suggestion and add the GC and Xbox ones =D

- Final Fantasy IX
- Tales of Phantasia
- Tales of Destiny
- Xenogears
- Suikuden II
- Star Ocean: Second Story
- Valkyrie Profile
- Vagrant Story
- Final Fantasy Tactics

- Final Fantasy X / XII
- Xenosaga
- Dragon Quest VIII
- Tales of the Abyss
- Star Ocean: 'Til the End of Time
- Grandia III
- Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria
- .//Hack (Series)
- Kingdom Hearts I & II
- Disgaia
- Phantom Brave

You could also try this one from GC:
- Tales of Symphonia (seems, you already play it =P)
- Skies of Arcadia
- Baten Kaitos
Disgaea 1, Disgaea 2, Xenosaga, Xenosaga 3, (Didn't like Xenosaga 2).
Wild arms 3,4,5
Atelier Iris 1,2,3, Mana Khemia
Tales of the Abyss
Persona 3:FES
.Hack//GU series
Shadow Hearts 2
Rogue Galaxy
Kingdom Hearts 1,2
Front Mission 4
Makai Kingdom
Legaia 2:duel saga
Suikoden III, V

*disgaea, makai, and front mission are SRPGS
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Since some of you have asked for recommendations on RPGs... The two current threads have been merged. (Can't find the others >_> *cough*)

Please post here for any questions or any RPG recommendations.
Guess I'll make good use of this thread. =]

I'm going to buy another PSP soon (actually maybe tomorrow) since my old one was stolen and I was wondering if anyone can recommend me a good RPG game for the PSP.

I already have Legend of Heroes III: Song of the Ocean, Ys VI: The Ark of Naphistim (although I have still yet to play it since I just bought it today), and I've played Crisis Core (but it was stolen along with the PSP).

So, any suggestions?
A highly-underrated game called "The Legend of Dragoon" is the one game I'm going to recommend that you all play, immediately!

It follows the story of a young man named Dart, who sets out on a quest to get revenge on a creature known as The Black Monster, who destroyed his original village and killed his family and friends. On his journey, he meets several great friends and ends up caught between international war, exploiting the princess of one country as a fake and just generally saves the world from annihilation.

The whole story surrounds an ancient battle known as the Dragon Campaign, where humans would fight with the power of the Dragoon (the ability to draw upon the power of/control dragons) against a race known as the Winglies, who battled with magic and the power of Virage, another mystical creature. While this is set in the past, you'll notice that it's essentially repeating itself, given that each of your characters acquires the power of each of the Dragoons in the Dragon Campaign.

I find the battle system to be quite interesting - your attacks are called Additions and you basically have to press the right buttons at the right time, everytime, to complete the Addition. Each new Addition is more powerful but more complicated than the last. When you can start turning into a Dragoon, their attacks include specific magic attacks, such as Final Burst for Dart, Star Children for Shana or Astral Drain for Rose.

As for the graphics, they're not far away from Final Fantasy VII but there's still a noticable improvement in The Legend of Dragoon. Also, the characters have voices and it was one of the first RPGs back in the day to use voices, or so I'm told. The voices only apply to grunts (and the shouting out of the name) of Additions, the transformation into Dragoons, the names ot attacks in battle, and during CGI cutscenes. Basically, everywhere other than when you're running around in towns.
This video is the introduction to the game. The song is called "If You Still Believe in Love" and it goes on for about another five minutes.
Here's a boss fight somewhere on Disc 3 of the game, I believe. It might be Disc 4, actually. It demonstrated the use of Additions, items and it includes Dragoons at the end. The background of the fight changes because, when all the characters have maximum spirit points (the currency you use to transform and is acquired through additions) then you go to the dimension of that element - in Meru's case, water and ice.

I've just convinced myself to start a new game. :pikamon:
Id say, elder scrolls Morrowind or Oblivion, I perfer Morrowind. So much stuff to do, the graphics are stunning, and a great story!

Star Wars Knights of the Republic 1 and 2. They are pretty good.

Also Wild Arms 3, great story, FFish, but ive never beat it
well i will have to say for psp

a game called

valhalla knights its not too bad graphics ( reminds me off ff7 with the text ect)

wont give away the story goog game though
I'm unsure as to whether or not someone has already posted this but I'm afraid I have to recommend playing Devil May Cry. I had always assumed that it was a plotless shoot 'em up game, a bit like Time Crisis at the arcade. I've been hearing a fair few good things about it and confirmed this with Bowly and I'm sorry for never giving it a go before now. I have the first 3 - despite only being mid-way through the first game, I'm already recommending this for anyone who's had doubts over the gameplay. If you like puzzles, ridiculously powerful weapons and equally powerful enemies, then I direct you to this series.

If the second and third games are anything like the first, expect me back. :wacky:
Devil May Cry 2 was pretty shit compared to one and three. However, when Capcom introduced DMC 3, I had my doubts upon it, but it brought life back into the series.
Out of the 4 DMC's, the original was by far the best; mostly in terms of storyline and difficulty. (the DMD mode in this one was hard to beat)
In terms of gameplay, DMC 3 was the best; considering Dante was more versatile, and the introduction of styles allowed you to choose you suited way of fighting. If you enjoy th third installment, I strongly recommend buying the special edition because you gain access to a new playable character: Vergil, three added bosses, an extra 'Very Hard' difficulty, and numeorus other additions. :monster:
Legends of Dragoon was real good, a bit challenging with the combos.

XenoGears = all time favorite RPG.
FFVII = My first favorite RPG, before XenoGears came out
ChronoCross = Amazing
Chronotrigger = a bit outdated... but good all the same.
if you have a xbox 360 get lost odyssey! its made by the ex staff members from square so its not to bad! jenson is hillarious! however its a great game for statagy monsters! not for those who like to power level
Sword of mana is definitely something you must have played. The ability to use different weapons and choosing between different classes with each it's advantages is great. You can also make your own weapons. Definitely one of the best GBA games I've played.
I'm only gonna reccomend 2, Parasite Eve ( the 1st one only ) and the legend of dragoon, i'll vouch for chrono cross but i wont discuss it.

Parasite Eve:

parasite eve is a sci-fi rpg game that features active time battles in which you can move the character to avoid enemy attacks, something new back then, different from the ff's. the story is centered around teh mutation of an organelle in every cell on the planet, mitochondria. i'm not going to spoil teh story but i highly reccomend it. i dont reccomend the 2nd one because of a nearly impossible code you must decipher that i spent 10 hours trying to figure out and had to go online to find, plus it plays like resedent evil, i didnt like that.

Legend of Dragoon:

this is possible the most underrated game in ps1 history, no joke. but for the select few who have played it, they will tell you for hours what an awesome game it was. must play for any rpg gamer. the guy before beat me to the punch, ( Nthank you he saved me lots of time) listen to him.
What about the phantasy star games? they were great when I was a lad. Phantasy Star 1 was the first RPG I ever played, I was completely confused, but i loved it.
A few of my favorite non-FF RPGs:

Chrono Trigger
Seiken Densetsu III (HIGHLY recommended)
Lufia I & II
Star Ocean

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (More of a sidescrolling action game with RPG elements)
Star Ocean: The Second Story
SaGa Frontier (guilty pleasure)
Legend of Dragoon
Parasite Eve
Chrono Cross
If I don't give examples or a description as to why I mentioned a game, just assume that it has an awesome plot or that it was really fun to me.

Xenogears: Best plot I've ever encountered. Altogether my favorite RPG.

Chrono Trigger
Breath of Fire II
Tales of the Abyss
Legend of Dragoon
Xenosaga episode I
Tales of Destiny
Parasite Eve

I'll just leave it at that, if you've played all of those and care to know what else I'd recommend, just let me know, I know of a bunch more.