Relationship problem puts my Buster Sword in a pickle

oh oks
Honestly, do as your heart (intuition....whatever) says and follow your own decisions. Living to please others will bring you nothing more than an empty life. Your mother may have given you your life, however, she holds no right to decide what you want to do with your life. Marriage is a very serious proposal, and if there is no love or the slightest ounce of affection, it will be no better than a sugar-coated lie.
Bro...*pats* you do realize this is in spam right? And it's....yeah...xD
Okay babe, yeah, wow I love you man, like wow, love is all around.
Perhaps I should throw in some typos too?
Don't. He is Mr Stone, don't you get it, he's made out of stone. The glass will shatter and not even scratch him.

I wonder what Aldo will be like with a hangover. :awesome: