Remake announcement 1/31/07?


ShinRa Guard
Jan 4, 2007
771 :名前は開発中のものです :2007/01/27(土) 13:11:13 ID:z/2tEAcO


そして、今年はFF誕生20周年。FF7誕生10周年…多分1月31日(FF7発売日だった)にサプライズ があるとみんな予想してる。


Found this in another message board. It's unconfirmed at the moment but loosely translated it says: FF7 Remake Will be announced. 31/1/07.... FF7 10th anniversary day.

FF7(Original story) + side story + prequel story = FF7 for PS3
Fuck off is it. I shall not belive it untill SE themselfs show me pictures or if im there watching them develope the cunt. Don't be fooled by mere messeges.

The compilation project becomes inactive by that anniversery doesn't it? or is it another?, cba to check hehe :D

Either way, NO!
The only bad news about this is if they DO remake it ill have to buy a PS3 ASAP :( but i think ive already negotiated that with my mum lol - she said i have to pay for it lol
Hmm.. I'm afraid I agree with moonchild. You can't trust sh*t unless there's pics involved.
Hmm.. I'm afraid I agree with moonchild. You can't trust sh*t unless there's pics involved.
And with something this big, you need solid pics. I know of a few people who have tried to pass on their own created images as FF VII re-make, and some belived them.
I have to see this confirmed by Square Enix first before I believe it, but I don't have a doubt in my mind that they won't remake it.

(FF7 PS3 realtime tech demo)
still, they arn't working on it square enix already said that they arn't, so even if it is made it'll be about 3 years ( maybe longer ) before you can play it
Seems like a hell of lot of wasted resources, not to mention a HELL of a lot of potential $$, to not go through with a remake. It's gonna happen boys.
SE have said they don't plan on remaking PS era FF's, thus VII, untill their consoles can no longer take PS media. Basicly you have to wait till at least PS4 seeing as the PS3 can take PS discs.
I have to agree with Moonchild here. Don't get your hopes up 'cause there might be a remake or not. Who knows? And just because they've remade the game's intro scene for the PS3 doesn't mean that Square Enix are hinting us that there WILL be a remake for sure. Even if there is going to be one, I don't think it'll ever be available soon. It could take them a year or so. Making a video game isn't a piece of cake as you might think and especially the PS3 because of it's high quality of graphics and gameplay.

Those are just rumors made by other fans who are seriously bored to death and haven't got a life to go with so don't let their stupid little words get into your mind.
don't tell me to piss off, and FF7 already been remade for the PSP

EDIT: FF7 isn't that much memory, and the PSP has more storage space then the PS1
don't tell me to piss off, and FF7 already been remade for the PSP
No it hasn't, thats Crisis Core your thinking about there im guessing.

Don't argue with moi, you shall get raped.

EDIT: Just saw your edit, you sure your not talking about a FF VII PORT. cos thats a whole diffrent thing. Sure a PORT can go onto a PSP, but not a full scale REMAKE.
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That is enough. If you cannot talk this out rationally without telling people to piss off and continue arguing, I will hand out warnings.
That is enough. If you cannot talk this out rationally without telling people to piss off and continue arguing, I will hand out warnings.
Sorry, I wasn't actually telling him to piss off its more of an expression towards the proposed idea that is obviously bogus.