Replaying FF8


ShinRa Guard
May 3, 2008
Who here is replaying or is going to replay FF8? I'm about to start a new file because I hardly remember anything about the game and it's just awesome.

Squall FTW.:)
I just bought a copy, so when that arrives I can finally finish the game. I gave up on it first time around because my Disc 3 was broke and I lost interest in it after that. Finally get to finish this game after all these years lol, a little sad but it'll be worth it and would give me a break from FFX NSG
I still have my save file on my ps1 memory card but I dont have the game. Borrowed it from someone but they dont have it anymore. Now Im playing it on an emulator with .iso's. Im now where you go to the training facility with Quistis. Love seeing how Squall and Rinoa dance haha.
I usually listen to music at work/school, so if I'm in the right mood, and listening to the right track, I'll immediately get back into FFVIII (Or basically any game), and then once I get home, I start a new game, and everything gets shoved off my to-do list until I've beaten it. I've played through FFVIII maybe... A good eight or nine times.
I'm actually replaying it now. I forgot the entire story so I'm entertaining myself with it.

Irvine is still my favorite haha.

The stupid magic stocking thing is fucking annoying though. And so is the damn 5 minute long summons that pretty much do all the fighting for you.
I like the magic stocking things. It beats having to waste money on buying Ethers and all that crap. Im still tryin to figure out where to get Screws and a Steel Pipe for the Shear Trigger. I usually dont do/like summons except in FF8 and Tactics. Irvine rocks haha. Love the hat and shotgun.

Currently right now, Im on that train where you first get Rinoa. And there aint no way Im using the Magical Lamp right now to get Diablo. Prob will try for it once Im level 50 or something.
You are aware that Diablos gets harder the higher level you are, yes?

You can get screws from pretty much anything... Just look at what cards you can Item-Mod... I can't remember the name of the monster, it's beena while... But it shouldn't be hard to obtain them shortly, you can fight the monsters after you can leave Timber. Steel Pipes, I believe, can be stolen from Grendels.
Yeah I know but still. A little challenge never harmed anyone. Demi makes the battle really easy though, yes.

Grendels eh? Im gonna have to search for em. On my ps1 file, Im on 3rd disc at level 100 with Shear Trigger. I had a hard time searching for item things to upgrade people's weapons.
Here's a tip to get most of those items you'll need; use the Card-Mod ability to mod your rare cards (once you no longer have use for them) into items. Yes, this means you will need to play Triple Triad and win the GF Cards, Character Cards and the like.
Ah. Yeah I read up on that. Gonna do it tommorow. No way am Im gonna stick with Revolver till disc 3 again, heh.
imreplaying now as well but im not very far, school doesnt allow much time for fun. It is nice to play through it again as i dont remember much of what was going on the first time
Im planing on playing it again after I complete FFVII again, I started it yesterday on my computor version, and yes I have the PS1 version also! :D
Actually I replayed VIII a couple of months ago! I had everyone up to level 100, all GFs, all Triple Triad cards - pretty much everything I was suppose to get . xD It was my first perfect game and I was off to battle Omega. Well, somehow my file got erased and I lost everything. You can imagine how angry I was at that point! Hah, so I had to take a break from VIII for a long long time and cool my anger. Eventually I'll get back to it, but right now I have so many games, new ones I haven't played yet, that I need to get to and finish up.
I'm going to play it now! Just reminding me how truly excellent this game is.
Playing through Lost Odyssey which is also a superb game.
I've played and beaten FF8 7 times since I was 9 years.

Now, if I ever play FF8, I stop after Disc 2. I just can't stomach the romance in it anymore. x.x;
FF8 is awesome. Im now at the part after you bash the fake president.

I find it somewhat difficult to hit R1 for Zell and Selphie and any others in battle. Only 2 people I can hit a R1 with is Squall and Seifer.
I havent made it to disc 4 at all. (How far I have ever made it is in my previous posts.)

Now Im at Gabadia Garden. Still cant find out what drops Steel Pipes for the Shear Trigger. I have the Screws.
FF8 is awesome. Im now at the part after you bash the fake president.

I find it somewhat difficult to hit R1 for Zell and Selphie and any others in battle. Only 2 people I can hit a R1 with is Squall and Seifer.
That's because they are the only two who you can press R1 with.

I started a new game not long ago and I'm up to the underground Prison.
There aint only 2. I can hit it with Squall, Seifer, Zell, Kiros. Akthough Zell and Kiros I can do it with like 65% of the time. Rinoa, once under a blue moon. Same with Qustis and Selphie. Never done it with Irvine.