Replaying FF8

I played it again afew months ago, I never thought of casting blind on Diablos though >_< Stupid me

I finally beat Omega for like the first time ever though :wacky: Only because I never knew that the more magic you junctioned the better it was haha Im such a dumb arse

I still haven never got Irvines and Kiros's cards or Shockwave pulsar for Quistis -__- Can't for the life of me get those buggers

I'm sure Il replay it again soon, but I have quite the backlog, I just can't help to come back to this game though :monster:
Its funny, I never got the chance to play FF8, I was to caught up with 7. In fact, I didn't really play any of the other games until X, but I did play 1 and 2 on ps1. Anyways, its funny because I order a copy a few days ago, and it should be here either tomorrow or monday, I hope. I cant wait to finally play it! Yay ^.^
Well I got to the very end, with very high stats and then my memory card broke......... So i jes bought a new 1 and i'm gonna restart it again but i'm gonna play 7 first.
Sometime this year I will do. I mean, I'm currently playing through a few big games, so the last thing I want to do right now is start yet another.
Actually I am!
I just bought it from eBay like a week ago.. I hope it comes in by Mon....
but yeah I havn't played 8 since i was like 9 yrs and i miss it so...

Let's get obsessed! =]
I tried replaying FFVIII a few months ago (the operative word being tried)

I got pretty far into the third disk, rescued Rinoa from space, and all that jazz, and then I stopped. The game had bored/annoyed me too much, and I really didn't want to play on it anymore.

I might replay it after I finish FFX and FFVI, again. Since I'll have way too much free time over the summer.

Maybe. Hopefully, this time, I'll actually be able to complete it.
FF8 is one awesome game. to me, the graphics were a lot better than FF7's and i am going to replay it. as soon as i figure out how to beat it anyways.