
Loved Rinoa, some nay sayers may disagree, however be real, she acts like the typical 17 yr old female that most of us would have knowledge of. I've never understood how her carfree nature could derive so much "UGH?!" comments.

However, I liked the fact that she acted in her way, I loved the fact that she was always so persistent at times. To me, she feels like a normal female girl trying to enjoy herself in a world torn by conflict, sorceresses and with her being caught right in the middle of it.

My only dislike for Rinoa is that my sister grew to love this female FF character so much that whenever I see Rinoa, I see my sister, so it disturbs me at times.
The only thing I liked about Rinoa was her outfit. Aside from that, I couldn't help but laugh at her limit break.. *snicker* Anal cannon*snicker*She was a pest, very annoying.. always wanting to be apart of everything. And some how, she changed Squall and made him more open. I also hated how she kept leaving the party, especially when she was one of my main fighters.
I liked Rinoa as well. Idk why there is so much of a hatred towards her, I thought she was a great character. She changes Squall from being all emo shut up to himself, to trying to make him open and let him know that he can trust them. She may be a bit testy at times and be annoying, but hey who isnt? I liked her in this game, beautiful character and just the average personality of a real person.
I love Rinoa. She's so cute and nice. And I never really got annoyed with her. She is awesome. And she made squall from rock heart to soft heart .
They both are made for each other .
I've been playing the game a bit differently this time- usually I send Rinoa to the Missile base with Selphie, but this time I've kept her with Squall, which has shown me a lot more of Rinoa's flirty nature- which I hadn't seen before. So now things are making me like her a lot more.
I like Rinoa, actually when I was alot younger I had a crush on her when I first started playing FF8. But that was just stupid idk why at all.

But yeah she's probably one of my top favorite female FF characters.
Honestly thought that Rinoa was a step-down from earlier Final Fantasy females.

Terra- Intelligent. Unique. Independent. Strong- Willed- She was always willing to improve and get stronger

Fairs- Tough. Strong. Wasn't scared to be herself. Did things she wanted to do.
She didn't really change herself into a more womanly character because of Bartz's attention. She did it because it was her choice to show off her true identity

Celes- Brave talented strong and she was very stable and physically and mentally could wipe out anybody with her inner-power..

Maria- She was the only female rebel apart from Hilda that was willing enough to struggle through tough and painful battles and fight a dangerous and deadly Empire.

Tifa- Just like Fairs she did things she wanted to do and just like Maria she was willing to have enough courage to stand up against a powerful organization. And just like Celes she could defeat any foe with ease with her boxing karate/ Judo style.

Aerith- She was pretty damsel-like but have to give her credit for saving the world. Not many people would be brave enough to know their own death and face through it without going crazy or insane like Rinoa kinda does. Aerith was happy even at end.

Rinoa- Have to admit she does try and fight towards a organization and fight for people's freedom and she does start out strong and hopeful. She's confident, filled with life and a rather positive-thinker. But straight after the Parade she starts to go down hill rather fast.

The confident strong-willed fighter disappears and just feel like she turns into a emotional teenager who was desperate to gain a certain handsome man's attention.
If she focused more on the Forest Owls rather than trying to get into Squall's arms she would of turned out as a fine character. Who knows maybe Squall would of liked her for who she really was no matter what she did ?
Rinoa? Well........she wasn't terrible, I suppose. I don't know. I was never as attached to her as I was with Tifa and Aerith. I don't hate her, but her personality just bothered me a bit for some reason.......childish, is probably how I would put it. I'll admit though, she was pretty useful in battle for me, especially her limit break with Angelo.
Meh... She was Alright. Loved her outfit and her whole look. Nice personality and got Squall out of his emo shell but i got annoyed with trying to save her every five minutes. And also how she always was too clingy with squall... Dear me..
But apart from that shes fine. Not my best heroine but shes not all bad.
Well… it’s obvious from my Avatar that I don’t hate Rinoa, far from it…

I liked Rinoa’s character, but I can clearly see why other didn’t. I found her to be realistic, honest and not afraid to speak her mind. She tends to be a little emotional at times, but that just added to her realism in my opinion. In fact, that realism is what I loved most about her. I never found her too clingy as some claim, a little forceful, but not over done. Let’s face it, Rinoa complemented Squall real well, he needed some with Rinoa’s personality to break him from that anti-social mold.

Also, I clearly understand why it annoyed most players, but I actually did care about rescuing her the 5 or 6 times throughout the game. It truly never bothered me.

And… I honestly don’t she how she was forcing Squall to like her, she forced out his true feelings, but certainly not the opposite as some feel. In my opinion, it was love at first site the moment the locked eyes with each other (for those who believe in such a thing). ;)

I feel this way, too. And I'm a girl, and I'm not the "knight in shining armour"-type.
I always really liked Rinoa, I think she was realistically portrayed by not being "perfect". She's very cute and down to earth, and IMO she changes Squall for the better. And people must remember she's very young. How grown up were you when you were seventeen? I was very childish, at least compared to now, at 21.