
I didn't really like her. I didn't hate her either. She just felt... dull to me in certain areas.


I did like the way she continued to fight even when she thought all else was lost. She had an amazing internal strength, that even though she didn't shine out all that much to me, I had to respect her for. She gave Squall a reason to fight on. I probably like her more than dislike her because of this.

She was also, ALWAYS the one left out of the little group reunions, and whilst sometimes it seemed to make her sad, she never let it get to her. She just fought on.

and c'mon, being able to teach a dog tricks. That's pretty cool, right? :wacky:
Rinoa is kind of like the female character that you want to be. You don't want to get depressed- you want to move on and be mentally strong, you want to be the confident one during the school dance and ask the attractive man standing by the corner of the room out. You want to be able to express your emotions easliy without trouble. You want to be the one that gets saved by the hero.

However this makes Rinoa a little annoying and frustrating (for me anyways ) would problery like her more, if she had some more human faults rather than just being the prefect ''Mary- Sue ''. Apart for loosing her mother, and having a awful relationship with her Father, everything seems to go great for her. And she problery could fix up the realtionship with her father if she tried, pretty sure Caraway does nothing wrong.

And Rinoa's ''opening up '' gets a little creepy, being a closed up person usually dislike hearing about people's emotional feelings, and it got a little creepy..
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For me I found rinoa in the beginning a real pain in the butt...
She just didn't listen to her dad and did everything her way.
After a while in the game she changed a bit and I liked her more.
And the doggy tricks are so funny.
The first time I saw angelo cannon, my reaction was: WTF??? LOOOOOOOOOOOOL
Well, here's what I think, and I'm sure that a lot of people will disagree with me :monster:

At first I liked her, then after a couple of playthroughs I began to really loathe her, but now I've settled on irritation.

In the beginning she comes off as an over-emotional but somewhat of an idealistic leader fighting for what she believes in. It's hard to hate that kind of person, so I did like her. But then she begins to show more of her bratty pampered self that turned me off.

Telling off Squall several times didn't help me like her more either -__-

There's also the situation with her and Seifer. She admits that she loves him, but as soon as he goes to "the dark side", she quickly turns to Squall rather then trying to defend or stick up for the man she says she loves; ironically, SQUALL is the one who defends Seifer for most of the game even though he fights him and get tortured by Seifer and what not.

Rather than minding her own business, she tries to prove her worth by going to Edea on her own even though she had nothing to do with the mission, which proves to be disastrous and she ends up needing to be saved.

And then, about half-way through the game, why is she even still with SeeD? Yeah, there's that contract, but I'm prety sure it can be over-ruled given the circumstances.

When it comes to time to go against Galbadia, she has no business being there, and lo and behold, she's left grasping for dear life until Squall coincidentally comes by her. And then she just happened to go into a coma when they gang go fight Edea when in actuality she should've just stayed within Balamb Garden or elsewhere.

Her becoming a sorceress was very random as well; it's never said how she got Edea's power, it just happened to go to her.

Well, from there she IS part of the story, but a lot of her role could've been prevented before it got to that point.
I never really disliked her but I never loved her either. There were times that she could annoy me a bit (but that happens with a lot of characters, even the ones that are my favorites) but that's all part of having faults as a character which is important.

I did like the way she continued to fight even when she thought all else was lost. She had an amazing internal strength

I completely agree with Mindy on that one. THat was one thing she really had going for her. Also, while she may have been pushy sometimes...well...Squall kind of needed to be pushed? Anyone else remember that scene where they were out together and no matter what option you chose he would jsut be like 'I want to go back to my room' and i was like 'loser:mad2:'

Most of the time however, she was just kind of there. In fact even though I liked the game a LOT...most of the characters were just there without me having a particular liking for them. In fact I probably wouldn't have even liked Squall as much if I hadn't played Kingdom Hearts first (the being voiced by David Boreanaz thing made me totally biased:cassy:...and yes, I still accidentally refer to him as Leon all the time)...and Rinoa would have to be my second favorite after him. I did really like her character design though, very simple, and I thought she was the best done when it came to the FMV sequences.
I really like Rinoa. I don't find her annoying at all. She is a strong character who is leading a rebellion against Deling City which her father just happens to be the General of. I like how she tries to take matters into her own hands,even though sometimes it doesn't work out. I think it's cute how she flirts with Squall and tries to get him to come out of his shell. I think she did a great job with that. I also found her Angelo Limit break to be very useful. Wishing Star,Angelo Search,Angelo Recover, and Invincible Moon are great. I never used her Angel Wings Limit Break except for maybe once. I prefer Angelo. ;D

But Yes,I do like Rinoa and think that she is a great character. She is always part of my main party.
I don't like Rinoa, but don't hate her at all. I agree particular with an earlier post saying how characters in VIII are just there. Not that there're no character development, probably insufficient. Anyway back to Rinoa, my impression of her is definitely vague although she's arguably the female lead of the story. Other than the love story with Squall and the little Sorceress thing, I don't find her story very memorable. The rebelling against her father story, is however, quite a nice addition to her character. And her limit break, Angelo, that one is really cool too.
Well, here's what I think, and I'm sure that a lot of people will disagree with me :monster:

At first I liked her, then after a couple of playthroughs I began to really loathe her, but now I've settled on irritation.

In the beginning she comes off as an over-emotional but somewhat of an idealistic leader fighting for what she believes in. It's hard to hate that kind of person, so I did like her. But then she begins to show more of her bratty pampered self that turned me off.

Telling off Squall several times didn't help me like her more either -__-

There's also the situation with her and Seifer. She admits that she loves him, but as soon as he goes to "the dark side", she quickly turns to Squall rather then trying to defend or stick up for the man she says she loves; ironically, SQUALL is the one who defends Seifer for most of the game even though he fights him and get tortured by Seifer and what not.

Rather than minding her own business, she tries to prove her worth by going to Edea on her own even though she had nothing to do with the mission, which proves to be disastrous and she ends up needing to be saved.

And then, about half-way through the game, why is she even still with SeeD? Yeah, there's that contract, but I'm prety sure it can be over-ruled given the circumstances.

When it comes to time to go against Galbadia, she has no business being there, and lo and behold, she's left grasping for dear life until Squall coincidentally comes by her. And then she just happened to go into a coma when they gang go fight Edea when in actuality she should've just stayed within Balamb Garden or elsewhere.

Her becoming a sorceress was very random as well; it's never said how she got Edea's power, it just happened to go to her.

Well, from there she IS part of the story, but a lot of her role could've been prevented before it got to that point.

I Agree wth everything you stated
but i believe Squall needed to get told off cause of his personality also
over all i did not like squall not much of rinoa either
in my opinion they kind sucked and seemed very fake to me
i like laguna zell and ellone better
Rinoa is part of the story but..she didnt come off as a very important character to me at all..she showed a bratty spoiled rich bitch
attitude which i disliked sooo much
i did like her in the beginning but then i guess..her true colors showed =]
well when i played ff8 i really hated rinoa for some reason, but now that i think about it she wasn't all that bad. it was prob cuz when i got her she was so much weaker than my other characetrs so i didn't bother using her. it was just like how i didn't care about aeris until she died and then all of a sudden i was a huge aeris fan. well that doesn't really relate to rinoa but anyways rinoa's pretty cool now. =)
I don't hate her, but I don't like her either. She almost seemed like a placeholder to me, defined by her role rather than actual character. She was a sorceress and Squall's lover, that's about all she seemed to be (IMO).

Her biggest role was really just to be Squall's love interest, which would have been fine, but I didn't get a sense that they really fit together as a couple.

At least not like I did from other FF "couples" (Tidus and Yuna, Zidane and Dagger, Quina and Vivi, etc). xD
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I don't hate her, but I don't like her either. She almost seemed like a placeholder to me, defined by her role rather than actual character. She was a sorceress and Squall's lover, that's about all she seemed to be (IMO).

Her biggest role was really just to be Squall's love interest, which would have been fine, but I didn't get a sense that they really fit together as a couple.

At least not like I did from other FF "couples" (Tidus and Yuna, Zidane and Dagger, Quina and Vivi, etc). xD

quina and VIVI? LMAO i thought it was vivi and eiko lmao
but yeah i didnt feel much of a relationship with them either...it just wasent strong cause of how the both of them were
I dont hate Rinoa as much as i hate Shelke from ff7.but Rinoa was a part of my team and i did use her..i just dont like her personality and her place in the story..i wish they developed her better
i like rinoa, she was the best playable character in the game. i liked her personality a lot. after finishing the game, it got me thinking if everything turned out how it supppose to, there probably won't be a rinoa. since julia like laguna, they should've end up together and not with the caldwell guy.
Lol, ever since i first got her, she has stayed in meh party, without her, it wouldn't be good anymore. But i think that Squall should have actually told Rinoa how he felt, even if it would have kinda ruined it cause the entire game prepared Squall as a character who didn't need feelings and didn't talk to anyone.
Well, I really liked Rinoa. For starters, she was statistically the strongest of the party with a much higher Str and Mag stat than anyone else (by almost 20 points on both), so naturally it was great to have her your party, especially if you're the offensive type in battle like myself. She would say random things at times (like mentioning that Zone likes naughty magazines when it had no relavance), but overall she was great for the stroyline. She was sort of the outsider of the group as she wasn't part of the orphanage, but she blended together with them as if she was. Her lack of a will to battle early on was endearing as well, even if it made her look needy or codependent. And lastly I think the complection of the game changed a ton when her and Squall were together in the Ragnarok, it gave Squall more purpose and something more to fight for (as if he wasn't willing to fight anyway), and naturally making Squall's emotions a factor for the rest of the game.
Rinoa is a good character, I just found her a little irritating at times. I think that she opened up Squall

To be honest, on the whole I still think this. I told a friend of mine the other day that I thought Rinoa was a pain in the arse, but I've been playing the game again and I think that she has a lot of guts to stand up to her father, not a lot of people would do that to the extent that she does. I still think that she is a little irritating, but not to the extent that I originally thought. As for her opening up to Squall, of course she did, it was Squall who had trouble opening up to her
But of course it would be hard for Squall to open up to her, he hardly opens up to anyone, and he likes her, so that won't happen easily
i like rinoa, she was the best playable character in the game. i liked her personality a lot. after finishing the game, it got me thinking if everything turned out how it supppose to, there probably won't be a rinoa. since julia like laguna, they should've end up together and not with the caldwell guy.
It adds another dimension to Squall and Rinoa's story. They have the relationship that Laguna and Julia - his dad and her mum - wanted but fate denied to them.
Well, I really liked Rinoa. For starters, she was statistically the strongest of the party with a much higher Str and Mag stat than anyone else (by almost 20 points on both), so naturally it was great to have her your party, especially if you're the offensive type in battle like myself.
It always amuses me that she has a higher strength stat than a 7' career soldier who throws a giant harpoon around. You can almost get away with not giving her any junctions and she'll still hold her own in battle. And her limit breaks might look goofy - crossbow dog launcher anyone? - but are more than effective.
She would say random things at times (like mentioning that Zone likes naughty magazines when it had no relavance)
I think she was suggesting how the party could thank him (and if you give him the magazine you get at Timber Maniacs he'll give you a rare card) but it's still quite random. "Cheers for getting us past the soldiers who want to turn us over to the evil empire, here's a Playboy for your trouble"?

Really I think she acts exactly as you'd expect a 17-year-old girl with her background to do. I don't think as someone suggested upthread that she's just leading the revolution to spite her dad - it's clear from her dialogue that she believes in the cause of Timber's independence, and she gets mightily offended when Squall tells her the hard truth that it's a Mickey Mouse operation.

As regards their relationship, I think the way it's commonly described as Squall doing a 180 at the beginning of disc 3 is unfair. There's definite subtext before then (as early as the first disc) that he likes her but doesn't want to admit it, least of all to himself. It's not often that you can say that the main flaw with a game's story is that it's being too subtle, but FFVIII probably is. (Likewise with the orphanage revelation - there's ample foreshadowing, but the player isn't beaten over the head with it.) There's a reason that a lot of fanfic writers try to make the subtext clearer without going too far in the other direction, and many don't wait until the end of the game to give Squall and Rinoa their first kiss.
love Rinoa. She's my favorite FF girl of all-time. Carefree, spunky, and not afraid to speak her mind. Gorgeous too.
love Rinoa. She's my favorite FF girl of all-time. Carefree, spunky, and not afraid to speak her mind. Gorgeous too.

I agree, she was an uplifting girl, but its sad that she felt left out of the group. I think squall was her only real close companion.