
A lil bit of a mary-sue, but not as bad as some I've seen, like Angelique from Neo Angelique Abyss. XD

She's a good kid, really, I like her MOST of the time.

But hey, no one's perfect, no?
yeah Renoa is cool best FF girlfriend in the series really she seemed a little up beat unlike all the others
i dont like her too much (the childy like tantrum that she says after squall dont leave her to fight with them against edea was too much for me) but sometimes, can be a great character, sometimes that she is not kidnapped! she pass the game kidnapped
As of recently i have discovered that i don't like Rinoa. one her name is like un-pronounceable she is in love with both the villain and the hero(god woman make up your damn mind) if she was a RL person she would be ugly. and also thatif she was to die instead of Aeris...i would be alright with it.
Rinoa is very childish if you compare her as a gf compared to (wakka and lulu) or (tidus and yuna) she has got nothing going for her.....however she does influence Squall enough to make things a little more interesting.........if only she wasnt so childish she would be cool
I don't hate Rinoa, she simply wasn't one of my favourite characters. A lot of her points, emotions and beliefs were interesting and realistic throughout the game. Though I couldn't stand her limit breaks. Dog head-butting FTW? I think not.

I don't think it's fair to dislike Rinoa because it just so happened that a sorceress was controlling her, and that she got captured more than once. She was realistic and mature with the way she handled most, if not all, of the situations she was involved in. She generally tried her best to defend herself, and accept the things she couldn't change (Like facing the idea that it was more likely than not that she was going to die alone, in space). Also, she didn't sit back with her fingers crossed, hoping that Squall would eventually open up to her, she expressed her feelings, and told him off when he deserved it.
From a purely ascethic point of view, Rinoa looks emaciated when compared with selphie or quistis, y'know a little thin? as far as personality goes, she has a kinda of a plastic personalty, when i think of the penultimate ff chick ithink of Tifa, Rikku, Lulu & and every ones favourite...Quina....(the hell)....Rinoa was up there for a while but then she fell out of favour with me and selphie took her place as my got-to-chick cause when the shit hits the fan you always go with the chick in the shirt skirt~!
I like her in spite of her occational tantrums. but her charachter seem sort of devided. on one side she is the leader of a resitstance, on the other incredebly childish. but still, the effect she has on squall, and the how she influence him makes the game far more interesting. her outfit is also by far the best of the girls. I really can't stand what quistis and selphie are wearing!! ;)
If she wasn't the way she was, the game would be boring.
Because then Squall wouldn't change at all, and she'd probably leave the party pretty soon. And then off course, there is no story to continue.
I was not bothered by her at all really. I found it quite funny that she had to be rescued al the time. And I didn't really think she was childish. She is only 17 and all the others are quite mature for their age. Probably because of their upbringing. Being in the military and all that. I found her to be a typical teenage girl actually.
Didn't use her much in battle though. But that has nothing to do with her personality.
I loathe Rinoa's character. She is spoiled rotten, and doesn't give thanks when it is due. She is a very immature, and whiny character that isn't grateful enough for the things she has. Not to mention, she really likes to push people around. For what she did to Irvine--- psycho much? :/ I found Rinoa and Squall's love to be random. Here you have Quistis, who genuinely cares for Squall and tries to understand him. Then in waltzes Rinoa, the pretty "chipper" princess that forces Squall into things and never hesitates to bother him. And suddenly... he LOVES her? I don't get it.

Not to mention she flip-flops between Squall and Seifer like a madwoman. Only is it when Seifer is supposedly dead where she can finally confirm that she loves Squall. -sigh- I just have no respect for her. Far too immature for my tastes.

And I got through the game just fine with her only being level twelve, since I avoided using her at all costs.
ahh she was kinda annoying to me
she had a spoiled selfish snotty personality and attitude
plus she was soo naive and gullable
she always tried to protect seifer's postion as a good man
even though we all know he was bad
like when he was supposably dead
yeah she went out with him..but to go out with an A-hole like that
something must be wrong in her head lmao
she was strong sneaky and smart
thats the only thing i liked about her
plus she changed the A-hole squall lmao
I actually never thought much of her when I was playing the game. But now that people mention it, she did have an annoying personality and come to think of it, I rarely had in my party. o_O I did thought she was cute though. ^_^
Rinoa can be described as one word ''beautiful'' I really like Rinoa and I think she has alot of love for Squall but anyways she is also my favorite VIII character, I just love her not more than Yuna though.
*Rinoa SUXX Quistis 4 life! :D :D nah just kidding! :D shes ok, shes a vibrant character and good to have on the game, makes the game more realistic to have a person act freely towards squall makin him look foolish at times, and he need her cause hes like a zombie or a mechanical "thing" without some emotion to cuk on to :) Rinoas a pistol, and shes cute too, and i thought i saw someone like her in the real worl :)
To be honest at the beginning of the game i didn't like her
She seemed spoilt, bossy, clingy and attention seeking
But she became my favourite character because you watch the change in her throughout the game, at the end of the game she becomes strong and less 'in your face'
And of coarse you would have to save her, thats how they were developing the love story between the two
All in all Rinoa, was an amazing character. end of.
It's like Squall and Rinoa made each other less of themselves.
Squall became less emo, Rinoa became less of the damsel in distress princess type.
Ultimately, they are better together than alone.
In most FF games, the characters are one thing in the beginning and gradually change throughout the course of the story.
Except Tidus, he's dumb in the beginning and dumb in the end. (jk :P)
Rinoa is probably uh the best character in VIII because she is a very accomplished and amazing girl. Her is design was great.
I like Rinoa now but I remember I used to hate her alot when I first played VIII because:

1. She was too flirty. Yes, Squall is teh hawtness but aren't you still dating Seifer?
2. Her outfit would've looked better on me
3. Too Childish and Whiny
4. She's an awesome fighter and yet, she always needs saving

...But I like her now, so it's ok :P

What I do like about Rinoa is that although she's insecure she still stands up for herself and what she believes in, I think that's very admirable.
I never hate any characters in FF, they have their own personalities, just like us. Rinoa is a sweet and sprited young lady, she had filled Squall's life, if it isn't Rinoa, Squall will still act ignorance to his gang