
I absolutely loved her! She was so beautiful and spunky. She was a General's daughter and ran a resistance group... Which is just amazing. I liked how she was long ranged to. I tend to lean for long ranged people. I fell in love with her when her father was going to lock her in her home and Quistis was mad at her. When they tried to talk to her and she was sitting on the floor. She raised her hand in response and shook it. It was such a human moment. Sometimes with the older installments it's hard to portray emotions and human actions. That did it for me.
I didn't really like Rinoa all that much. She was always being attacked or kidnapped. If Zell sneezed in her general direction, she would fall into a coma. She is a spoiled girl who wants it her way, or you can just go die. She's uses a dog as her limit break. But, her weapon is kinda cool.
I agree with backlash. She is a horrible character to pick for your party. She is always leaving, kidnapped and what not, so you dont have her in major fights that much. Also a bit too out going.
I agree she was oneof the best characters... Why does something happen to a girl in nearly every final fantasy? Aerith, Rinoa, Garnet... Can't think back to the others... Been playing the golden age recently...
Well, a lot RPG games think they have to have the cliche "damsel in distress" or it just wouldn't be the same. Truthfully, I love it. That's why you're always seeing things happen to those really delicate, beautiful ladies that are like the "love interest" or whatever.

As for Rinoa, I loved her character. I don't personally see anything wrong with her. Not only was she beautiful but I loved her personality a lot. She's really sweet, out-going and brought out a side in Squall we thought we'd never get to see. She's a beautiful, tender girl that doesn't deserve what happened to her at all. She is probably one of my favorite female characters now. She's neck and neck with Aerith, then there's Yuna and then Tifa. So yeah...I love Rinoa. ^_^
She was a character i always try to make her as strong as Squall. I really like her as a character. She was strong.
I agree with backlash. She is a horrible character to pick for your party. She is always leaving, kidnapped and what not, so you dont have her in major fights that much. Also a bit too out going.

dthing is she has the highest base atack stat, so at level 100 without junctions she hits 95

so in a no junction game shes a powerhouse

oh and her angel wing limit is so underated

take all magic that hits an enemy (from scan to ultima) and leave 100 meteor

equip 100 meteor to magic

and give her a magic boosting junction

the magic you have left over is addequate for your defences

now lust let angel wing rip, doing 3000 per meteor hit :D
I really didn't mind her at all, I hardly noticed her whining and Instead of getting pissed off with consistently having to save her, I just saw her as the damsel in distress.

She was by no means my favorite character, but I certainly didn't dislike her.
That's just the thing, Rinoa didn't wine. If anything,
being sorceress and all...
she didn't want to get Squall involved, that's why in the 3rd disc she willingly left and went on. It was his choice to go and save her. It's the classic sorceress and her knight story (damsel in distress and the knight comes to her rescue). His job is protect her, so therefore if anything were to happen to her, of course he'd rescue her. Rinoa is also quick to speak her mind and how she feels, but that is only one of her flaws. I don't understand why people hate her so much either because quite honestly she's my favorite character.
she's my favorite character.

I think the Sig and Avy speak for them self :D

But, I do agree with you, I wonder why people hate her too, she was hot, she was smart and she had awesome Limit Breaks :D What more can one ask from a girl?
I love Rinoa, she was one of my favorites in the entire FF series out of the female characters. I even compared myself to her which at the time wasn't a bad thing. Looking back now though, let's just say I am glad I am not like her. She was way too open with her feelings and opinions which I am not like at all anymore. Rinoa was one of my main party goers in battle all the time when she was available.
Yeah, she's quite the sassy one. I totally fell in love with her character during that Balamb Party when she boldly asked Squall to dance with her. Made me giggle while playing, actually. She can be quite flirty but I thought it was a fresh characteristic from your typical heroines.
♥Rinoa♥;420769 said:
That's just the thing, Rinoa didn't wine.
What I think people mean is that she nags Squall a lot, which is all she can do really. Since Squall is an introverted character she had had to make an effort.
It's the classic sorceress and her knight story (damsel in distress and the knight comes to her rescue).
I think that part is inconsistent. She is the fearless rebel leader before meeting Squall, then after that she is too scared to fight. Then she gets Squall rescued from the underground prison, then says she feels left behind we the others start to fight.
The whole damsel in distress thing is a cliche, it's not really even vaguely original.
I like to think that Rinoa plays a much more active role.
She and everyone else knows that Squall loves her, especially after rescuing her from space. So by removing herself from Squall she makes him come and get her.

I think they kind of ruined her character by having her needing rescued so many times. It prevents her from being an independent character.
That being said, I like Rinoa. She is a bit more feisty than the other female main characters. Yuna is too reserved for my liking, and FFXII has no characters. Rinoa does what she wants, which is something that we envy from time to time.
I actually really liked her, she was a cute girl and was also a damned good fighter. She was also the complete opposite of Squall which made her seem even cuter when you put them both together
What I think people mean is that she nags Squall a lot, which is all she can do really. Since Squall is an introverted character she had had to make an effort.

I think that part is inconsistent. She is the fearless rebel leader before meeting Squall, then after that she is too scared to fight. Then she gets Squall rescued from the underground prison, then says she feels left behind we the others start to fight.
The whole damsel in distress thing is a cliche, it's not really even vaguely original.
I like to think that Rinoa plays a much more active role.
She and everyone else knows that Squall loves her, especially after rescuing her from space. So by removing herself from Squall she makes him come and get her.

I think they kind of ruined her character by having her needing rescued so many times. It prevents her from being an independent character.
That being said, I like Rinoa. She is a bit more feisty than the other female main characters. Yuna is too reserved for my liking, and FFXII has no characters. Rinoa does what she wants, which is something that we envy from time to time.

Oh please understand, I'm not in any way trashing Rinoa. Yes, she was a fearless, rebel leader before all this happened. I was basically learning towards when she was needing rescued all the time, after she inheritied her sorceress powers it just kind of left her rendered helpless. She was literally left in space on her own, having no idea what to do. That was inevitable. Though I also feel Rinoa does play a more active role than the damsel in distress.

She definitely needed somebody to save her and Squall had fallen hard for her by that point, of course he'd go and rescue her. It is very cliche but also very romantic. Also with her removing herself from Squall, I don't think she was expecting him to come and rescue her. Rinoa was determined to distance herself from the one she loved and the ones she cared about because of the simple fact that she is a sorceress. She didn't know when she would be posessed again, and she didn't know if she could end up hurting them.

That thought terrified her, so she left. Squall couldn't stand her being away from him and so he went after her, determined to be her knight and determined to protect and love her, sorceress or not. He just simply wanted to be with her.
To put it simply, she annoyed me. Constantly. Not to mention the whole main party sometimes when they were pushing on Squall all the time. Leave him alone, give him a bloody breathing space.
Ummm, they did give him breathing space. And when the guy would try to open up and then he'd back down from it and close himself up all over again they were JUST trying to make him understand that they were there for him, that he wasn't alone and that he was loved. Especially Rinoa.
and after a life of ghaving to close himself up he found it very hard to love rinoa back
He didn't find it hard to love Rinoa back. His problem was that he was terrified of what people thought of him, so that's why he acted the way he did. He closed himself up, stayed cold and quiet. He said that himself when he was taking Rinoa on piggyback. Yes, he and Rinoa argued and fought a lot in the beginning, but once she was rendered unconcious, it scared him and made him realize his feelings for her, and that all this time he did have all these feelings inside. He was just afraid to express them because he didn't want people thinking badly of him. Until he and Rinoa became close, he was just unsure how to act around her. If you remember, he was the one who noticed Rinoa first at the dance, she just acted on her feelings right away and went to him.
Rinoa is a good character, I just found her a little irritating at times. I think that she opened up Squall