Ardis was actually quite surprised when the fire just seemed to come out of no where. Seeing the situation unfold as it was he put his weapon away though still weary of the two witches. Glancing back at the one who just came to join the group he noticed it as the one that was running away earlier. Returning his attention to the first witch he replied to her.
"I'm sorry for being so rude, but you do know the relations of our two kind. I don't have the intention of fighting you, well not yet anyways. Sides I doubt your the one I'm looking for, unless you can remain as young as you are for eight years? As long as you don't kill anyone innocent well then looks like I will forget about meeting you."
Looking at everyone he decided to say something well stupid. "So two lightning users, a fire witch and a spirit knight, wonder what kind of dinner conversation this would make?" Then looking over to the other knight he asked "That is if you don't mind if I tag along since you seem to be in a hurry now to get out of here? Or would you rather I stay behind and me explain what happened if some other Knights show up?"
"I'm sorry for being so rude, but you do know the relations of our two kind. I don't have the intention of fighting you, well not yet anyways. Sides I doubt your the one I'm looking for, unless you can remain as young as you are for eight years? As long as you don't kill anyone innocent well then looks like I will forget about meeting you."
Looking at everyone he decided to say something well stupid. "So two lightning users, a fire witch and a spirit knight, wonder what kind of dinner conversation this would make?" Then looking over to the other knight he asked "That is if you don't mind if I tag along since you seem to be in a hurry now to get out of here? Or would you rather I stay behind and me explain what happened if some other Knights show up?"