[RP]SFR: Empires of the Smoky Skies

Yin and Belle arrived at the docks to buy their tickets. The dancers were left to run the cafe until Yin and Belle return. They walked into the small wooden building on the docks. A man was sitting behind a desk writing people's names and their quarters in a book. Yin bought 2 tickets. The man wrote their names and quarters in a book and stamped their passports. Yin used the passport of the human body he possessed, so he changed the birth date to avoid suspicion. Belle used the passport she got in Dalmacea. The man wrote which quarters they were going to occupy on their tickets. They walked to Cupcake, which was a ship on the other side of the pier. It had stairs leading to the deck. The back of the ship had a paddle wheel connected to a steam engine. The front of the ship had 2 smokestacks.

They walked to their quarters and set their bags in front of the bed. Their quarters included were a room, bed, and bathroom. Belle laid on the bed without taking off her black and red dress. Her straight black hair spread across her pillow. She went to sleep. Yin looked through the window as the ship left the docks. He'd normally take the opportunity to get someone possessed by a summoned creature, but he didn't want to change Belle. He liked the way she was. Yin waited for hours in front of the window as the ship traveled to Line Ark. Yin didn't expect to get trouble during the trip. Belle woke up and walked to the galley. She was grabbed and hit unconscious by men who smelled like salt water after she ate a cupcake.

The ship was boarded by pirates who bought tickets thinking they could steal the ship during the trip. The pirates tied Belle's arms over her head and left her sitting in the galley. Yin heard men giving orders to people and fights breaking out. He grabbed his bag and pulled out his staff made of wood and bone, which he named 7 Demons. He didn't think about negotiation.

There were 3 pirates were in the corridor outside of their quarters. Each of them held a sword and were opening doors. Yin walked to the closest pirate and crushed his head. The other 2 ran towards Yin, but they weren't fast enough. Yin crushed the forehead of the second pirate with the tip of his staff. The third pirate swung his sword at Yin's neck. Yin bent over before it could connect and swung his staff at the pirate's legs. The lower right leg was broken, so the pirate dropped to his right knee. Then, Yin swung his staff at top of the pirate's head.

Yin went through the ship and dropped all of the pirates. He searched until he found Belle in the galley. She looked pale. Her head was facing down towards her lap. Yin untied her and carried her to their quarters. He placed her on the bed. He could sense the death on the ship. He searched for other survivors and only found a man bleeding to death at the helm. The man was stabbed in the gut and rapidly breathing. The man pointed to the helm before he died. Yin performed a ritual named Calling the Land of the Dead. A portal to another space-time opened outside of the ship. Yin threw the bodies of everyone killed on the ship in the portal. He left Belle in bed during the rest of the trip. The ship arrived at Line Ark in 2 days.
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Friederich Franz von Tann
Make or Break

"Unterofficer, my mother once said to me, "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet". Right now, the best we can do is to get out of this hall. I honestly doubt that Minister Hobbs being here and them showing up is mere coincidence. I say i go and draw their attention by drawing them out through one of the staff entrances, whilst you take advantage and evacuate Hobbs and the others in the other direction. I got my rifle and my gear in my room. We will have a much better chance in actually doing anything when we aren't fighting on their terms and being pinned. Here Unterofficer, my bayonet. I trust you haven't gone rusty enough to forget your basic training and be unable to use this, have you Unterofficer?"

Friederich took the bayonet from his old officer and twirled it around in his hand. "Es ist wie Fahrrad fahren. Sie vergessen nie." (It is like riding a bicycle, you never forget.) He said as the bullets continued to fly and whiz over their heads.

"In moments such as these, Madame, I had long wished your family had served The Glorious Empire of Orlina instead of Alemmina. I shall return thanks by allowing us time to escape while I punish our fiendish guests outside. We shall head to your room, then we shall attend to our broken lamb waiting before finally leaving this unforgiving Inn. The Orlinian Embassy should not be so far from here and I shall provide Sanctuary for all of us by the might of our Glorious Empire as we interrogate our lamb further,"

Turning over to the minister, "So we need to arm up, get...whatever it is we need to get and reach the Orlinan embassy? Alright, we'll keep your Automaton safe, you have my word." As the automaton known as Milena began to hover and lead the group to the exits, a powerful blast struck the soldiers, who had to step back, yet continuing their fire, some even moving to shoot at the escaping party, though in their panic, had even worse aim than before. The man held his knife in a reverse grip. With Heidemarie having a firearm and the fact that it is her room she's going to, it was for the best for the commander to lead, Friederich however would take up the position behind for now.
Heidemarie Heinrike Brodericas von und zu Baden-Wurttemberg

An Alemmani soldier's best friend...

In moments such as these, Madame, I had long wished your family had served The Glorious Empire of Orlina instead of Alemmina. I shall return thanks by allowing us time to escape while I punish our fiendish guests outside. We shall head to your room, then we shall attend to our broken lamb waiting before finally leaving this unforgiving Inn. The Orlinian Embassy should not be so far from here and I shall provide Sanctuary for all of us by the might of our Glorious Empire as we interrogate our lamb further,

In this situation, Hildemarie had no time for the Minister's fluff and fakery. All she needed to know was the essentials. For now, that would be that he is going to buy them some time while she went to grab her gear and then, most likely, grab the spy before leaving for the Orlinian Embassy. That last part worried her slightly. She did not relish the thought of being locked in at the mercy of the Orlinians. For all she knew, when they were in, Hobbs was free to do whatever he wanted and Alemmania would be none the wiser until her mother begins to worry at her lack of communication.

What are you waiting for, dear!? Hop to it!

Yes, sir!

Wordlessly, Hildemarie followed after Milena as she began to dice open her own exit. When the boy, Levont, attempted to split from the group. She didn't think he had any ill intentions, considering he had intended to leave his sister in their care, but what could he had to do that was so important that he had to leave his sister durig a firefight? Minister Hobbs had other intentions as he quickly commanded that Levont fall in line with the plan.

"Let's go. Eile go with the others and make sure they escape as well."

I think not, Boy! If you wish to stay unarmed yet charge into the fray of battle, then I forbid it! You are to leave with the Madame and the rest. I shall follow suit! The path you choose is unsafe! Trust in me for once,

This way! This way! Hurry! Madame Heidmarie, we need you at the front! Your room takes priority! Sir Hobbs will be able to put up a decent fight on his own to buy us time,

Of course. Follow me. Be swift on your feet, but quiet. Minister Hobbs is making as big of a racket as he can, but that doesn't mean all the enemies are looking his way.

Hildemarie detached her holster from her belt and slotted the wooden piece of equipment to the end of her pistol. This in effect, turned it into a carbine of sort, capable of accurate, semi automatic fire. Since bullets were firing, Hildemarie automatically went into combat mode, planting her back against the wall and peering around quickly before she exited with her gun up and ready. If there was any enemies in the corridor, they'd be riddled like swiss cheese. Unfortunately for one poor soul, one intruder WAS standing there, running towards the door away from them with his back towards them and for his folly, three 9mm bullet drilled through his spine in a tight grouping, dropping him to the ground.

Let's move.

Unceremoniously stepping over the dead body, Hildemarie made her way towards the staff elevator. It might not take her to the door of her room, but at least, she didnt have to go to the main foyer. It was most likely populated with more armed intruders. It took mere seconds for the elevator to arrive on their floor. Holding open the scissor gate open, she motioned for the others to hurry up.

Get in.
Amidst the wave of new information that flooded her senses, there were several particularly intriguing ones. Of course, Ultronium, the staff that Alfred wielded. Milena, the automaton from which Scarlet could learn in order to further enhance her Iron Gentleman. Then there's the twins who could invoke the elements at will. It would certainly seem like a wonderful addition to an already burgeoning arsenal that Scarlet had in mind for her innovation. Too much to write as she followed after the soldier, the group's rear taken by another.

The annoyance of not being able to pen her thoughts constantly made itself known, expressed on Scarlet's face as she stomped after Hildemarie. "... Be swift on your feet, but quiet," Hildemarie said just then, and Scarlet adjusted accordingly, a black look hanging over her face as she dragged her feet after the soldier. The subsequent words bounces off Scarlet, who paid little heed, wandering in line curiously taking in her surroundings, watching Hildemarie as she customized her pistol into a carbine-knockoff.

Still watching even as Hildemarie began to assume a professional stance, pressing back to wall as she sneaked a glance down the corridor. Scarlet stared at her for a moment, before shifting her gaze to the others who followed. Seeing as there was some time, she was able to scribble again when several shots fired. "Let's move," said Hildemarie, to Scarlet's dismay. Rolling her eyes, she hurriedly followed, reaching the elevator which she quickly sensed was an opportunity.

Yet the lift had to be faster than she could get past a single word. "Get in."

Scarlet quickly does so, rushing in and seizing the opportunity to write. She looks up for a brief moment, saying," Thanks! Take your time, people!"

And she returned to her furious writings, finishing the last of it to embark on intricate drawings and detailing of plans she would inevitably scrape and revise in due time. Her notes now were just bizarre, seeing as she started to write words over her previous words. Layer upon layer, such that now, only she could decipher the mess that were her notes. Exacerbated now by drawings which she began to sketch. "No hurry," she mumbles to no one in particular.
Eile and Levont Weiss

Eile followed Heidemarie and Scarlet as they quickly made their way to Heidemarie's room. A guard was in the way as the military woman took him out with three quick shots. Soon enough, they stood in front of the elevator as it was called down.

Get in.

Scarlet got in as Eile followed with her swords out. Just as she turned around, another gunman came into view and spotted them. He was about to call out, raising his gun and aiming it when Eile's swords was raised and pointed at the man. The swords glowed as the water that was flooding the first floor surrounded the man and quickly drowned the man. Eile shook her head at the sight as she looked at Scarlet, trying to rid the feeling of killing the man.

Thanks! Take your time, people! No hurry.

"How are you calm among all of this?" Eile asked looking at Scarlet, who was scribbling into her notebook while Eile herself was trying to control her shaking with limited success.

I think not, Boy! If you wish to stay unarmed yet charge into the fray of battle, then I forbid it! You are to leave with the Madame and the rest. I shall follow suit! The path you choose is unsafe! Trust in me for once.

Levont's was not amused at all.

"All paths are unsafe, regardless of what we do. I am far from unarmed and as of right now, we hardly know enough about each other to trust our backs. So don't compare me to some other human. If you want me to trust you, start by at least speaking to me by my name, Levont, and not as 'boy'." Levont stated as he walked out of the room via the hole in the wall.

The god race man followed the hallway as he kept out of sight. He saw a body with three bullet holes in it as he also spotted the gun beside it. He quickly grabbed it as well as searched the body for some ammo before running again. He then saw Heldemarie, Eile and Scarlet as well as another Corpse. He saw no bullet holes in it and a quick sensing of magical energy confirmed what happened.
Eile had used her magic and drowned the gunman.

Eile turned to see Levont looking at her.

"Brother, look out!" Eile called out.

Levont looked to his side to see three gunman tackling him into a room. Quickly preparing himself, Levont shot up with a quick stab to the first gunman's throat, killing him. The other two gunman wised up as they backed up and raised their guns. Before they managed to fire a shot, Levont quickly pointed his spear at the gunman as the remaining two gunman's were burned too fast for them to call out. When the fire died down, two burning, headless corpse fell to the ground as he left the room and rushed to the elevator.

"Let's hurry." Levont muttered as he kept an eye out for any potential enemies.
Friedrich Franz von Tann
Into the Beasts Den

Of course. Follow me. Be swift on your feet, but quiet. Minister Hobbs is making as big of a racket as he can, but that doesn't mean all the enemies are looking his way.

"Verstanden, ma'am." (Understood, ma'am) Friedrich said as he followed the tank commander, watching her in action made him wonder as he took the wall alongside if her reputation was well-deserved as he heard. Still effectively gunning down an isolated hostile proved to be a step in the right direction. Holding his knife in a reverse grip, he looked over at the second corpse, one of the gunmen killed off by Eile and scavenged his body for weapons and ammo. Fortunately, he founded it easily, but the fact that he was well equipped made him uneasy. What was a well-equipped soldier doing here? Suspicions aside he took the firearm, an Enfield Rifle and slung it around his shoulder. As Friedrich stood up, he saw the charred corpses of two poor gunmen and began to rush to that direction.

Upon arriving, he saw Eile and Levont standing by, "If there are no more guards, we should be headed for the shaft." Friedrich said as he himself began to walk over there himself. Hopefully the sounds and the screams were drowned out by Minister Hobbs distraction tactic.

As for those gunmen, they tried to hold the line, hoping to get a lucky shot at Minister Hobbs. His strategy appeared to be working as more of these gunmen began to see him as a high value target, and a dangerous one at that. One of them however would hold a grenade in hand and threw it at the minister, hoping that would maim him enough to be easy to kill.
Heidemarie Heinrike Brodericas von und zu Baden-Wurttemberg


Everyone piled into the elevator, but not before a few of her companion smoked another few guards. Unterofficer Franz von Tann scooped up one of the rifles from the dead bodies, something Heidemarie cursed herself for not thinking of doing. The only other dead body was that still had a working rifle that the others hadn't taken was the one she killed and that was a way back. Too far to risk it. Her Mauser was an excellent rifle, but she had heard good reviews of the Neo Britannian's battle rifle, the Enfield. Excellent bolt action with a very desirable length, especially for tankers, Heidemarie had to make a mental note to remember to snag one from a corpse or something and bring it back with her home.

All in? Good. Up we go.

Heidemarie stepped in last and hammered her floor number. The elevator shuddered up with slight creaking. Obviously not the guest elevator, the interior was quite bare and the door was only a scissor gate. It meant that Heidemarie had to keep her gun trained forward. Elevators such as these are death boxes, particularly if they know it is being used. Luckily for them, Minister Hobbs was making a big enough stink for them to not bother with their destination. The elevator grind to a halt and after another quick scan, Heidemarie slid open the gate and ran swiftly to her room whilst telling them to cover the hallway.

Cover the hallway. I'll be back in a jiffy. If you want, check out the stairwell if you think taking the elevator is too risky.

With that, Heidemarie made it to her room and popped open the door. Thankfully, the staff had yet to come up and pick up her uniform for wash. Grabbing the clothes and unceremoniously stuffing it into the duffel bag and swinging her Mauser sheathe onto her back. At such close distance, her Luger was probably a better choice. The duffel bag was also thrown onto her back, hanging below her rifle sheathe. All ready, Heidemarie quickly ran back and reunited with the group. Now that she is done with her room, it was Milena's turn to take lead.

I have recovered my rifle. I believe our next destination is to recover something from Minister Hobbs room? Lead us there.
Scarlet hurriedly finished the last of her notes. Finally tearing her gaze from her notepad, she looked at the visibly shaking Eile. "Why not? Fear and anxiety are useless emotional responses," Scarlet said matter-of-factly. Tearing the page out of her notepad, she folded it neatly and placed it in her pouch along with her notepad and pen. "It's all self-defence anyways, haha!"

Grinning widely, she lowered herself to the girl's height. "No need be so tense," she quipped. In a way, she was somewhat amused, considering she was the same earlier when she feared the girl would start singing. And that what she preached was not what she practised in certain situations, such as the one earlier. Her memory was short-lived however, as she quickly returned to her full height, watching as Levont came up to them. Three gunmen attempted to spring a surprise attack behind him, only to be decimated by Levont's quick reflexes.

Scarlet only watched as the bodies burned with such intensity they were already charred remnants of their former selves - save for one fortunate gunman who would at least be recognized by his family. "Ooh, so that's how it smells like huh," she wondered aloud, taking a deep breath. Grimacing at the burning corpses, she waited for the others to enter the elevator. As soon as everyone entered, Hildemarie brought them up to her floor level, which incidentally, was Scarlet's as well.

She contemplated returning her room but decided against that since she didn't bring anything else of importance. Casually sauntering out into the hallway, she glanced at Hildemarie, who bolted off to her room, leaving the group behind. The soldier didn't take very long, for within moments of entering, she was already out and rejoined the group. "I have recovered my rifle. I believe our next destination is to recover something from Minister Hobbs room? Lead us there," she said to Milena.

Scarlet looked to Milena, moving closer to the automaton to poke at it curiously.
Minister Alfred Hobbs

- Good bye, my Guest -

He scoffed at Levont's demand for respect. He may be underestimating Levont, but he would have to earn the privilege to be called by name for such a small stature and youthful ire. Children always thought themselves to be the wiser than their elders, how he and his sister irritated him so and his desire to convert them both to an Automaton was even more pronounced. With everyone gone however, he was free to do as he pleased to his aggressors.

"Choose words wisely, for my kindness even has its limits," he muttered to himself against Levont before he was rudely greeted by a hail of gunfire.

Alfred focused his attention on the assailants as blast of bolts from Ultronium sent various electrical and nearly magical elements soaring out of the room. His increasing frustration due to a lack of evidence against their incomprehensible motive was making it all the more aggravating for the Minister of Orlina. First, a spy dared to infiltrate the Glorious Empire and now these foolish soldiers toy with his guests and himself. Normally, he would be sitting behind a large batch of Automatons to help mow down the lot, but with the death(s) of his two models and possibly the danger to the converted spy above, he would have to take extra precautions if he were to traverse like this next time.

A grenade went flying at him, with intent to sear and shatter flesh from his bones. They clearly underestimate the strength of steel he uses for himself. Grabbing the grenade and holding it idly, he covered himself with Ultronium's shield to cover the oncoming hail of bullets and immediately tapped it gently with the mysterious staff of power. The grenade no longer ticked, nor would ever explode unless an external force would rip its internal compound. He smiled beneath the iron mask as he hurled the grenade.

"Too kind of you, gentlemen! But I am not one for gifts!" Hobbs retorted before firing a laser blast from his mounted shoulder cannon, laying dormant for quite a long time without a means to test it until now. The searing, flesh burning blast hurled its way towards the oncoming grenade which landed right behind the gunmen as it made contact and exploded.

"Now Now! You should not tire so easily! You all must pay dearly for damaging my inventions!" Hobbs quipped coldly as he sent his cannon cutting its state of the art laser around the room to where the gunmen positioned themselves, slicing through wood to pierce the flesh.

He could hear their screams as well as the other guest of the inn running in panic. War was quite a delicious affair, even if he had stayed behind the desk for so long, it helps to hear the panic and crying of many to fuel his need to feel all the more superior. Metal is harder than flesh, was his belief. Walking casually by the burning and wounded, he carried his stride like a gentleman of class and waltzed out of the VIP restaurant as he saw a panicking waitress right outside the door cowering for her life.

"My good madame, your security is rather horrible in this hotel. I am frankly disappointed. I shall submit my report to the embassy and see this inn be taken care of and renovated next time. Fare thee well, for you shall not receive a tip from me!" He said with his jovial and manic stride as he left her cowering in terror as the cyborg walked towards the stairs as guests poured out panicking and more gunmen coming to greet him.

"Dear me..." Hobbs said as he fired his shoulder laser cannon at them, with intent to at least bisect any of them as he traversed upwards. Good, everyone's focus was on him, but he had to shake them off before it would be overwhelming as logic would dictate, where there are three there will be dozens. Seizing on that belief, Hobbs strode carefully towards the stairs as he missed the lift. His cannon was now half way to over heating with how he was using it alot. He would have to make improvements in terms of accessing more magitek cores needed to stabilize the weapon mounted and to make it all the more efficient as the cool downs are quite long.

How he regretted choosing one of the higher floors, as there would be more ground to cover. Patiently walking with his staff, he did his best to avoid the other gunmen patrolling the higher floors. Arriving at the edge where he saw two of them stationary, he used his staff to fire a blast of magic bolts that fried both men with 4 blasts. The screams of pain and the flesh burning was enough to alert any to his area, and he quickly moved with his pace upwards to where his floor was. It was no easy task, distracting all as best as he could for the few to make haste to his room.

"Sir! Are you okay?" a familiar voice called out.

Milena led them while she stood guard for Heidmarie to retrieve her weapon. It was odd to see how they all were within this floor. The Minister's was not far from Heidmarie's as she poured in and asked that she would be covered. Thankfully, none of the guards entered the rooms or had barely missed Alfred's... except when she saw their room, they found the door to be open and broken into.

In her distress, she could feel a poke from the back of her floating shell. She turned and saw Scarlet, Alfred's guest, poking at her curiously.

"Please don't do that..." she said with discomfort as she glided away from Scarlet. She had to warn her teacher that their captive could be compromised. Out of all the doors that were destroyed or looted, it had to be the rooms near theirs and ultimately their own. Fortunately, the familiar sound of metal clanking from the top after a large commotion occurred below signaled her.

"Sir! Are you okay?" she called out, happy that he managed to use his wiles to escape the wrath of the gunmen.

"Spiffing, my dear! Although I do seem to have trouble stabilizing this accursed cannon," Alfred said begrudgingly as his cannon seared with heat while climbing the stairs with his stick. He looked rather angry, from what she can see and the news she was about to deliver will certainly not make his day.

"Sir... Our room, it has been compromised," she said. Alfred said nothing as he strode past her and the group to make his way into their private VIP room, with its doors broken into shambles. He sighed heavily, breaking his cheery persona for the first time.

"Accursed scum..." Alfred's voice seared coldly. Within the room - where he sealed the spy in a large container that shifted, was broken into. Her body was left intact, and her head, where her brain still was kept alive was lying at the floor where it was broken and battered with blood and oil leaking all over. Her body was still functioning automatically, yet without a brain to guide it, it moved within the container like a blind and bounded prisoner, forever silenced.

"There goes the evidence," Alfred said quietly, addressing the group to the mess that had occurred in his room. Whoever these men were, they knew his accomodation and knew of the spy. The only chance he would survive long enough is if he and Milena took the others to The Orlinian Embassy where they can at least gather themselves until they know exactly what the hell is going on.
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Friedrich Franz von Tann
Unfortunate Implications

The sight of Minister Hobbs losing the spy was a strong shock to their plans. Without the spy, whether male or female, also goes any possibility of understanding what was going on. "Minister Hobbs, Miss Milena, I'm afraid we cannot stay here." Friedrich spoke to the two. "We've already encountered a few gunners on the way here, and it would not be a surprise if any more made their way up here. We'll need to move out of here fast." Looking out into the doorway and seeing Captain Heidemarie along with the twins he said, "I hope the Orlinian Embassy is as safe as you said Lord Minister, I'm afraid we'll have to head there next."

Friedrich then turned and headed towards Heidemarie's room, it seemed as if the Hauptmann had gotten all her gear, though paying little attention to it, he headed to the closest window, seeing exactly what was going on. The moment he peered through the window, he saw exactly what most people would fear. "Ma'am, I don't think this is a random terror attack. It looks like an invasion." Friedrich said as he pulled open the curtains sections of the city on fire. There were the occasional airship that was not damaged, and probably assumed to be the origin of these movements, but who and why would anyone wage an attack on what is considered neutral ground like Line Ark?
Heidemarie Heinrike Brodericas von und zu Baden-Wurttemberg


"I hope the Orlinian Embassy is as safe as you said Lord Minister, I'm afraid we'll have to head there next."

As Heidemarie began to exit her room, Friedrich quickly pushed by in peeked out past the curtain. His words did not bring Heidemarie a good deal of comfort.

"Ma'am, I don't think this is a random terror attack. It looks like an invasion."

Quickly coming to his side, Heidemarie pulled out her sniper scope and adjusted its sights as she scanned the now burning scenery of Line Ark. As the good Unterofficer said, the scenery resembled more an invasion than an isolated attack on a single building. Buildings were on fire, airships were burning and collapsing mid air. The crack of high powered rifles rang out every so often amongst the muffled cries of civilians in the distance. Minister really wasn't bullshitting when he said that there was a conspiracy that was after some super weapon. To set the entire neutral city on fire was not even something any of the technocratic empires would dare try, yet here it was, burning to the ground. There wasn't any time left to be overly cautious. While Heidemarie still had reservations about the Minister, the current situation meant that heading to the Orlinian Embassy was the best line of action. She would just have to be extremely careful and alert.

Indeed. To be able to damage Line Ark this much, whoever we are up against is carrying some significant punch. The sooner we get to the Embassy, the quicker we can get started on this conspiracy of Hobbs.

Given the current situation, Heidemarie went into full combat mode. From within her coat, she clipped on all her pistol gear and weaponry onto her coat belt for quick access. It would not do if she had to keep reaching into her coat just to get at her magazines and weaponry. At the same time, she fitted her scope to her Mauser. She was accurate enough within urban situations that the pistol should suffice, but in case they had to take out another sharp shooter or they had to take out targets they couldn't sneak up on, then she wouldn't need to waste time in having to get it ready then.

Well, Minister Hobbs. I am
mostly convinced that there is something amiss in Line Ark. If getting to your Embassy is the best course of action, then lets get going. I am certain that when the soldiers we fought in this building don't report in after a while, they'll send more to investigate. After all, given the condition of our guest, they knew what they were after and this was obviously one of their main objectives.
Levont and Eile Wiess

Soon enough, they reached Hobb's room where the man himself came in and declared that his evidence was missing. By then, Eile took Scarlet's words in and tried for the most part to ignore the deaths around them.
Levont suppressed the sudden urge to snort as he looked outside after Franz. It really looked more like a war zone then a city. If the attackers were willing to go this far for some sort of test relating to Ceres, Levont was a bit more convinced the attackers either have the weapon or something that helped them decipher what the weapon's potential is. In any case, it looked like their only chance was the embassy. A place Levont would rather not be at. But given the circumstances, there was no other options.

Well, Minister Hobbs. I am mostly convinced that there is something amiss in Line Ark. If getting to your Embassy is the best course of action, then lets get going. I am certain that when the soldiers we fought in this building don't report in after a while, they'll send more to investigate. After all, given the condition of our guest, they knew what they were after and this was obviously one of their main objectives.

Levont looked over from Hobbs to Heidemarie.

"What's the quickest path there? Even if the guards don't report in, the attackers can just destroy the building if they wanted to." Levont muttered as he leaned against the doorway.

Eile shuffled next to Scarlet as Levont spoke. She admired Levont's ability to stay composed in battle. But then again, he lived in the world of battles since his first battle in an archeological dig site.

"It'll be nice if we could sneak by them. Would it be possible to use the underground systems to get to the embassy?" Eile asked looking at Heidemarie.
Minister Alfred Hobbs -

- From Orlina With Love -

Madness. Madness was all Alfred could see outside as Line Ark was set ablaze, a terrorizing invasion that was unexpected. He peered through with the lovely Heidmarie as his mask's lenses dropped and scanned all of the airships that remained afloat. The contraptions for his prototype lenses only aided him in checking the skies as well as the ground. Many of their antagonistic friends bore no allegiance to any country, from what he could see of the airships as well as their uniform. Milena hovered near and was frantic, it was hell of a time for them to be in a country now invaded by a force of unknown origin.

"Minister Hobbs, Miss Milena, I'm afraid we cannot stay here."

"That would appear to be the case, Comrade. However I am still analyzing an exit strategy," Alfred wheezed as he studied the foes outside the window before closing it. He now began to formulate strategies on how to leave this building with them all alive. They all bore precious information or were of use to him at this rate, even the perversion that was the twins had significance to the glorious Empire.

"I hope the Orlinian Embassy is as safe as you said Lord Minister, I'm afraid we'll have to head there next."

Alfred raised an eyebrow beneath his mask and turned to the boy, towering over him and patted on his shoulder like a kind uncle would to a distressed nephew.

"My lad. This is but a tickling sensation to the Glorious Empire's Embassy. By now, our defenses have been raised to optimal capacity and the Automatons left by my care there have been alerted and no doubt keeping its wondrous halls intact. It along with the other Embassies, are the safest havens in this hell you see before you," He explained in an assuring tone, dropping his angry cold voice prior. He still had to find a way out for them all, even with the piercing bullets that would penetrate the steel of his body and flesh, he can easily replace them later, for his pain threshold has been gone for almost a year and his organs almost half replaced by machinery within his body. Milena was a frail child still in need of caring, for her brain is still kept intact by the floating contraption that functioned as her temporary body. He had hoped to not bring her here if this was going to be the outcome as he feared it had come too soon...

His laser cannon has now charged up and was ready for deployment. Heidmarie addressed him shortly.

"Well, Minister Hobbs. I am mostly convinced that there is something amiss in Line Ark. If getting to your Embassy is the best course of action, then lets get going. I am certain that when the soldiers we fought in this building don't report in after a while, they'll send more to investigate. After all, given the condition of our guest, they knew what they were after and this was obviously one of their main objectives."

"What's the quickest path there? Even if the guards don't report in, the attackers can just destroy the building if they wanted to."

"Gods save me, I find myself in agreement with young Levont," Alfred said as he tapped his staff, Ultronium in desperation. Time was short for them all, they had to agree to a path to which is safest without alerting these mad men to their presence or they will no doubt perish.

"It'll be nice if we could sneak by them. Would it be possible to use the underground systems to get to the embassy?" the cat girl asked Heidmarie.

His eyes beamed in delight as her suggestion sparked an old memory of his involvement came to light; there was a time where a series of complex tunnels were built underneath the Orlinian Embassy in secrecy, under the impression of various gas leaks, faulty electricity and numerous renovations requested by the Glorious Empire. In truth it was a conspiracy of their own to carve a secret path for their country to various Embassies within the country to walk to them and spy unto their meeting rooms with strategically placed spyglasses in a cabinet meeting office of an Embassy near their vicinity to hear and listen to them, all planted by insiders who were spies for the Empire, this has gone almost undetected for almost a decade since its conception by their Government Agency. This was one of Orlina's greatest secrets still in progression and had covered almost 75% of Line Ark's tunnels, almost 5 years worth of secret works done by the Glorious Empire under Line Ark's nose. If his brilliance can recall, there was a spy unit built recently here in this hotel's Political VIP meeting room, which no doubt a secret tunnel was built nearby.

"By jove... The kitten sparked an idea! Although... It would endanger the Glorious Empire's reputation if I were to say it here," he eyed Heidmarie and Friedrich with uneasiness. His goal was set: Find the Political Cabinet VIP room, locate the spy unit and burn a hole through there. The spy unit's size would be very inconspicuous to untrained eyes, like a statue or a painting of sort. The scope and hearing devices would be connected to almost 40 feet underground where a spy was no doubt still in station there. Hurrying to the phone in their private room, he hastily dialed the emergency number of the Orlinian Embassy.

"Minister Alfred Joseph Hobbs, Identity Number 2500710. Connect me to the Ambassador," Alfred said in a commanding voice. With urgency, the number was transferred and almost picked up immediately.

"Hello!? Minister, are you alright?!" The Ambassador asked in a frantic voice. "Your machinery within the Embassy has been triggered to high alert! Men are assaulting the gate but are now repaired! Minister we cannot guarantee your safety if you march in right now! Have you located any safe haven until we can roam the city to send aide!?" The Ambassador asked.

"Be calm, good man! I wish to ask if the Inn I have accommodated myself into has been installed with sensitive networks leading back to our Export service center, related to Project Subterra Network. Has a partition been built in this hotel? I wish to collect some documents there," Alfred asked. Their dummy corporation, Orlinian Export Services had a code that was studied by the Embassy and its staff that kept their sensitive data secure was often spoken in this manner and it was required on a strict mandatory basis or the staff in question would be fired by the Glorious Empire, for even he was paranoid enough to know these soldiers may come with advanced encoding machinery could listen to a civilian phone. After a silence between the two, a distressed voice continued.

"Well yes, it is as where we have always kept it! At the Political Cabinet Meeting room!" He said.

"Good show, comrade! Send two orders of champagne and two of my finest butlers to greet us there! Fare thee well!" Hobbs said as he closed the phone and looked at the group. The code meant to send a couple of men and two of his Automatons to greet him at the base of the meeting room. He nodded at them reassuringly.

"Now I can safely say we have an escape route and friends to greet us there," he said. If they can find the meeting room, their spy installation could reveal a passage there for all of them to escape into.

"There is one problem left in this plan," Alfred said as explosions and screams continued to erupt outside, with the situation intensifying as they lingered for longer. This was a flaw for his Empire for not sending him out on missions to other countries to study their own secrets or to basically understand where he is in this strange environment that was not his own. "Does anyone know where the Political Cabinet Meeting room is?"
Friedrich Franz von Tann
Escape Route

"Now I can safely say we have an escape route and friends to greet us there,"

It was good to know that there was a safe route out of the building and towards the embassy. From overhearing Minister Hobbs portion of the conversation, it had something to do with Project Subterra. But other than that, nothing...

"There is one problem left in this plan, Does anyone know where the Political Cabinet Meeting room is?"

Friedrich blinked and then pinched the bridge of his nose as he thought to himself, "Well, that's...just stupid." Friedrich sighed before saying, "It's downstairs on the first floor, across from the elevator itself and also close to the stairways. I assume that there is an exit there, but we'll have to be careful, by now I bet those soldiers probably have the entire first floor locked down." Friedrich said calmly, thinking to himself. "It's probably for the best that we make sure everyone is well equipped, we don't know what they have down there." Turning to the group, he said, "I'll take point from here, we'll take the stairs, as by now I bet they would've discovered the bodies and probably cut access to the elevator by now." Friedrich began to head his way, gun on the ready in case some hapless bastard came upstairs. The Enfield was a capable weapon, and it is assumed that all the enemies may have had this gun, but against waves of enemies, the bolt-action system would be ineffective here...ironically it did give him an idea on how to solve this, but for now it was not the time.
(OOC: I have decided to let you carry the fight, Kev! Let Tipsy also have fun with the others! We'll finish when we reach bottom side)

Alfred sighed "Of course, Of course," he seethed with embarrassed humiliation. Of all places, the damned room had to be where they had left from the VIP room prior. Right now he had felt foolish to have fetched the accursed spy. Tapping his staff, he addressed them all. "Right then, comrades. Judging from the streets and the chaos below, we are under occupation by a force unknown. I am unable to identify their technology other than it's staggering similarities to Line Ark technology, they are extremely dangerous so be vigilant! We are returning downstairs and back to the heart of darkness," Hobbs said. Milena floated near Scarlet and Elie as Hobbs proceeded first ahead, looking back he turned to Heidmarie.

"I am but a humble scientist, Madame. I still expect your shots to hit before theirs do," He chided to the woman. He feigned the weak scientist approach to help boost her ego and morale effectiveness in order to do much more devastating damage. If she had failed to meet his expected prowess she was known for, even in tight situations, then she would not be worth converting. Glancing back at the others, it was without a doubt her and her subordinate only suited for this fight. The children and Scarlet, though high in potential as they may be, posed too much of a risk for him to allow them to take point.

Dead set into heading to safety, Hobbs marched out of the door first. Milena attempted to follow until he glanced behind.

"No no, dear. Stay with the others, We would not want you endangered now..." Hobbs said, this time with a wary voice. Not willing to argue with her teacher, she floated back towards Scarlet and Elie, Hobbs nodded and then walked towards where he came from. His enhanced hearing thanks to his augmentation through mechanizing his ears had caught sounds of people making it towards the top floor. He looked back at Heidmarie, preferring to save his tools for the big fight at the floor below, to force her to take point and shoot these pathetic troops out of the way.

"All yours," he whispered towards the soldier as he indicated his staff downstairs to the gathering troops. With her cleaning up the mess, they all may proceed further down in order to save the best for last and to escape this escalating hellish situation.
OOC: Are we at a wide open stairwell? I will reply with that in mind. If it isnt, i will change my post

Heidemarie Heinrike Brodericas von und zu Baden-Wurttemberg

In it's prime...

"I'll take point from here, we'll take the stairs, as by now I bet they would've discovered the bodies and probably cut access to the elevator by now."

Lead the way Unteroffizier.

In such close quarter, her Luger was in its prime game. Short length, stock for steadying and large capacity, semi automatic capabilities. Of course, even with all these additions, Heidemarie wanted something properly in between a rifle and a pistol. Hope all she wanted, it wasn't going to get her anywhere. Of course, she could ask Lady Mother whether there was any progress, but it would be too irresponsible of Heidemarie to ask for a prototype of any one of the secret projects that are being funded in Lowe. After all, the risk of her dying and having the precious prototype pried from her lifeless hand was all too real. To risk national secrets just for petty desire was unthinkable.

"Right then, comrades. Judging from the streets and the chaos below, we are under occupation by a force unknown. I am unable to identify their technology other than it's staggering similarities to Line Ark technology, they are extremely dangerous so be vigilant! We are returning downstairs and back to the heart of darkness, I am but a humble scientist, Madame. I still expect your shots to hit before theirs do,

If disbelief could be visibly seen as an aura, then Heidemarie would have been a beacon that was more bright than the sun. For not even a second, did she believe that Hobb's couldn't handle himself in a firefight. If that was the case, then for what reason did he volunteer to act as their bait. No, Heidemarie was having none of that "weak scientist" bollocks. However, Heidemarie was still going to oblige. In this situation, there was no point in having Hobbs get hit just to be petty and to prove her point.

All yours

Moving past the Scientist, Heidemari crouched near the banister and railing, peering over the ledge. Indeed, there were armed men making their way upwards. The stair well was quite wide and they were actually quite a distance away. The wrought iron banisters provided minimal protection for them, but it was enough, at that distance, to foul her 9mm rounds from the Luger. Motioning for Unteroffizier Franz von Tann over, Heidemarie paused for a second and then motioned for Levont over as well. He had a rifle, might as well use it. Heidemarie slipped out her Mauser and sighted in on the one at the front and aimed for the head. A more difficult shot, but with her skill, it was nothing. The psychological effect was well worth it. If their point man's head explode into a pulpy mess, the remaining enemies would be more cautious in running up and would try to return fire upwards at them. That would let Heidemarie's group height advantage against them, shooting down into them whilst using the stairs itself as cover.

Unteroffizier. Sight in on the ones that look like they are leaders The moment i take out the point soldier, open fire. You, Levont. Wait until Unteroffizier von Tann has taken his first shot before you open fire. Take aim at the targets in the middle of the group. On my mark, okay?

Heidemarie gave them several seconds to understand the instructions and pick their targets. As the group rounded the stair well and the bulk of them was now essentially diagonally downwards and across from them, Heidemarie let her first round off. The loud crack of the Mauser reverberated across the cylindrical stairwell, startling everyone BUT the lead point man. He never heard it as the battle rifle round tore straight through his eye and exploded out the back of his head. Without even waiting for the body to drop, Heidemarie quickly chambered in another round and began to work methodically down the group.
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Scarlet pouted as Milena glided away, apparently uncomfortable at Scarlet's curious probing. Why should she be uncomfortable, when she is merely a machine, Scarlet could only wonder as she followed after the group. For the first time, however, she bothered to listen in on the conversation - not that she cared to partake in it. Eile inched closer, an act Scarlet noted from the corner of her eyes with unease. Thankfully, it was an unease that she had adapted to by now, and could found no reason for in this situation where there was zero chance that she would break out in song and dance.

Nevertheless, the three, that is, Heidemarie, Hobbs and Friedrich, continued to speak amongst themselves. Scarlet watched the group with interest, bemused by how quickly the leaders emerged by virtue of battle experience. She took interest particularly in Levont, who despite an apparent, or self-perceived experience, seemed to be lacking in a certain presence. Glancing to Eile beside her, Scarlet remarked," Fascinating, isn't it?"

And even more fascinating was the fact Hobbs shied away from leading the group, preferring to defer to Heidemarie in that regard. Not that she doubted the soldier's skill, but Hobbs was no 'weak scientist' as he described. If anything, he was anything but, and to Scarlet, more 'fascinating' than anything else. Alas, such fascination, be it for the group dynamics, or leadership, or Hobb's technological genius, was untimely. Scarlet followed after Milena, figuring it would be safer.
OOC: Short post

Friedrich Franz von Tann
No Gods, Only Guns

Friedrich moved into position, aiming his Enfield down at a target of whom was presumed to be an officer. It was good tactic to kill the leaders in order to demoralize the soldiers beneath them, and it was good practice in conserving ammo. As soon as Heidemarie fired and killed the leader of the unit, Friedrich pulled the trigger and put a 7.7-mm right on the side of the startled soldier without so much as a thought. Not even watching him slump down the stairs as Friedrich pulled the bolt and ejected the spent round before reloading for a second and aiming for a new target. The way this move was pulled was nothing less than methodical and merciless. At this point the enemy soldiers were forced to retreat, their morale shattered, to avoid any more casualties, in the long haul. "We'll need to deal with them quickly, otherwise they may call in further reinforcements." Friedrich said, "But we'll have to be careful up ahead, they might be laying traps for us."
Levont and Eile Wiess

Unteroffizier. Sight in on the ones that look like they are leaders The moment i take out the point soldier, open fire. You, Levont. Wait until Unteroffizier von Tann has taken his first shot before you open fire. Take aim at the targets in the middle of the group. On my mark, okay?

Levont nodded as he raised his rifle and chose his target. Heidemarie took her shot which eliminated the enemy leader instantly as Fried's shot took down another man that was killed. The god race member took his shot at the closest enemy, but missed due to the fact that they were already starting to retreat.

"Oh no you don't." Levont sneered as he grabbed his spear, and pointed it at the enemy's retreat point.

At that point, fire ignited on the spot and caught the last three enemies, quickly incinerating them into ashes as they scream out in fear. Levont smiled as the slow but unmistakeable smell of burnt corpse lingered.

"We'll need to deal with them quickly, otherwise they may call in further reinforcements. But we'll have to be careful up ahead, they might be laying traps for us."

Levont nodded as he looked at the now empty room as he slowly walked down the stairs. His eyes running over every surface of the room as he reached the bottom of the stairs and walked over to the leader that Heidemarie put a bullet through and started looking through what was on him in the vain hope of finding something that could identify the nation which the attackers came from.

Eile looked into the room after the short gunfight as she heard what Friedrich said. It was like something in the aftermath of war, Eile realized as she then look over to Levont who was searching the enemy leader's body for something as her cat ears twitched, listening for anything that could alert her to new enemies.

"Fascinating, isn't it?"

Eile looked back to Scarlet as she said that.

"What's fascinating?" Eile asked as she looked at the red haired woman who was looking at her brother.

Heidemarie Heinrike Brodericas von und zu Baden-Wurttemberg

Few more just for good measure...

Friedrich worked as she had expected, working with Alemmanian efficiency on the group, gunning down several more before they began to retreat. Levont missed, but instead, decided to use magic to burn his target instead. Heidemarie's nose wrinkled at the smell of burnt flesh wafting up the stairwell. The other two stopped firing when they saw the rabble retreat, but Heidemarie stood instead to get a better angle and continue to fire at the crowd until her rifle emptied. This relentless pursuit and attack would make their enemies even more wary of advancing, knowing well that their opponents are aggressive, skilled and willing to murder them. Satisfied that they had bought them some time, Heidemarie turned back to the group whilst reloading the rifle

"We'll need to deal with them quickly, otherwise they may call in further reinforcements. But we'll have to be careful up ahead, they might be laying traps for us."

Not to worry. I am pretty sure that they will be a bit more cautious, but that only gives us a few minutes at most. Levont's little pyro display helped quite a bit.

The Hauptman watched the boy make his way downwards from the stairs and quickly followed. He seems to have a bit of a poor aim and fireballs may not be as fast as a rifle round. It would be bad if he got taken out with a quick potshot. Quickly, Heidemarie caught up to him and saw him poking around at the point man. God knows why, but instead, she took this opportunity to do something private; that is, to scavenge one of these shorter, interesting rifles. The first few had rather battered and ill maintained rifles, one of the better dressed corpse had a rather more handsome and well kept rifle. Like any battlefield soldier, Heidemarie was ecstatic with her find, letting through a toothy smile as she checked the action and the magazine. Of course, usually, she would also calibrate the sights but there was no time. Instead, Heidemarie rummaged through his pockets and grabbed whatever loose stripper clips he had and oddly enough, a small engraved coin. The engraving looked oddly familiar, but commotion further down the stairs drew her attention from it. The Lee Enfield was quickly thrown over her shoulder and Heidemarie made her way further down the stairs, making sure her rifle was at the ready and sweeping the opposite side as they went down. At the last twist of the stairwell, rather than continuing all the way down, she took a position that allowed her the widest view angle and set herself up in overwatch. If anything popped out or tried to attack them, her gun was ready to drill a hole through their head.

Front and center. We dont have much time.