(RP) SFR: The Age of Reconquista

I understand you have more luggage than others. Mayhaps i can help carry a bit of it for you.......!!!!

That.... that pile.... cannot be all yours surely, Lady Cantigre?

"Well I did not know when I would be returning home. I suppose I brought along most of my things for a year or two. Not to worry completely though."

"If it's anything, I can have the rest of your belongings remain here in Angoulema, while you carry what you need."

"Oh, that would be so kind of you."

Shoving and stuffing, rummaging, closing, dumping, pulling pushing. Fae managed to get all of her necessities into one suitcase and bag. It still was not enough. She'd left out nearly all of her new hats, shoes, dresses with color, scarves, snacks, and easily obtainable ingredients. Yet it would have to do. She'd slung a small sack bag on her shoulders and tossed the suitcase Leowyne's way. "Well if you insist! Only a few necessary things I need and maybe some things for you as well. If you'd like to try on a dress or two I wouldn't mind."

The girl hardly looked like she'd want to squeeze into one of her own fanciful dresses. But she was welcome to wear anything as long as she did not dirty the cloth. Fae would prefer Vesper to take a few things, that young lady looked more her size than Leowyne. "Ah, well. Now I'm prepared. When should we depart?"
OOC: iono why my lines are all off from the side

Leowyne Grandeeny

"Well I did not know when I would be returning home. I suppose I brought along most of my things for a year or two. Not to worry completely though."

I t can't be said she was wrong. Herself and the Bishop didn't quite give her the entire rundown on the itinerary of the trip. Thankfully, the Bishop was willing to compromise and have her belonging stored safely in his hometown. At least Lady Cantigre would lose nothing of worth permanently.

"If it's anything, I can have the rest of your belongings remain here in Angoulema, while you carry what you need."

"Oh, that would be so kind of you."

Now with that done, they could now be on the way, though Leowyne can tell Lady Cantigre wasn't particularly pleased with it. Still, it seems she has taken it in strides. Still, the Lady took her offer. She didnt expect her to, since her current baggage could be handled by herself, but she did offer and a Paladin never turn back on their words. The last part did take her back a bit and brought a small smile to her face.

"Well if you insist! Only a few necessary things I need and maybe some things for you as well. If you'd like to try on a dress or two I wouldn't mind."

Haha. Well, i haven't worn such clothing since my childhood living in Ile-de-Gallia. Since then, its been nothing but armour and tunic for me. I do not believe i am feminine enough to make it work anyway.

Even if Leowyne had the desire to actually fit into these fancy and magnificent dresses, she eyed Lady Cantigre and it was quite clear it would have been impossible. After all, Leowyne was a head and a bit taller than and anyone can see, more muscular and generally bigger than the dainty woman. If she had tried, no doubt even the best reinforced seams made by the best artisans would not hold to Leowyne forcing herself into it.

"Ah, well. Now I'm prepared. When should we depart?"

Indeed. Lady Cantigre seems ready as am I. While we have made good if we do not dally too much.

Joachim d'Remilly

"Oh, that would be so kind of you. Well if you insist! Only a few necessary things I need and maybe some things for you as well. If you'd like to try on a dress or two I wouldn't mind."

Haha. Well, i haven't worn such clothing since my childhood living in Ile-de-Gallia. Since then, its been nothing but armour and tunic for me. I do not believe i am feminine enough to make it work anyway.

Joachim chuckled at the banter shared between the two women, "I don't know about that now. I'd assume any lady can pull off a dress." He said with a smile at that wry remark.

"Ah, well. Now I'm prepared. When should we depart?"

Indeed. Lady Cantigre seems ready as am I. While we have made good if we do not dally too much.

Joachim nodded, reassuming a more serious face. "Yes, you are right. If everyone is ready, let us depart for Castilla right away. We will have to cross the Bearn Mountains to the south of here to get there." Joachim said, pointing to the mountain range, the mountains were huge, so it had to be pretty close. "So please let us be careful on our journey, I will show you the way, but I wish for Lady La Pur to take the lead."
Seeing the elder of the two, Rodrigo, having difficulty dispatching his opponents Ryo lunged in, cleanly cutting through an opponent attempting to strike Rodrigo's blindside. Once this was complete he put his weapon away and turned to Rodrigo and Luciana. "Okay, so what now?"

Ryo continued to survey the area while he listened in to the reply, he could feel someone watching him, almost like an examination as opposed to lining up an attack. Turning around he just caught Luciana's eyes gazing at him before turning away.

"Do you mind? If you have something to say just spit it out, it's getting awkward"

Leowyne Grandeeny

"I don't know about that now. I'd assume any lady can pull off a dress."

The key word there is Lady, Lord bishop, and i have been called more ogre than the former unfortunately.

Jesting over, Joachim turned the group's attention back into moving on ahead.

"Yes, you are right. If everyone is ready, let us depart for Castilla right away. We will have to cross the Bearn Mountains to the south of here to get there. So please let us be careful on our journey, I will show you the way, but I wish for Lady La Pur to take the lead."

My pleasure, Lord Bishop.

Now with both her feet on the ground, her pack slung over her shoulder, Caliburn and Arondight by her waist and Lady Cantigre's luggage in her left hand, Leowyne marched on ahead in large strides, taking point for the group. Soon, it was just her again. Of course, the others were no more than several dozen of meters behind but right now, it was quiet and the only company she had was the scenery. Master Vichy had always said, hard labour and exertion built character and fortitude and an adventure is best experienced, one step at a time. It has been so long since she had last actually walked for any significant distance for travel. Every city and town either had a Templar outpost or were willing to provide her with a mount. Ahead loomed the Bearn Mountain, so Leowyne strode ahead and can only hope that the inhabitants of this region were as serene as the view.
OOC: One post, long overdue

Luciana de Tordesillas
Temporary Break in the Fighting

"Do you mind? If you have something to say just spit it out, it's getting awkward"

Luciana did look at the man for a moment. While he was a big help in the fighting, she was still highly suspicious of him. The first thing the Felidian had to say in the matter was, "I definitely have something to say. Who are you, and what are you doing here?" She asked the man, trying to ascertain his identity and origin.

Joachim d'Remilly
Mountain Climbing

The group did not have long to travel, by midday they were already at the foot of the Gallican side of the Bearn Mountains. However, the crossing of these mountains is surely going to take a day, maybe two. Therefore it was imperative that they would reach the Castillan side as quickly as possible. But he had an eerie feeling upon climbing that first step up, that the group was being watched. Joachim especially would have to be vigilant in the case of an ambush by the Dark Ones.
OOC: WAy overdue the date i promised. I should be hung

Leowyne Grandeeny

The party had and good time, despite the lack of preparedness of some of the members. Of course, it paled in comparison to the marches of proper soldiers and footmen, but the distance they covered was more than she had anticipated. Bearn Mountain loomed before them and the trek was going to be the tougher part of the trip. What concerned Leowyne the most was what lurked within the trees of the mountain. The difficult terrain and dense shrubbery makes Bearn Mountain quite attractive for outlaws and bandits to descend on unwary travelers. Hopefully, the display of Templar colours would be enough to deter those only seeking riches, but the Temple isn't exactly loved by all.

We appear to have made good time. If we are to continue at this pace, we should be able to reach the Castillan border by morrow morning. Let us keep going shall we? Oh, also keep your wits about. It would do us no good should something comes out from the foliage.

For the most part, it was completely uneventful, just what leowyne had hoped for. Onwards they walked, taking short breaks for those that was less used to rapid marching and as the sun began to set and turn a rich orange, the signal to set up camp, trouble came lurking. It was a misstep for the Paladin and she ought to have known better. Attacks launched at this time is quite an effective tactic, as the victims are often tired from traveling and distracted with the job of looking for a campsite. Yet here they are, only noticing a tad bit too late the rustling of people in the nearby bushes.

My friends.... we have company.

What emerged explained why Leowyne's Templar emblems and colours weren't enough of a deterrent. They were bandits, no doubt, but clad in old Discana military gear. Leowyne recognised the now obsolete armour design from the time the Temple assisted the Castillans in wild border skirmishes with Discana. It was an even conflict until the Temple Knights tilted the favour heavily against Discana. If these were truly deserters turned bandits, then revenge on her Order was enough of a reason for their boldness. Hands clasped around the hilt of Caliburn, Leowyne swept her eyes all around, as more and more people emerged.

Whooo whee. Look at what we have here.... a little Temple missy, far from her little convent... and not ANY little missy, boys. We have the great Leowyne "the PURE". We remember her right? At the front line, swinging that exact same sword you got your pretty hand wrapped around...

The bandits' voice suddenly much more vicious and angry.


All around, the scraping of metal on metal signaled that aggression was probably unavoidable. Still, she was obligated to ward them off without violence, if possible.

Your conflict was injust, brought on by false claims of lordship and possession of Castillan land from one of the Discanan lord's vassals. The fact that the matter was settled without any major incidents proves the point that the claim was not accepted by your lord's peers in the Discanan court. In any case, this is the final warning. We are on official Toulousa business. Hinder our progress would be transgression against the Lord of Toulousa and to Toulousa itself.

The threat was simple. If they attacked, even if on the off chance they defeated the party, the bandits would face the full force of the Toulousa army, hunting them down.

Bah! As if i care what sort of stinking Gallican business you are up to! Men! Take the women and slay that prissy man! I want the damn harlot alive, even if she is missing a limb or two!

Apparently, the leader wasn't the brightest tool in the shed. There was four of them and 11 bandits. Given the combat capabilities of the other three, there shouldn't be any major issues.

Then your fate has been sealed. Companions, to arms!

With a preemptive strike, Leowyne quick drew Caliburn and sliced cleanly the bandit's outstretched, pointing hand and launched herself at the three that flanked him. The remaining seven would have to be handled by the bishop and the two ladies. These weren't just normal peasant turn bandits, but veteran soldiers and must be taken seriously.
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The long walk was more than what Fae was used to, but she kept up with the travelling group all the same. It was easy to stroll along collecting bits of plants and tucking them in little vials. Some were mixed others, mashed, some foamed as little devious concoctions. Fae wished she could do so much more; In fact, she knew she could, she just needed the proper training.

We appear to have made good time. If we are to continue at this pace, we should be able to reach the Castillan border by morrow morning. Let us keep going shall we? Oh, also keep your wits about. It would do us no good should something comes out from the foliage.

Fae's mind was tired from boredom. "Oh dear, we must have such a long way to go. Shouldn't we set up a camp to rest for the night? It looks like he's going to get dark pretty soon."

The orange glow of the sun was very pretty to watch from the path they walked. Fae admired the view, it was very different from city life. Her fascination was cut short, however by the shuffling of branches up ahead. She hadn't noticed what Leowyne had said, at least not at first. The people she saw emerging filled here with a sense of relief. Oh! These people must be from the town to come greet us!

However a second look at these men made her reconsider. And she noticed Leowyne was bracing herself. She took a defensive stance as well. And so a conversation soon followed. Fae was confident in her abilities to defend herself, she'd had much training to do so. But the loss of sunlight worried her most. It was dark out here, and she couldn't help but wonder what steps she could take.

Bah! As if i care what sort of stinking Gallican business you are up to! Men! Take the women and slay that prissy man! I want the damn harlot alive, even if she is missing a limb or two!

"Excuse me? I do believe I've heard you wrong. Nobody's taking anybody!"

Her anger had turned her face a slight red. How dare they treat her as some damsel in distress?! "You all should be ashamed of yourselves behaving like common thugs!"

It seemed as though the party would have to fight their way past. And there were plenty of bandits confronting them. She heard Leowyne's voice, it was like flipping a switch in her head. Then your fate has been sealed. Companions, to arms!

Her arms flashed and in a second they were sharp, coned, and pointy as giant spear heads. "I will not be happy if you bleed out on my dress." She lunged toward two men thrusting her arm blades out wildly.

They met the enemy's steel and together all three danced to a song of melee combat getting further and further away from the others. She was not worried for the Bishop and Vesper, they were able to handle themselves nicely in battle. Fae desperately wished to finish her opponents off, but these weren't ordinary bandits. They had training, and they struck with ease. They had every ounce of training the soldiers of Atlantique had. She remembered the sparring matches she'd have.

But Fae had the advantage. Not once had she seen the enemy cast a spell. If they could not produce any sort of enchantment the battle was already one. With ease she spun and with a quick shift of her right arm into a warhammer she caught a blind spot in one soldier's armor. He gasped upon impact and fell to the ground wincing in pain. The second soldier took this as an opportunity to strike her from behind but he barely scratched the back of her blouse before she sunk her spear arm deep into the side of his belly.

Both men were down for the count. "Please, do not try to move too much." she told the bleeding soldier as she fumbled for an empty phial. "I've been told human's blood works wonders for an invisibility potion. Oh how I've been dying to try it."

Joachim d'Remilly

We appear to have made good time. If we are to continue at this pace, we should be able to reach the Castillan border by morrow morning. Let us keep going shall we? Oh, also keep your wits about. It would do us no good should something comes out from the foliage.

"Oh dear, we must have such a long way to go. Shouldn't we set up a camp to rest for the night? It looks like he's going to get dark pretty soon"

The trek did take them far, a great distance, and although there were little complaints (though most were from Fae) it was of little consequence in the matter. She did make a point though. They were clergy and common folk, not military men or women, and there was little way possible to make a trek through night. The sun glowed reddish-orange as it set over the skies towards Gallica. As they were to pause to set up camp, Joachim heard Leowyne utter the words. My friends.... we have company.

Joachim looked towards the group that slowly surrounded them. They appeared to be from old Discana, the old Kiingdom whose fought a civil dispute with Castilla and their ambitions, making him think of their old King, the last King from the Alsons Family, perhaps their loyalty was to them, it would be hard to say.

Whooo whee. Look at what we have here.... a little Temple missy, far from her little convent... and not ANY little missy, boys. We have the great Leowyne "the PURE". We remember her right? At the front line, swinging that exact same sword you got your pretty hand wrapped around... I SAW YOU CLEAVE MY FRIENDS IN HALF IN A BATTLE YOU DAMN GALLICANS HAD NO REASON TO BE IN!

Your conflict was injust, brought on by false claims of lordship and possession of Castillan land from one of the Discanan lord's vassals. The fact that the matter was settled without any major incidents proves the point that the claim was not accepted by your lord's peers in the Discanan court. In any case, this is the final warning. We are on official Toulousa business. Hinder our progress would be transgression against the Lord of Toulousa and to Toulousa itself.

Bah! As if i care what sort of stinking Gallican business you are up to! Men! Take the women and slay that prissy man! I want the damn harlot alive, even if she is missing a limb or two!

"Excuse me? I do believe I've heard you wrong. Nobody's taking anybody!"

"No matter, it seemed they cannot be reason with."

Then your fate has been sealed. Companions, to arms!

As the soldiers began to focus towards Fae and Leowyne, a few stragglers would inevitably come towards the priest. "May God grant you fallen warriors passage into the next world." Joachim said solemnly and calmly as he raised his staff, and then tapped the bottom on the earth. Almost shortly thereafter, pillars of earth shot out fromm the side of the cliff, slamming into the bodies of the bandits that moved to engage him. Even though a couple would regain their composure, he is willing to keep his distance and use his magic to speak for him.
"I definitely have something to say. Who are you, and what are you doing here?"

Frowning slightly Ryo folded his arms and turned to Luciana "i'm Ryo, as for why i'm here, I could ask you much the same. I was here simply to patrol, you however seem intent on fighting, what is your purpose?"

Ryo kept a hand ready to reach for his weapon as he stood his ground, he didn't think of them as an enemy, but it wasn't like they needed to be an enemy to choose to attack. Examining the area behind them they seemed to be within the area of plenty of solid rock, it would be a simply task to bury them if they chose to turn on him, it was in his interests to keep this in mind whether they were ally or enemy, such a strategy would reap large benefits for minimal cost.
OOC: back into gear and after watching waterloo again, im feeling for Luis. I've given him quite a cuirassier kind of feel for some odd reason.

Leowyne Grandeeny

Pre-emptive was a trick as old as days and it never fails to work wonders. In slow motion, the man's arm cartwheeled with blood trailing out of both his arm and the decapitated limb. All three of his lackeys stared in shock, which showed their loss of discipline. A normal soldier would have begun counter attack already before Leowyne had gotten right into their midst. Her armoured boot flew straight into the chest of the man directly in front, sending him flying, but something twinged in the back of her mind upon impact. Pushing it aside, Leowyne concentrated on the two that now flanked her. They were obviously not soldiers. Too young. The stubbles on their face and their poor stance shouted pure bandit at her.

No mercy. They have signed their fate!

Caliburn came swinging down straight across the chest of the youth to her right before she thrust leftwards across her chest and impaled the one on her left as he tried to draw his sword. Something suddenly glinted in the corner of her eyes and with as much speed as she could muster, Leowyne yanked her sword from the boys chest tried to parry across her front. As if time had dilated, the glint of a well maintained sword expanded in her sight and even with her quick reflex, Caliburn just barely connected with the thrust, pushing aside just enough for it to fly past her face. The edge of the blade sparked off the top of her armour, but this man was a seasoned soldier. Bringing his entire weight forward, he pressed and locked both blades in close quarter, pressing down on Leowyne. The paladin was forced onto the defense, with Caliburn badly positioned and the man not giving an inch.

My captain may be careless, but i won't be such an easy prey, La Pur.

Impressive thrust and timing. It was a wonderful strike.

Using the force of the attacker, Leowyne sprung back with her legs, using her sword and her backward movement to both move out of his lock as well as swing and direct the blade downwards and to her right. Leowyne managed to get out of being pressured, but this gap also meant that her attacker was given enough room to reposition and get into proper stance. From general observation, he was old, scarred and solid. A veteran of many battles. Leowyne's blood flowed fast. A worthy challenge. She raised Caliburn to her face in salute before getting into stance

I am Leowyne La Pur of the Order of Temple Knights. I request to know of the name and rank of my opponent.

The man paused, looking stunned before laughing out loud.

Buahahaha. It has been a while since i became a bandit. To be taken seriously by a Temple Paladin and offered a proper duel is quite the honour. Very well. Sergeant Garcia Ramiro of the 11th Heavy Discanan Footmen.

Well met, Serjeant Ramiro. I will offer you once more, the chance to rally and retreat with your men. Your leader is a lost cause and seeing as you are the next in charge, the fate of your men are in your hands.

Sergeant Ramiro spat at the ground and smiled

Fair lady, these are bandits we are talking about. Those that fear for their lives had fled already upon your declaration of your status. The others stayed for a more personal score to settle with you and therefore will not accept your offer.

Very well. I will pray for your safe passage to our Lord.

Wuahahhahaa. Dear lady, let's not count chickens before they hatch. I will make sure to send your body back to your Temple properly without disturbance.

A small twitch curled at both duelist's lip before they launched themselves at each other.


Luis de La Vega

As expected, the pillaged village caused quite a stir in Aquitania. Obviously, the local garrison managed to recover a few "evidence" of Valiran aggression. Already, news of the attack had spread to both nations and despite the growing confidence of Valira, they would be foolish to actually perform such a strategically useless attack. Still, the Aquitanian lord's are all bumbling fools and hot under the collar. The only thing that can result from this is even more tension. Luis paced outside in the hallway of the palace with a few other lords. The Duke had summoned all the most important people for an emergency meeting and was now in deep discussion with his two ministers. Luis ran his fingers through his hair, waiting for the double doors to open and for his awaited answer to be announced. Just as he begun to become impatient, the grand doors swung open and one of the servants came forward.

The Duke has decided that we shall await for a joint investigation with the Valiran delegates.

Luis cursed herself internally. It wasn't what he expected. He had expected some more recklessness, but instead, the Duke has been quite level minded and want to investigate. Luis wasn't concerned with being connected with the attack. He was not a dunce. Instead, he was more worried with a diffusion of tension. If they blamed the attack on smart bandits, tensions was going to drop further than what it was prior to the attack. Just as Luis scrunched his eyes in annoyance, the servant continued with the announcement.

Lord Luis de La Vega, the Duke has ordered your lordship to take the 501st to further enforce the border

By your order.

It was a consolation prize. The duke had made the mistake of sending HIM as reinforcement. The pure act of sending the 501st would be a sign of undue aggression and their arrival would make anyone uneasy. No one sends such a renowned assault regiment unless they plan for aggression. Wouldn't quite raise the suspicion as high as he wanted, but beggars can't be choosers. Turning on the spot, Luis made off towards his officiers to get his men in order for immediate departure.
Luciana de Tordesillas & Rodrigo de Cea

"I'm Ryo, as for why I'm here, I could ask you much the same. I was here simply to patrol, you however seem intent on fighting, what is your purpose?"

Luciana seemed incensed by what she feels is Ryo's arrogant behavior "What do you mean why I'm here. I'm trying to help defend this town, I'm just as much a soldier in this army, though you don't seem to look the part!"

Rodrigo, still a little out of breath spoke to the two of them. "That is enough, we have more enemies approaching, keep them from delving further into the town." This would calm Luciana a little, holding her sword in her arm as she prepared for the next wave of these dark creatures. And so they came like a flood, making their way through the already battered Castilan Army.

Luciana would be able to stab a couple of dark soldiers, as a third one try to behead her, but the blow was parried by Rodrigo, who was able to cleave through his opponent.
Joachim d'Remilly

The staff wielding clergyman watched as the bruised and battered bandits continued to engage him. He wasn't really needing to resort to lethal force unless his hand was forced. And since every second wasted means more innocents die, it would have come to a point as such. The Pearl Orb would glow red as he pointed it at the bandits, launching fireballs at the ground in front of them. The explosive, concussive force was small, but it would serve to disorient them, even knocking them into the ground. "Do not move, if you wish to live much longer, then please do not move."

Leowyne Grandeeny

The blades clashed with mighty sparks as the two warriors threw strikes aimed at cutting each other down with no mercy. Even given her greater stature over other females and even amongst men, the Sergeant was still physically stronger. She could match his strength, but purely overpowering him was not going to happen. However, it was undeniable that Leowyne was more skilled and faster than Ramiro, but he was quick enough to keep up and parry. Basically, they were able to counter each others advantages. Leowyne wanted this to end quickly, as she was worried about the Minister and the ladies. She could use light magic to blind and stun Ramiro, but that would be betraying the dueling spirit that has been established.

The jitte is fair game though...

Pulling back on her offense, Leowyne made it seem like she was being pushed, leaving openings and encouraged Ramiro to get more aggressive. She was not disappointed as he began to speed up and put more energy into his swings and at the peak of his power, Leowyne sprung her trap. Caliburn was held up with her left hand, giving the impression she was still trying to block, but instead, Leowyne drew her Jitte with her right hand in a reverse grip and let the sword slide straight into the hook. Ramiro's face betrayed his emotions as his wide eyes meant that he was stunned at the current situation. That was the opportunity she needed. With a quick counter clockwise twist of her right wrist, Leowyne locked the sword between the main shaft and the hook using the pressure and as Ramiro struggled to get his sword free, Leowyne plunged Caliburn between the leather chest pieces and through his chest.

Cough....! Ugh.... Rather crafty Lady...Very well played. I guess this is it for ole' Ramiro. Ha.... what a fool's errand....

Ramiro dropped to his knees and slid off of Caliburn and joined his fellow ex soldiers and the other bandits. Leowyne clasped her hand and closed her eyes and gave a short prayer to the now deceased. Turning around, Lady Cantigre and Lord d'Remilly has also taken care of their opponents. Within a short moment of less than five minutes, the cacophony has returned to silence, but death was still heavy in the air.

It is good to see that everyone came out of that scuffle alive. I apologise Lord d'Remilly. I was tasked to protect you, but you had to defend yourself. I must apologise again for my folly.