[RP]Skies of Elleard

With everyone announcing that they were going to sleep. Whilheim said "Well, may as well get some shuteye, haven't had a good sleep in a while. If there isn't any problems, I'll take a guest room bed."

Wilheim left the framework behind, it was halfway finished and would be ready by tomorrow at the earliest. Heading back into the house he searched for a vacant room, the sound of a door closing meant that Dominic must've already went in. Wilheim walked down the hall and saw an slightly opened door. Looking tinto the door, he saw a vacant bed. Wasting no time, Wilheim sat on the bed and removed his shoes before lying on it just so, after half an hour, he finally fell asleep.
OOC: Okay. Since the firing of the cannon is my event, ill post first. After we fire the cannon, we should time skip to completion, which i think Squee should post the first post.

Time has gone by and with remarkable speed, the ship was slowly looking more and more sky worthy. Cuclainn felt a bit ashamed that she was still working on just the cannon and had not contributed to the actual construction of the ship but there was nothing she could do. However, it was done. The main gun of the ship. Cuclainn had already installed the ammunition room inside the ship, as well as the rails that allowed automated fire and reload, but Cuclainn wanted to test fire the gun before installing it. She had to fire several shots to ensure that it would not blow up in mid air. She would have to find something to shoot at and the best person to go to was Sir Skylar.

{Inquire} Sir Skylar, i have completed my gun. However, i will need to perform tests in order to see if it works correctly. Might you know what i can shoot it at? Is there a door which opens to the outside?

The room was definitely not big enough to test fire. The noise from the firing would be so loud that its sound could echo around enclosed space
not made to suppress the noise and shatter things. If there was a door, the noise would not echo and should be fine
(OOC: This RP is extremely active O__O Well here's my post. Hopefully I'll be on more with finals out of the way soon.)

Has your crew finished repairs? Or do we have to flee to some place else?

"The ship's there!"
Elanora replied happily pointing at the resting airship that seemed to be vibrating with life.

Rao twenty yards behind the two were flicking spells at the mech but could not find a weakness to completely stop the mech. "Must have been reinforced with some sorts of shielding spells" he mumbled as the engine of his ship roared in the distance. "Help the nice lady on board!" Rao yelled to Elanora as he sent earth shooting up from the ground to stumble the mech.

As he spoke he got close enough to his ship to board just as it began rising a foot from the ground. At his command the ship would rise in an instant. "Is everyone okay?" Rao asked thoughtfully. "Where's the lady? Is she and Elanora okay?" Rao asked a nearby ship crew member.

Skylar had been running through the specs he had on his computer and checking it all with the ship when Culcainn addressed him. She wanted to know about a test fire for her experiment gun. He had to think about it first. There were in a dome that was made of a lot of glass, so firing it without opening it could be a mistake. Pondering over possibilities for a moment, he got an idea. "Yeah, just give me a moment." Skylar brought up a new window on his computer, this one was a menu that had all sorts of listed functions. He found one that said "Dome opening." it was named simply because it made it easy to find.

As he selected it, the sweet melody of motors running on steam power hummed through and the dome room they were in split in two as it revealed the sky and all surrounding cliffs. there was no civilization to the north, so it would be safe for a large explosion of the sort to happen there. "I suppose you could shoot that cliff. Nobody lives on top of or at the bottom of that region. I live here because of that, so I disturb as few people as possible. You have no idea how often I make mistakes that result in loud noises."

Then turning to see the over-all progress of the ship, he was pleased. He was wrong about how long it would take, if they kept moving along at this rate, they would be finished within this day. Walking over to Dominic, he said, "Just follow the colors of the wires, it's self explanatory, same color with same color, then each color has a different jack. Just plug them into the appropriate sized holes into the console." He was referring to the control room. Despite it having been an entire day, Skylar still didn't want Dominic to do heavy lifting, so he had him do the easy but vital tasks. "If there is a mistake in the wiring, I'll take it up with you, and you won't like it, so don't mess up."

He then walked over to the engine. This was his work, but he wanted to see what Culcainn's gun could do. "But first Dominic, come see this!"

"Fire away Culcainn."
OOC: Seriously, if you have a better name offer it.

"Fire away Culcainn."

{Excitment} With pleasure.

One thing that did manage to crack a small twitch on Cuclainn's lips is testing her little machines. Success always had a good feeling and failure presented new challenges. With her mechanical arms, Cuclainn tugged at a thick chain that hung from a crane and swung the crane arm so that it brought what it was holding towards the edge of the cliff. The item in question was the garangutan ship gun that she had been working on. With care as if doing surgery, the gun was lowered towards the ground before being secured onto the floor of the cliff. If her calculations were right, shot untethered, the flying recoil of the gun would be equally as devastating as the round itself.

{Prideful} This is a magnetically accelerated cannon. Using magnets, we can hurl the specialised heavy rounds at targets at faster speed than gunpowder cannons. They even hit more harder. I dub thee, the Ship Gutter as you will see soon enough why....

Cuclainn paused for a second as she thought qabout the name.

...though i am told to have a terrible naming sense. If any of you have an idea for a better name, im all ears, but that will wait until after we fire.

Handing each of her friends an ear plug AND an ear muff, Cuclainn connected the gun to its power source and manually hefted one of the gigantic rounds into the chamber, albeit with a bit of difficulty. Cuclainn was glad that the gun was automatic because lifting the round took a bit out of her. When all was ready, Cuclainn sighted the mesa once more. It was ideal as it was about the same length as most average battle cruiser and maybe just as wide. Of course it being just rock is countered with it being completely rock from one side to the other.

{Nervous} Fire!

A large whooshing sound beyond loud reverberated the entire area as the round broke mach speeds. The shockwave from the firing flapped all loose clothing and long hair. Even small cloud rings formed at the muzzle. It travelled so fast that it appeared more like a beam, glowing hot as a result of the little mysterious item she installed that was part of the prototype. The round looked partially melted on the exterior and when it hit the mesa, it puntured cleanly through. The round, rather than exploding on the outside upon impact, detonated while it travelled through the mesa while on the inside, shattering the entire top half of the mesa before the round impacted on the mesa behind, causing a surface explosion on the surface and a medium sized collapse of rocks.

It worked better than she had thought. Breaching ship armour via exploding shells still left the ship mostly intact. The molten shell allowed it to punch right through, detonate explosively and "gut" the ship before the remaining core round continued and hit another ship like a normal cannon shell. It was brilliant. Cuclainn reflexively smiled completely, humanlike rather than mechanical, for one of the rare few times. She turned and faced her companions, fist balled in excitment.

{Ecstatic} Well?! Well?! How was it? Is it to your liking?!
(OOC: Since Tipsy mentioned a possible time skip after the gun is fired, I just had Dom finish his current project in the last paragraph, so that if the ship needs to be finished at that point, it can be, or else he can still do more stuff if needed after that. Hope that's okay)

After having slept for at least a reasonable amount of time, Dominic woke up, feeling somewhat in a daze and a scotch-induced hangover. Looking around briefly, he realized instantly that he was not at home; so, wondering where he was, he got out of bed, grabbed his leather carrying case and coat, and wandered out of Skylar's guest room, hoping to find some clues. He soon found a bathroom, and used it to freshen up; then, upon discovering the mechanical nature of his left hand, he remembered instantly where he was, and what he was doing there. Once he was done, he hastened to Skylar's airship hangar with his belongings, and left them in a corner of the room; the others were already in there, working. He rolled up his shirtsleeves once more, and quickly joined in, greeting them and picking up where he had left off the previous evening.

---(time skip)---

It wasn't long before Cuclainn had finished constructing the cannon, as well as the accompanying ammunition room. Dominic had been glancing up at it periodically to check on her progress; he was impressed that she had put the whole thing together by herself.

{Inquire} Sir Skylar, i have completed my gun. However, i will need to perform tests in order to see if it works correctly. Might you know what i can shoot it at? Is there a door which opens to the outside?

Skylar, who was at his computer, answered her after a minute.

"Yeah, just give me a moment."

He input some sort of command, and amongst a chorus of mechanical sounds, a fissure appeared in the huge glass dome above their heads, and it spread apart, opening up until they could see the majestic landscape of the outside world around them. The building they were in stood on a massive cliff amongst many, and there was one not far to the north which seemed to stand out more than some of the others. As Dominic gazed at it, abandoning his work for a moment, Skylar made a suggestion.

"I suppose you could shoot that cliff. Nobody lives on top of or at the bottom of that region. I live here because of that, so I disturb as few people as possible. You have no idea how often I make mistakes that result in loud noises."

Dominic chuckled to himself; he knew that feeling. He'd made plenty of loud mistakes when he'd had access to a mech long ago, though he'd always done it in front of large masses of people.

He turned back to the new section of work he'd just started, the wiring for the ship's control room. He hesitated for a second, looking over the materials in front of him, and in that moment Skylar walked over to him to brief him on what needed to be done.

"Just follow the colors of the wires, it's self explanatory, same color with same color, then each color has a different jack. Just plug them into the appropriate sized holes into the console. If there is a mistake in the wiring, I'll take it up with you, and you won't like it, so don't mess up."

Hmm, thought Dominic. That was a bit condescending. Dominic raised an eyebrow at him, then looked back down at his work, and started plugging in the matching colored wires with ease. “Don't worry,” he said lightly, not wanting to make too much of a scene, “I haven't had anything to drink yet today.”

"But first Dominic, come see this!"

What? He had just started working again, as Skylar had started walking away. Dominic glanced up again, and realized that the technician wanted him to come see Cuclainn's cannon. Eager to see the demonstration, Dominic quickly put down the wire ends he had in his hands, and went over to where everyone else was standing to watch; this was much more exciting for him than putting wires together anyway.

"Fire away Culcainn."

{Excitment} With pleasure.

Without hesitation, Cuclainn reached up and pulled on a heavy chain that was attached to a crane, which supported the enormous gun. She used the machinery to swing the gun into position, so that it was aimed at the cliff Skylar had named an apt test subject. She then inched the gun towards the ground, and secured it in place, which Dominic realized must be to stabilize it for safety reasons.

{Prideful} This is a magnetically accelerated cannon. Using magnets, we can hurl the specialised heavy rounds at targets at faster speed than gunpowder cannons. They even hit more harder. I dub thee, the Ship Gutter as you will see soon enough why....

She paused.

...though i am told to have a terrible naming sense. If any of you have an idea for a better name, im all ears, but that will wait until after we fire.

Dominic really didn't mind what the name of the thing was; they could refer to it as the Floating Pansy for all he cared, so long as it fired well and did serious damage. He unfolded his arms as Cuclainn handed him a set of ear plugs and ear muffs, then distributed them to everyone else as well. “Thank you,” said Dominic cheerily, putting them into place and hoping that they would be absolutely necessary; if it was that loud, it was likely to be powerful.

He watched as Cuclainn hooked the cannon to its power source, then loaded a heavy round into it. He felt like a cad for not helping her, since she looked like she was having some difficulty with it, but Skylar had told him not to do anything strenuous while he was recovering, so he merely stood by and watched. When Cuclainn was ready, she aimed the cannon at the designated cliff, and let the monster loose.

{Nervous} Fire!

A huge sound, intense even through the protective head gear, resonated from the cannon, and a shockwave ruffled Dominic's hair and clothes as the round shot straight out, glowing as it flew, and collided with the cliff almost instantaneously. For a split second an entry hole could be seen in the cliffside; then the entire top of the thing collapsed in a beautiful explosion, rocks and debris flying everywhere from the force of the detonation. The round didn't stop there though; it also went through the other side of this cliff, hit the cliff behind it, and made yet another explosion on the side of that precipice. It was absolutely beautiful. Dominic stared at it, awestruck; he couldn't help but smile.

Cuclainn seemed eager to hear everyone's opinions.

{Ecstatic} Well?! Well?! How was it? Is it to your liking?!

Dominic slowly turned and looked over at her; she looked unusually excited for someone who seemed to avoid emotional expression. He bit his lip, strolled over to her, and clapped his good hand on her shoulder. “Cuclainn,” he said with a smile, taking a deep breath for effect, “if this doesn't destroy our enemies, then my mother was a goat, and I'm the king of a flock of pixies.”

He took his hand off of her shoulder, and headed quickly back towards his own work area, removing his earmuffs and earplugs as he walked. “You did an excellent job in my book, darling. Now, I say we should get this thing finished, so we can go test it out on whichever unfortunate airships may dare to cross our path.” He discarded his ear equipment on the nearest flat surface, then picked up the loose wires he'd been working on last, and started connecting them again. “I'm still not sure where we'll be headed first, so we'll have to discuss that once we're completely assembled, and have all of our supplies packed. I doubt very much we'll find the object at our first destination either, so we'll need to make sure we have plenty of everything we need to get us through.”


He finished connecting the last of the wires in no time, and figured he should have Skylar take a look at it, just to make sure it was how he wanted everything. “How's this, Skylar?” he asked, stepping back and surveying the work he'd done. “They're all attached, all the colors are matched. Anything else I can do now?”

Several days have passed since Wilhelm started on the Mech Hangars. He managed to get the flooring plan working as well as lining the walls with sheetmetal. Now it was for the hangar doors, and he was thinking of whether to have the doors hinge on the side, on top, or on both ways, since there was not enough room for sliding doors of that size.

{Inquire} Sir Skylar, i have completed my gun. However, i will need to perform tests in order to see if it works correctly. Might you know what i can shoot it at? Is there a door which opens to the outside?

Wilhelm looked up and saw Cuculainn asking Skylar about her weapon. It looked like a cannon indeed, but it seemed different.

{Prideful} This is a magnetically accelerated cannon. Using magnets, we can hurl the specialised heavy rounds at targets at faster speed than gunpowder cannons. They even hit more harder. I dub thee, the Ship Gutter as you will see soon enough why....

"The Ship Gutter?" Wilhelm snickered to himself, that was not really a good name.

...though i am told to have a terrible naming sense. If any of you have an idea for a better name, im all ears, but that will wait until after we fire.

"Fair enough, let's see it work for ourselves." Wilhelm said, putting on the ear plugs and ear muffs that she gave everyone.

{Nervous} Fire!

Wilhelm saw the round exit the cannon at such a high speed that he could barely catch it. The round passed through the cliffside like a hot knife through butter, the cliff collapsing and rocks falling to the ground below, what impressed Wilhelm though was that the round kept going, impacting a second cliff and causing it to collapse. With that kind of power, Ship Gutter doesn't even describe what it is capable of.

{Ecstatic} Well?! Well?! How was it? Is it to your liking?!

"I've gotta say, I'm impressed. A cannon that did that much damage to two cliffsides should be enough to penetrate a large-size capital ships armor with ease. It's kind of like those new bullets everyone keeps talking about." Wilhelm couldn't hide his enthusiasm. That magnetic accelerated cannon is smaller than the main gun of a Destroyer, yet packs as much a punch as a Battleship. "One sight of this gun, and you know the enemy is gonna make Peace."
When Culcainn was describing her gun, Skylar was already impressed. His specialty was weaponry and weaponry integration, yet he never had thought of using things like this. Of course, he didn't feel threatened at all, since he made things on more of a hand-held scale.

When she handed him the ear plugs and muffs, he knew it. From his own works, he knew that if you knew you needed both before you even tested it, it'd be something amazing. He put them all in place, and kept his hands on the earmuffs and pressed to add more of a silencing effect. When fired, he could still hear that sound, which instantly made him smile. Impressive machinery and weaponry made Skylar happy, and then when he saw the effects the round took on in an instant, he let out a yelp of pleasure. It really did make him grin.

Then Culcainn asked opinions, but Skylar could not find the words to describe his awe. Instead he waited for the other two to reply.

"One sight of this gun, and you know the enemy is gonna make Peace."

"Ha, or shit bricks, one of the two." He said with light laughter. "I don't wanna meet the man that can survive this, let alone someone who doesn't fear such power. That's about all I can say, I'm pretty much speechless..." Though he didn't verbally say much, his voice and facial expressions showed a man who almost doesn't believe what he has seen, but is glad he saw it.


Upon doing what he was doing, getting the engine room ready, Dominic called him over to overlook his task. Skylar took a look and didn't see anything wrong, so he smiled and said, "Perfect. It's about lunch time, so feel free to take a break, I will be soon, too." Skylar then went back to preparing the engine room. This wasn't hard for him, he had a mechanical arm to do heavy lifting and hard pushing. This arm was small yet it was very condensed, so it's power was great for it's size, but it's coordination was only as good as his own. There was also a machine following him around that held various tools, and every now and then Skylar would pull one off to adjust something.


(OOC: No clue where you really are/what you are doing/what to do, so this Lewa post is brief, but it will get him started again)

Lewa was walking his way to town to get some things. It wasn't long until he ran into a few young men, they seemed to be travelling together. Lewa sent a friendly nod to them, but he was wary whenever walking by some people, so he put a hand on his scythe to be safe.
As they ate, Julius filled Nick in on just what he did. Nick was fascinated by the amount of work Julius had done and his clientele. They talked long after the meal was finished. By the time Julius remembered that he was supposed to get a piece of his to show Nick, he was already showing Nick the inner mechanics of his new hand.

“…And these wires here transmit the impulses from your nerves to your mechanical fingers. They only work that way though except for sensory purposes. Effectively, you won’t feel pain with that hand but you can feel everything else.”

Julius looked over the graft point, feeling it with his fingers.

“Not much scaring. Better than mine ever did. Looks like you take well to the grafts, for now at least. So far no one has rejected mine and I consider that a personal bonus.”

Nick thought about it for a second before looking at Julius.

“So you have them too?”

“What? Grafts? How do you think I started on this? I experimented on myself. They worked better than I ever thought.”


“Yes, they.”

With those words, Julius’s mechanical arms snaked out from under his cloak and gathered the cleaned plates and stacked them neatly on the tray.

“They do even better work than my human hands. And I can use them all for whatever I need to. Took me awhile to learn that but now, I’m the fastest mechanic in this town and probably in the whole of the country.”

“And that’s what you mean by upgrading?”

“Right. Maybe you want something special like a hand cannon or something. I learned the hard way. It’s better to have someone helping you modify yourself. Leaves a lot less scars.”

“So do you have any others?”

“Not going to tell you that Nick,” he answered with a smile. “Maybe one day you’ll find out. But not now, not until you learn more. A lot more."



“Seems we have company…” Alistere said, motioning to Vincent to stop.

“And that scythe doesn’t look very friendly either.”

“I can handle him easy. It’s you I’m worried about. Don’t be afraid to use that….whatever the hell it is you’ve got in your hand.”

“I’d rather not.”

“Just saying don’t be afraid to. Better alive and wounded than dead.”

“I guess…”

"Don't do anything until we determine if hes friendly or not," Alistere warned, placing a hand on Bloodscythe and waving toward Lewa.

"The ship's there!"
The ship sat ahead of the group, which was good. It meant the girl could escape as soon as possible. While Arya did not quite had plans to leave the forest, she did have the intentions to for a while and this might as well be her chance. A nudging feeling had been on her mind for a while and she had to deal with it as soon as possible.

Hold on. Let's get on up.

With strength belying her looks, Arya hoisted the girl onto her shoulders whilst simultaneously drew MIST and shot herself once more in the head. This time, an elegant pink Princess emerged

Sakuya! To me!

Sakuya dove to the ground, the wind buffeting the under her power as it hovered so that Arya could board onto her shoulder. With her quarry secured, Sakuya beat her wing like sleeves on her arm and shot her towards the ship.

"Where's the lady? Is she and Elanora okay?"

I am on board as is your charge...

Arya, Elanora and Sakuya emerged from the side rails of the ship. Sakuya hovered just at the right hight for the two smaller beings could hop off her shoulder and onto the ship.

Sakuya, return!

On command, th4 celestial being shot into the sky, circled once and dove headfirst towards the ship before it broke into its dimensional gate, a giant crack appearing above she ship as if glass. The cracks stayed for a second before shattering, returning the area to normal. Placing Elanora onto the deck, she turned Rao

Do we flee now?



The positive feedback soothed Cuclainn's heart. Appreciation for one's work was a perfect way from becoming mad in her line f work. Cuclainn had recently wondered.... was it the compliment that had that effect, or the fact that she had people to make such compliments...? Solitary work was grueling, even more so when one is in the line taking people's lives on an almost daily basis. Whatever it is, she had hoped this job lasted a while, not for the sake of money, but for the companionship.

{Satsified} Well, the name of the gun is still up, but i'll go get this installed properly

the stabilizing chains were removed and the gun was connected back onto the crane once more. With careful precision, it was navigated over the opening hole on the deck that led straight into the specially engineered gun housing for the gun. The housing was made to absorb most of the noise and the pretty much all the shockwave. The noise would be tolerable as the only release that is not muffled is forward out the muzzle. It is still loud, but earmuffs and plugs are unnecessary anywhere on the ship anymore.

It took Cuclainn a while, but finally, it was in place and hooked up. the gun was 100% functional for blowing ships out of the sky and Cucklainn let herself fall falt on her back on the deck, relaxing for a while forr a job well done. If the others were not done, perhaps she could assist them in a few minutes....

OOC: ready for time jump to completion
(OOC: Short one just to answer what Skylar said)

Skylar seemed to approve of Dominic's work.

"Perfect. It's about lunch time, so feel free to take a break, I will be soon, too."

Dominic nodded. “Alright, that sounds good,” he answered, and started heading for the door to the rest of the house, wiping a bit of sweat from his brow. It hadn't been particularly strenuous work, but it had been tedious, and the clothes he was wearing weren't particularly cool or loose either. “In that case I'll go raid your kitchen again, if that's okay. That sandwich I had last time wasn't half bad.” He glanced back over at Skylar, who had gone to work on the engine room some more, and grinned. “Remind me at some point that I owe you a bottle of scotch, by the way.” He then disappeared through the door, and made his way to Skylar's kitchen.

Once he'd had another good sandwich and a bit more to drink, Dominic returned to the hangar, to see if there was anything left to do.

(OOC: Ready for time skip to completion)
(OOC) Sorry for the wait, starting time skin now) (And in case you forgot, here is the airship: http://th03.deviantart.net/fs15/PRE/f/2007/099/4/3/fusionPUNK_airship_WS_WP_by_kheng.jpg )

After much hard work, the job was finished. Skylar's vision had come to be, and it was all thanks to the people he had encountered. He couldn't have been happier, and the smile on his face really showed it. Not only was he feeling very accomplished, but he was also anxious to hop in it and fly it. In a jumpy and upbeat manner, Skylar spoke, "Well, let's get in and test some things!" Skylar didn't want to wait for everyone else, instead he started to jog right on inside. The door was Located at the large glass area on the bottom of the ship. Skylar went directly up the stairs and right into the control room.

Upon entering the control room, everything lit right up, and the humming of electricity through machines was music to his ears. In fact, it was better than music. He instantly sat in the pilots seat and started to operate some simple things. He adjusted the lights, Opening and closing doors, and then a simple system scan to see if anything was wrong. So far everything seemed to be in check.

"So, who wants to fly this baby? Of course, I do mean I will be piloting, but we do need to test it!" His enthusiasm was impressive for even him. This was the biggest project he had ever done, and so far it was a success. As soon as he finished speaking, he reached in a pocket that was on his coat under his crystalline armor. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and used the lighter in his mechanic hand to light it up. There was a vent he installed by him that prevented smoke from filling the are, but it wasn't all that necessary since it didn't emit that much smoke.


Choosing not to draw any more attention to his scythe, Lewa nodded at the two he was walking by and spoke, "And a good day to you. I;m from around here, so if there be anything you be needin', just let me know, I'll see 'bout fixn' it to ya." Lewa was normally like this, making peace with strangers. He hated to make new enemies very much, and the two he was walking by were rather intimidating to him.
"Yes I suppose so." Rao spoke walking to a staircase leading onto the lower decks of the ship. "Alright men! full speed ahead into the skies!"

The ship rose slowly until finally jerking upwards into the sky and hovering high. Smooth sailing was now on course. "I'm sorry you were run out of your forest Miss." Rao spoke with a smile.

He was shy around new people but nevertheless he hungered for more adventure like his mini moment beforehand. "Allow me to properly introduce myself to you properly. I am, Rao Thembal, a famous scientist and somewhat adventurer. I travel the world in search of artefacts of the past and study matter and composition of various objects, using this ship of course. " said Rao extending out his hand.

"And I'm his apprentice!"
Elanora happily spoke bouncing around as she began to create pink sparkles in the air around her as a demonstration of her own power. "Master Raos taught me so many magic techniques already!"

"I don't suppose you have any clue of a place to go? I'm afraid these skies are foreign to us."
The elf spoke gazing out at the land before them.

"...And that is why we use micromechincs for replacement parts. Leaves more room for upgrades. And who do they come to? Me since I'm the one that put it in. Which results in more income for me all for a little foresight."

As Julius was finishin the introduction to his work to Nick, a buzzer overhead sounded.

"Looks like we have a customer. I hate to leave you but..."

Julius looked over the graft point on Nick's arm.

"If that's any indication of how well you've taken to it, I expect your back is fine. You've given it time to get adjusted to the replacements so I dont think there will be too much problem. Just keep your back as straight as you can."

Nick nodded as Julius helped him off the bed. Carefully they made their way downstairs.

"There's a high-backed chair by the counter. Sit in that."

Julius went to go an answer the door.

The assassin was still wary. If anyone in this world was half as good as he was at deception then there was reason. As such, he kept one hand on Bloodscythe, ready to draw on its focus gems as he drew it.

"I suppose you could call it a good day. I happen to have gained a little tagalong from last night," Alistere chuckled. "We're on the road to Renlak right? Normally I could just see it from above but we're stuck on the ground for now."

OOC: Now that i look at it, the ship is perfect. That little muzzle sticking out at the front is perfect position for the MAC gun. And in case you were wondering, we have point defense guns all over the ship as well as several ball turrets with auto cannons. That and normal standard cannon turrets.


"So, who wants to fly this baby? Of course, I do mean I will be piloting, but we do need to test it!"

Cuclainn took her eyes away from the glass of the ball turret she was polishing and cringed a bit. Single crafts were good and all, but Cuclainn felt queasy testing ships. She could do it, but she never liked it. Without trying to draw attention to herself, Cuclainn turned her head away and continued to polish the glass, hoping to hide her lack of enthusiasm for the offer.

What she could not wait for is riding on it. All the final finishing touches have been done and Cuclainn could not wait for the feeling of success again.

OOC: i have no idea what to do next.

"I'm sorry you were run out of your forest Miss. Allow me to properly introduce myself to you properly. I am, Rao Thembal, a famous scientist and somewhat adventurer. I travel the world in search of artefacts of the past and study matter and composition of various objects, using this ship of course. "
"And I'm his apprentice!Master Raos taught me so many magic techniques already!"
A pleasure to meet you. I am Arya Halloway a....mage from a while ago... And do not ponder on the forest. It has been 200 years since i stepped out and i had intended to leave soon...

The feeling of disturbance was still in her stomach. The roaming mechs was just another sign of this disturbance. Now that the trio had escaped the immediate danger, the question of where to go next popped up.

"I don't suppose you have any clue of a place to go? I'm afraid these skies are foreign to us."

Hm... Depends on what you want to do next. While i did say that i had a purpose for leaving, it did not point me in any direction. For now, i guess i can hitch a ride with you if you don't mind.

OOC: Short post is short. :sad3:

Wilhelm was polishing the ship, besides a clean ship is always best. The Mechs were already inside the ship (assuming Tipsy's Noblesse Oblige is inside as well) and all there is need is to test it.

"So, who wants to fly this baby? Of course, I do mean I will be piloting, but we do need to test it!"

Since there weren't many takers, Wilhelm said "Eh, what the heck, I'll do it." He openly volunteered, though he wasn't all so enthusiastic. Tests can always go wrong and he didn't want to die by some mechanical problem that will have them crashing into the side of the mountain.
After what had seemed like ages, the ship was finally finished. Dominic gazed up at it from below, arms folded, and smiled; though building a ship from scratch had certainly taken longer than simply buying one, it felt good that he had been able to secure a method of transportation for the journey so covertly. Only himself and three other people knew he was doing this, and that greatly reduced the chance of any of his creditors finding out where he was, and trying to interfere with his intentions. Plus, he thought, it would be good to be out of the papers for a while; though he usually loved the attention, there was also a sense of freedom that came with the anonymity that this trip was going to give him.

"Well, let's get in and test some things!"

Dominic returned from his thoughts, and watched as Skylar hurried inside the ship, seeming quite enthusiastic. He entered through the glass-windowed room at the bottom of it, then disappeared from view as he ascended the stairs within. Eager to see the inner workings himself, Dominic shouldered his gun case, and followed after him, finding the glass room rather pleasant inside and the stairway less cramped than he'd been expecting.

Once he reached the top of the stairs, he found himself in the control room, where the lights were on and, from the sound of it, many electrical systems. Skylar was already in the pilot's chair, fiddling with many of the instruments to make sure things were in working order.

"So, who wants to fly this baby? Of course, I do mean I will be piloting, but we do need to test it!"

Skylar took out a pack of cigarettes and lit one up, using a lighter that seemed to be built into his mechanical hand. Dominic wasn't much of a smoker, but it was good to know that it was at least an option onboard; he figured Skylar wouldn't do it if there wasn't proper ventilation, or if it was unsafe for some reason.

As far as testing out the ship, Dominic was all for it. He was glad Skylar was willing to do the piloting, though; while he would love to try out the controls at some point along the way, he didn't want to be blamed if anything went wrong during its first flight, whether or not it was his fault. He'd hold off on asking about it for now.

"Eh, what the heck, I'll do it."

Dominic glanced over at Wilheim; he was apparently interested in flying the ship. More power to him, Dom thought; if something ever happened that prevented Skylar from manning the controls, it would be good to know whether anyone else aboard would be capable of taking the helm, and Cuclainn hadn't spoken up about it yet. “That sounds like a plan to me,” Dominic offered brightly, setting his bag in the corner of the room somewhere out of the way. “I'll just watch for now, I believe.” He returned to where Skylar was, and stood casually behind the pilot's chair, still wanting to see what was required to get the vessel off the ground.
OOC: Oli, waiting on ya for Arya. Short one so we are all ready to go

A sigh of relief slipped out. At least Wilhelm is gutsy enough. Cuclainn stopped what she was polishing and moved towards where the rest of the group was. Noblesse Oblige was on and secured as should be most things. Even if she was not keen on piloting, having rudimentary knowledge for back up was prudent. After all, with such a small crew, everyone had to be able to cover for each other.

{Jokingly} Where is the champagne bottle for the christening? Or we saving that for when we really fly?
Hm... Depends on what you want to do next. While i did say that i had a purpose for leaving, it did not point me in any direction. For now, i guess i can hitch a ride with you if you don't mind.

"Well," Rao spoke thinking, a concentrated expression on his face. "I supposed the ancients of Neristria would need to hear about this one. The mechana having escaped from their chamber."

Rao then stooped down to Elanora's level. "what is it master Rao?" Elanora asked.

"Tell the crew to set sail to Falceeda, the floating city at once!"

"You've got it!" The girl replied as she ran to the lower parts of the deck into places unseen.

"Now miss Arya it would be my pleasure to be your escort into the world of Elleard" spoke Rao as he took a deep bow.

The ship had begun to move at a hasty pace. "I'll have one of the crew give you a room. Until then enjoy this gorgeous view."

They were already high in the sky, almost touching the clouds.

In response to what Wilhelm said, Skylar got up and gestured for him to sit in the pilots seat. Then when Culcainn spoke, Skylar couldn't help but smile and laugh. "Well actually, I was already planning on buying rounds for everyone in town when we got back from it's test." Skylar then directed his words to Wilhelm and said, " It's easy, in fact, it's not that different from most Mechs. Just ask me if you have any questions."