[RP] Tale of the Forgotten


The corruptor of your soul
Mar 28, 2007
Cetra Coin
Andre the Adamantoise
Mortimer the Malboro
Terence the Tonberry
Accessory (Head)
Accessory (Arms)
Sileen Tebnerus
FFXIV Server
It was a slow start of the day for Vex. He was currently doing some work in Syncast for a couple of reasons, one being it was big so it was easier to be unnoticed, and two it was also a port town so easy to pick up on information. His job wasn't much he drove a cart of supplies from the incoming ships to one of the taverns nearby. It was during this time as he was unloading some supplies that he noticed some of the people acting with a little unrest or appearing slightly nervous. Curious as to this since Syncast was a usually busy town so this type of behavior was odd, he struck up a conversation with the barkeeper as he brought in one of the crates of wine. "Any idea what has them so worked up?" He pointed to the group of people outside the window, the barkeep gave him a bewildered look as if shocked and his voice carried a little hint of this even. "How can you not know, you work the shipping lanes so you should know of the trouble Daizel is having." Vex just countered this with his own statement "Look I handle the imports of whats coming in to us, not exports of good leaving so please enlighten me."

The barkeep looked him over as if trying to figure out if what Vex said made any sense at all, finally he just shrugged his shoulders as he began cleaning a glass and told him "Apparently Daizel is having trouble lately, having a hard time growing things. We get a few words from some other travelers that the land has been drying up so it's getting harder for them to grow things. Well you know how some farmers can be, they get stubborn and refuse to move from the land . That and given that it's such a small city you know the people stick together, it also doesn't help much that they are one of the few cities that grow crops to be transported. So whatever trouble they have it can affect a lot of people." Vex was unloading the wine from the crate helping the barkeep fill up his stock,"So any idea what caused this?"

The barkeep just shook his head meaning he hadn't a clue, finally after unloading the rest of the crates Vex walked out of the bar but instead of heading to his cart he went in the opposite direction. This got the attention of one of the other workers across the street who decided to yell at him, "Hey you still got work to do, don't leave your cart like that get your ass back in and head back for the boat." To which Vex responded by ever so slightly removing a part of his cloak to show his sword and then turned away from the guy waving and said one final comment "Taking the day off now, if you have a problem stop me." With that being said Vex made his way to the entrance of the city, he needed to find a way to Daizel to see this for himself now with a burning thought through his mind. "I hope that one of those are not the cause of this, if so who knows what trouble may still come of it."
Journal 217 Entry 28
Their is something guiding me along this path. It is a feeling I have never felt before. My next adventure awaits me on this road. I have been traveling for five days now. Normally I would come across a number of merchants during this length of time. The road has been empty except for myself. This changed today. I crossed paths with a farmer and his family. They had all their possessions with them. They told me that if I continued down the road I would find their home Daizel. It seems the family had left because the farm lands had died their. They told me which house was theirs in case I needed shelter along my journey. Perhaps I will find my next story there.

It was mid afternoon when Damian finished his latest entry. According to the family, Daizel was not far from where he currently stood. If he continued walking he would be there in a matter of hours. He tucked his journal away and placed his hat on his head. Damian could only wonder if it was Daizel that he was being pulled to. It was in the right direction, and every step he took only made his urge to keep moving stronger.

The sun had set by the time he had arrived so he was unable to survey the area around him. Damian made his way to the house the family ha just come from. The family had left every piece of furniture; maybe in hopes of one day returning soon. All the cupboards were empty and everything of use had been taken along. He made his way to the only bedroom in the entire house. A large bed stood in at the opposite end of the room. I was big enough to fit an entire of family of four. A small fire place sat along the wall right next to it. Three logs were in a pile next to it. It felt as if the family expected travelers to stay here while away.

Damian took one of the logs and placed it into to fireplace. He then drew his blade and ignited it into a warm flame. The second he touched it to the log, the fireplace became a burning beacon of warmth and comfort. He sheathed his sword, lay on the bed, and fell asleep.
In one of the Syncast town's rowdy tavern most known for it's drinks and the less then upstanding men, a foxgirl sat at the bar, enjoying her mid day meal. The fox girl held the stares of some men and women as she ate. Some looked at her attire. A green dress with bells on it. Others eyed her green fox ears and tail. What really commanded their attention was neither her looks, nor her tails or ears. But her right arm. A blacken arm that can only come after burning it in a fire with the veins glowing through the arm like a lost light in the night. With a slight giggle at a random thought, Eile Klien continued eating her meal. Oblivious to the people watching her as three rugged men sat beside her on both sides, all three of them with ill intention in their eyes.

"Enjoying the food here missy?" The lead man asked looking at Eile.

Eile stopped eating and looked at the rugged men before smiling.

"I am. Best meal I had since that mishap over in Fenith
. Honestly, they should have known not to mess with that cow with the Shryllen Crystal in it's mouth." Eile answered warmly before returning to her meal.

"We can show you a better time here in Syncast then Fenith if you like?" the lead man asked with a leecherous smile on his face.

"Nope." Eile simply replied.

The men did not appreciate being told no
as the trio placed a hand on her wrist.

"You are coming with us missy." The second man snarled.

"Come quietly and we won't hurt you too badly." The third man muttered looking at Eile's 'assets'.

Eile's smile became wicked as she spoke.

"You should not have threaten me like that." Eile muttered as she easily threw the three men off of her wrist and away from her.

"You bitch!" the lead man exclaimed as the trio pulled out daggers.

Eile took her time as she pulled out from her waist, her trusted knuckles with gems on it and placed them on both of her hands.

"I'll let you have a taste of these Shryllen knuckles instead." Eile exclaimed
rushing at the men.

Four explosions, three men thrown through the windows, two bags full of coins and one unified scream later, the men ran away from the bar as Eile tossed the bag of coins on the counter top next to her meal.

"Keep that money for payment and the repair bills." Eile stated as she looked at the barkeep before jumping out of the window and crashed right into a man with dirty blonde hair and leather jeans.

Getting up quickly, Eile smiled as she offered her right hand out (cursed black hand) to help the man out.

"Oh, sorry about that. Didn't expect to hit someone after chasing those three bandits out of the bar." Eile said with a smile on her face.
Vex for once in a great time while outside combat, caught off guard. He was still lost in his thoughts on what the trouble could be in Daizel, it disturbed him to think that one of the gems could be behind it and causing such trouble as well. So Vex was quite surprised when a fox girl with green hair came crashing into him and he was unable to react in time. The end result was him laying on the ground and then a demonic looking arm being offered to him.

"Oh, sorry about that. Didn't expect to hit someone after chasing those three bandits out of the bar."

He took the girls arm while trying to pass off a slightly confused look on his face, while knowing that sever magical accidents could lead to such a thing he didn't want to give away to much of himself by not appearing to be fazed, afraid, or even curious of her arm. That and with her still being a stranger he didn't want to himself be lent onto to much yet. So as he got him he asked the girl a question. "Your arm, I wouldn't imagine that it's normal so may I ask what happened to it, a magic accident perhaps?" The girl seemed to be nice enough so he he decided to introduce himself as well. "Ahh forgive me my apologies. Perhaps I should give you my name before I ask such questions about yourself. My name is Vex, how bout yours and if I may ask as well why were you chasing those bandits?
With the man on his feet, Eile looked at the man. He wasn't anyone out of the ordinary. If anything, the man liked leather a bit too much as he looked at her arm. It was always the first thing people look at if they didn't look at her ears or tail.

"Your arm, I wouldn't imagine that it's normal so may I ask what happened to it, a magic accident perhaps?"

Eile giggled slightly at that as the bells on her dress dinged a bit.

"It's only normal if you are used to it. Though I guess it was a magic accident. Though not in the same sense of a lab. Just happened to unearthed some Shryillen and it got my arm." Eile replied.

"Ahh forgive me my apologies. Perhaps I should give you my name before I ask such questions about yourself. My name is Vex, how bout yours and if I may ask as well why were you chasing those bandits?

Eile put her Shryillen Knuckles off of her hand and back on her hip as her fox ears twitched and her tail swayed back and forth.

"I'm Eile. Eile Klien. As for the reason I was chasing those bandits, they attacked me. Not my fault they didn't realize they were against someone who could fight. I just wanted to eat that meal in peace. It was very tasty." Eile replied while pointing at the bar windows that was shattered in the process of the fight.
Beads of sweat trickled down the weather-beaten face, dripping off the chin, down on the muddy ground. Heaving and panting heavily, the farmer raised his hoe, bringing it down with relief each time. He was tired, and fully relying on the aid of gravity now. Erica watched silently from her room in an empty hut she rented from the villagers. They were a kind-hearted lot, welcoming her the instant she showed up. Though of course, they warmed up even more when she brought up the gold pouch to offer compensation for her stay. Perhaps they were already waiting for that?

Erica rested her chin on a propped arm, bored out of her mind at the pace in the small city. She was accustomed to being on the battlefield, facing foes that often outnumbered her, and sometimes, outmatched her. Here, she faced an enemy like never before. An enemy named "boredom", and for the first time she felt hopeless. Daizel was a farming city with a very small community that call it home. Recently, she had been hearing from her sources that the city was suffering an unusual period of poor harvest. Still, watching the farmers, young and old, tilling the land together, Erica could hardly tell. Were they stubborn or just naively hopeful, she could only wonder.

More importantly, why was she here?

Even she had no answer to that. She had received orders to be here "to prepare". As if it couldn't be any more ambiguous, when probed about the purpose, all she had was an unhelpful "for the Dark One". Ordinarily, it would sound like the Dark One would show up personally, but the exact same phrase had served as explanation for all her other missions. She had no longer saw the phrase as anything but a place-holder intended to stop her from probing further.

It did little to stave her boredom, and even worse, it infringed her code... "Let no time be ill-spent," she uttered. Gripping her sword, "Wind", she lightly fingered the smooth, polished wood of the scabbard. Sighing softly, she got up deciding to reconnoitre the city once more.
He approached the bar, carefree and impatient. He was tired and weary from the trip that he made out to Syncast to collect a bounty that was promised if he brought an emblem of sort from his region. Carrying Izanami, his beloved blade, he entered the tavern to only be greeted by the commotion caused by a female, watching her throw herself out of the tavern's window and landing near a man who had was just passing through.

Kujo looked at the fools who tried to cross the woman and used his sword to get a better look at them. First order of business was to get himself a drink and a meal to top it off, then off to the collection post for his reward and perhaps hunt some more ruffians in these parts that'll take him home. He was close to saving enough to depart back to his homeland, finally ready to leave the west and see his traditional land once more.

He saw one of the bandits and studied his facial patterns. Looked familiar to one of the crooks back in his part of the region, only to sigh that it was just another fool looking for trouble. "Hmmm... disappointing. I thought he looked familiar," Kujo said.

He wasn't interested against someone who couldn't put up a fight, much less already be beaten. Throwing them aside and walking out of the tavern he caugh the sight of the two individuals who had caused the ruckus initially. Looking at the two, he addressed them.

"This is troublesome, but do you guys know where is the bounty collection post? I have to return something for a large sum," Kujo said while withdrawing Izanami back to her sheath.

"Ain't you guys too young to be causin' some trouble in these parts?" he asked the girl and the man. For some reason, their interesting and outlandish vibe matched well with his sword and westernized clothes. He may as well find time to socialize before collecting his bounty. It won't be too far before he can finally collect a handsome reward.
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Having wandered for days Iras was hungry, worn, tired and still bloody. It had not rained for a few days so he didn't get to wash off Scelus' last rampage. At least it was bandits this time.
The road was long but at least the sights weren't too bad but if you had seen the countryside once you had seen it, more often than not, all you needed.

"You didn't have to explode him" Iras mentally voiced to the being who resided there. "I'm covered in... goo.."
"Heh heh heh" a low-toned dry gurgling voice chuckled back. "How else am I to kill him?" it voiced back internally to Iras, almost as this was the common way it was supposed to be done.
"Cleanly!" Iras sort of whined into his own mind, only a dry laughter came back to him. "Cleaning up your mess is getting out of hand" Iras stated as he looked at himself, though his coat was already somewhat blood colored this didn't help the least when it was stained with drying blood, the smell could be noted from a short distance.

Wandering alongside the road Iras' eyes widened as he saw it, what he needed, a river!
Not waiting a second more he ran towards it and jumped in an area of the river that sort of expanded into a pool. Sword and everything was drowned in clean mountain water, the flow of crystal fluids slowly contaminated with the crimson color of blood as it dissolved from Iras' leather coat and clothes.
"Aahhh.." Iras noticed he let out a satisfied sigh as he felt that he was rejuvenating, drinking the fresh water as it came down stream as the contamination flowed away from him.
Undressing down to his loincloth he took the time to rub out the worst of the gore, having found some plants that lets out a cleaning-type juice he took good time to wash his attire and himself as well. All in all after the hour was done Iras finally felt satisfied.
"So, how's about that next time you get to have your way with bandits that you, you know, let them live or give them a swift death?" Iras voiced an opinion he had lost count on how many times he had suggested it to his companion.
"How's about I don't. Be glad I didn't feast on their blood again!" Scelus stated. Iras didn't really have a comeback for this as this was something that Scelus had done at some point in the past… The aftertaste… Had it not been for Iras' resistance to diseases and the like he would most certainly have contracted something.
"And if it helps your mortal way of thinking, at least they deserved it" Scelus ended with a sort of lack of satisfaction in his voice. After all why should one need a reason to kill someone?

This discussion went on all the time that Iras took his clothes and hung them on a makeshift clothes rack he made of some dead sticks he found nearby. Not having much problems lighting a fire with his arm and all the attire soon found itself drying off to a nice warm fire.
Grilling some roots to pass the time and get some sustenance in him he almost felt like he was camping. The sword was dried off in the matter of a second or three with its innate ability to transfer heat.
Half an hour later the clothes were dry and Iras again found himself walking alongside the road. He had managed to wash the bandages he used to hide his arm to at least a sort of light-brown dirty color, was not really white but close enough. Though his arm was nothing short of demonic, covered like this it looked like he had it covered due to a bone-break or burn.

Some hours of discussing the fine details of torture with the creature in his head Iras found himself in-front of a town, a port city it seems, not really hard to miss but even so. Perhaps Iras could find some work here, though this time he actually had some money from the bandits that chose the very, very wrong target to mug; Scelus got to vent some pent up aggression and as one doesn't bring money with them to the other side the Bandits ever so nicely are buying Iras dinner.
Entering the town of Syncast he soon found himself looked at, some were looking at his bandaged arm with a look and nod that seems like they have had their share of broken bones or burned skin, others decided to have a gander at the large sword on Iras' back. Though it was not uncommon in shape its size and weight is far too much for a common person; though it could be wielded it is slightly too large and too heavy for any common person to wield without issues.
Not really being new to looks like this Iras ignored them as locals having a stare down of a new person, being a port town this would have become second nature to the lot.

Wandering for half an hour Iras decide that some proper food, with meat and meat, even some meat would be a very, very satisfying thing to obtain.
Rounding a corner of a building Iras heard the sound of shattering glass, some chaos and saw a man and… fox.. lady.. girl… thing?
There were others there but Iras where rather taken about this woman-fox half-breed, he had heard of them but not really seen one.
"Iras, let me bur*" Iras cut in before Scelus got to complete his sentence "How's about no!". All happening mentally off course but a sort of twitch could be seen on Iras' face.

Trying not to get noticed by the people here Iras entered the Inn, adverting his gaze and trying to remain inconspicuous… Most likely failing in the process but trying nonetheless.
Walking straight over to the counter Iras tossed the small pouch to the Innkeeper.
"As much meat as I can get for this, and a mug of water" Iras grinned widely as he turned to find a seat. Today he was going to feast!
Sitting down at a table in a corner he propped the Welder up against the side of the table, the sword towering over the table due to its almost 2m length. Just sitting there and grinning widely, almost like a kid about to receive presents he could not help it, he was going to eat proper meat today!

OOC: for the record, yes; this is the Inn Vex and Co is outside. ^^
Eile Kilen

"This is troublesome, but do you guys know where is the bounty collection post? I have to return something for a large sum. Ain't you guys too young to be causin' some trouble in these parts?"

Eile turned to see another man with a huge sword and leather clothing. Eile smiled as she pointed into the bar among one of the wreckage.

"The board is in there, if it's not destroyed by the fight I was in earlier and I didn't start that fight. Three bandits thought I was an easy target. Not my fault they bit more then they can chew." Eile said with a smile before eying another guy who was trying to sneak into the bar.

This man was had a few weird things going for him. The main one was that Eile could barely smell the scent of blood that lingered over him. Still, it was most likely from a wild animal as the Fox girl watched the man sit down and order some food like a kid who was waiting for his mom's homemade soup. Eile walked back into the inn before she saw his sword. It was interesting to say the least as Eile sat at the sword's level and started to poke at it. Her curiosity got the better of her as she tapped the sword's owner on the shoulder.

"Where did you get the sword?" Eile asked with all the innocence of an eight year old.
Iras had been sitting a few minutes in his own blissful happy place, he was finally going to eat some proper food. Though he was a decent cook with what he found in the wild he sucked at hunting, the animals had a tendency to sense some killer instinct from somewhere….. And dart off.
Using magic was also out of the question as most creatures would be scorched to the bone as soon as it hit, due to this Iras often lived on berries, roots and the odd meat he could scare larger predators off. But not today! Oh no, not today! He was going to eat proper prepared meat!

Being so deep into his own world he didn't hear Scelus warn him about an incoming halfbreed or notice her himself, it was not until he felt a tap on his shoulder he snapped out of it.
Oh.. fuck… The Fox girl, she was here, she was interested in the sword and she was talking to him… Did she know? Did she perhaps see him in the clearing? Had she been sent by an.. As these questions raged though his mind Scelus could do little but laugh loudly at his host's inability to just listen and pay attention in times like this.

"Wha?" Iras let out as his brain came back to reality. "My sword? It.. It was a gift from an old friend".
Apparently his brain did work, just temporarily flooded by the normal flow of thoughts of a man preferring to stay hidden. He didn't lie either, the Welder was indeed a present from an old friend but she didn't need to know the details.
Though he was sort of interested in her as a species, he preferred to keep himself hidden and out of the minds of others. Though, not really wanting to be offensive without a good reason he looked for an excuse to send her away.

First now he noted that she was far from tall, in-fact the Welder might stand just taller than her if you count the long handle. If she were to steal it odds were far from on her side to run away with the sheer weight of metal used in the Welder… Naturally looks could deceive but still.
"Can I help you with something? My food should arrive soon.. so…" it was a very poorly worded sentence, and the tone it came out in was worse, but Iras was really not one for small talk, especially not with strangers.

"You know, I could fix this for you" The deep voice in Iras' head stated.
"Yes, as well as half the town, like that village a few months ago." Iras mentally voiced back in a harsh tone. Silencing the demon, at least for now.
Vex was getting ready to answer Elie when a new stranger appeared before them, this one being garbed in leather. However instead if the unusual greeting he received from Elie this one came with questions you might expect from a stranger coming into town.

"This is troublesome, but do you guys know where is the bounty collection post? I have to return something for a large sum," To which Elie hastily answered him by pointing into the bar she came flying out of it's window moments earlier. The newcomer posed an even more intriguing question as if he was trying to pry for some info.

"Ain't you guys too young to be causin' some trouble in these parts? By this time Elie was walking back into the bar and not trying to brush her off, even though he should be off to Daizel as quick as he could he followed her back in while just waving goodbye to the other person, but before he went through the doors he turned his head over to his shoulder and spoke to him.

"Often the ones who ask that question are the ones who seek trouble. So are you one to avoid it or seek it?" As Vex entered the bar he noticed Elie speaking to another stranger this one had an odd presence to him, something felt off to him he could sense it. Then he noticed his bandaged arm and the odd feeling grew more, there was something not normal with it but he couldn't place it. He heard Elie ask the man about his sword as he walked up to the two of them. As he reached into a pouch of his he slid a small amount of coins towards Elie.

"Though you said your meal was tasty, I fear our talk may have prevented you from going back to it and possibly enjoying what little of it may have been left. Or for that matter enjoying some quiet time to yourself after it, so if you will please take this small offering I must be on my way to Daizel."

With that being said Vex turned his back on the two and gave a more friendly wave goodbye then the wave he used to blow off the other person.

The people of Daizel were getting along with their daily routine now despite that they had a few newcomers. The townspeople were quite surprised at first when they showed up, with all that has been going on having visitors stop by to stay was one of the last things they expected to happen to them. Despite their shortness on supplies they were still greeted with hospitality and kindness. Alas even though hard on times they were still people of the land, so they continued to work on it their stubbornness driving them to live on. But that drive was soon shaken as a small earthquake shook the town, nothing was damaged however but it caused enough alarm now for the people to stop what they were doing and now consider even more seriously what was going on.

A few miles off from the village where the earth was still barren maybe about four miles at best a small carter was forming. It kept growing deeper as the sides seemed to give shape, earth chiseled away and shaped itself in odd ways. Dust clouds began to swarm violently giving shape even more to what seemed like small mountains. As the crater grew wider and deeper yet a faint yet deep groaning was heard from the ground coming from deep withing the earth itself and from one of the small mountain like features arose a hand reaching out into the sky and it clenched into a fist as if trying to grasp onto something. A strange force was beginning to awaken and it had it sights set on Daizel.
Among the dried land in Daizel was a local tavern that had a great reputation for it's strong ale. Due to its location and current status of the land, it was not overly busy. There was still plenty of chatter, but among them was a man from elsewhere talking to a few civilians. His choice of wardrobe seemed oddly formal to be drinking ale in, and an odd choice even for a suit. The primary green was seemingly overtaken and laid across the white other than the sleeves and a small section that seemed pinned on with a blue jewel. It was unclear if it was a real crystal, but it definitely was nice well polished. On top of his brown hair rested a hat that held a pair of striped feathers.

Having arrived in Daizel 2 days prior to now, Saethos was relaxing in the tavern as usual. He had originally shown up to investigate the rumors, which all seemed to be true, but his investigations had come to no conclusion. However, this would not stop him. He was a very determined man, as had been taught in his military training. Despite his determination, he was easily distracted by the ale within the tavern, often drinking it and conversing with the civilians and making friends with some of the locals.

Currently he was unarmed other than a dagger strapped to his leg which was hidden beneath his pant leg. The rest of his wares sat within his room at the local inn where he rented the best room they had available. It wasn't extremely fancy, but they provided him with a means to hang his suit of armor up, which definitely beat the alternative of setting it on the ground, mostly due to its weight making it hard to pick off the ground. His armor was not only much heavier than standard armor, but it was a high grade armor made for extensive melee combat and protection from any attack, including ferocious brutes swinging weapons larger than his own halberd. This rare and high grade armor was made especially for Saethos special ability to protect himself from harm and was also clearly greater than standard military grade. He managed to come across an armor tailor in one of his jobs as a marine where Saethos spent a whole 2 months trying on various suits of armor to see if they were compatible with his aura. Eventually the tailor realized that in order for it to work the armor had to be made of an extremely heavy material in order to not shatter itself under the pressure.

His halberd was another story. It seemed larger than life, the blade diameter eclipsing even a sword in length resting on a 7 foot handle made of the same heavy material as his armor. The halberd weighed slightly more than the armor, making it rather unwieldy, but the force behind it was not to be played with, as that weight also backed its impact force. It was originally meant to be a light weight halberd with a much shorter handle and smaller blade, but its design had some complications. The purpose of the halberd was for Saethos to channel his energy into it and create fire to aid in the slaying of various sea monsters, but it was soon found that the amount of fire depending directly on the amount of impact, and unfortunately, any normal weight weapon would not suffice. As a result it was made of a heavier material and bloated in size. Other than being hard to use, it's size also took its toll on the blade as well, making it less of a cutting blade and more of a cleaving or ripping blade. The weapon smith knew this would happen, so he gave it 3 enormous serrations to compensate. A small crescent blade about the size of 2 of Saethos' hands was at the bottom of the handle for situations that required more finesse.

While conversing with the locals of Daizel, Saethos heard a deep groan from outside. He decided to investigate this despite his mind having not made the connection to this and the poor quality of the earth. Upon stepping out and looking in the distance, he saw a crater that had formed with something within that was reaching into the sky. It seemed to be time to gear up and get ready for battle.
Erica could only wonder the justification for her orders this time were mere place-holders. Having stepped out into the city streets, she had a full view of the events transpiring - a crater forming in the earth just a few miles away. Some of the locals were already panicking, though most were watching this unnatural occurrence with curious interest. Then, from within the crater, emerged a hand, or what seemed like one. It reached into the sky, as if to grasp something. Erica watched with an increasing sense of awe. "Praise the Dark One, for his time is at hand," she whispered under her breath as she began to return back to her temporary abode.

As she did, she couldn't help but notice a strangely dressed individual. And certainly not one to hide that fact. If anything, it seemed he was flaunting the fact he was no local. Erica stared blatantly, no expression yet forming on her face, though her mind was already pre-judging this curious individual. Although he wielded no weapons, she could notice the vague shape of a dagger at his legs. She didn't let her eyes dally too long, however, pretending not to notice. She can easily fend for herself in unarmed combat, but if he had a weapon, it would be wise for her to avoid combat.

Besides, this crimson haired person is unlikely to be some ordinary soldier, given his dress sense. Still, Erica could not simply ignore another new-comer to the village. She was already cursing herself for not dressing to fit in with the rest of the locals, but there was no time to change and return, so she drew her hood over her head and simply walked up close to the individual. "These are strange times we live in, isn't it," she asked, clearly directing her words to the individual, the only person beside her.

With her face obscured, she was carefully watching the man's shadows, lest he tries to spring a surprise.
'Such a strange feeling.'
Damian still lay in bed asleep. He found no rest in his slumber. In his dreams he heard the cries of many. Some were cries of anger, others were of fear or sorrow, but none came from any creature. They came from the world itself. The earth trembled, fire raged out of control, winds screamed, and the sky stormed on. They were all calling out to him. Something was happening and they wanted to tell him.

Damian woke suddenly. Something was happening outside. He knew this but could not explain why he did. There was a presence there growing in strength and it was near. Damian could not shake the feeling of dread that grew with the presence outside. He just did not know if the feeling was his own or something else. He had to investigate.

After gathering his things he ran outside. There was nothing strange that he could see in his immediate vicinity, but the presence continued to grow. As he followed where his feelings led him, he began to see people gather. They were watching something from a distance. As he drew closer to the scene he began to understand his feelings.

The crater was still growing as was the strength of the presence within it. Something was beginning to manifest at the center. Whatever was happening to Daizel, thing being was involved in some way. Now Damian was too.
Eile Kilen

"Can I help you with something? My food should arrive soon.. so…"

Eile looked at the man with a smile.

"Sorry bout that. I was just curious out the sword here. So you're the sword's owner? Lucky." Eile said as she placed her cursed right hand on the sword and feel it.

"Though you said your meal was tasty, I fear our talk may have prevented you from going back to it and possibly enjoying what little of it may have been left. Or for that matter enjoying some quiet time to yourself after it, so if you will please take this small offering I must be on my way to Daizel."

"Daizel? You're heading that way? What a lucky break. I'm heading that way myself. How about we head there together? After all, you wouldn't want to let an innocent weak fox girl like myself get taken away by some big scary bandit would you Vex?" Eile asked looking at Vex to see him starting to walk off.

Eile saw that he placed money on the counter as she shoved it over to the man.

"Take it. Meal's on me. Vex, wait for me!!!" Eile called out as she ran after the leather warrior with her fox tail wagging every which way.
Oh, good, she was just there to have a look at the Welder. Iras realized he let out a relief, she was not there to have anything to do with him personally, more than anything she was just following something shiny… So to speak.
Iras had to yet again block out the voice in his head who wanted to do some creative unspeakable horrors to the little green one besides him.

The food arrived and as Iras was about to take the first bite with great gusto he stopped… Her arm.
Iras and Scelus had great, great skill and knowledge in the matter of burns and marks left thereof. The fact that her arm still seemed to work fine and had a sense of touch as she used that arm to touch the Welder, odds were it was no normal fire that burned her… It might have been magical but it seems to have happened too long ago for Iras to sense such specifics. Though an addition of this was the veins, though not overly so they were glowing… Everything pointed to this being a magical incident.
The girl seemed fine with this as well, so this might have happened a while back and she learned to live with it, she didn't even hide this corruption either. Iras took some interest in this but wanted her to leave at the same time as he wanted to know more about her arm. She might be in the same situation as Iras was with his arm, though he kept his hidden.

Another man arrived and talked to the girl. It seems he was somehow involved with interrupting her meal and was repaying it. A good man, repaying wasted meals was important after all!
Seems she was going to follow him to Daizel, good, she would leave no*… wait. They were going to Daizel?
Iras was heading that way himself after the meal, now that he knew where he was he planned to go there and have his sword re-sharpened, there was a good smith there who was skilled enough to even work on Iras' sword.
Though, the greatest surprise came when the foxgirl slid her money Iras' way and simply claimed this meal was on her…
Ignoring certain phrases in his head that was along the lines of, well, horrible things.

She left before Iras could even try and not accept it, he… he had to return the favor, his honor demanded it.
He inhaled the food with such speed and sloppiness he had to wash his face after he was done, got interesting looks in the Inn as well due to speed and.. well.. Acting like a child who had never seen food before.
It still took him a few minutes, especially since he had to wash his hands and face after. Chugging down the pitcher of water in a few seconds he shouted a word of thanks to the Innkeeper and left out the door after grabbing his sword.

"Now… Daizel is that way… She should have taken this road…" Iras muttered to himself, it was somewhat a logical way where she was going to go.

After a few minutes he did catch up to the group.
"I… I'm sorry, but I cannot let an act of kindness go without repaying it-" he started towards the half-breed. "I am going to Daziel as well and I'd be glad to serve as your protection, should something happen on the way."
He did sort of look happy doing this, after all he did like to be with someone… somehow, but he still liked to be alone. Iras was a complicated case for situations like this.

OOC: The part under the line happens after he catches up, I'm leaving it like this so you have time to go do things or move away. Feel free to act on it after you have left but give it a "few minutes" from the Inn.
This also lets other players group up before this happens. For more info ask me in the SU/D thread. ^^
While watching the strange events unfold, Saethos found himself being approached. It didn't surprise him as he was a very sociable man, after all, he was in the tavern talking just now. Still, the buz from the ale earlier made him a bit more talkative than normal. "Yeah, I guess they are strange times. Glad I brought my gear, or I'd have to fight this thing with my hands!" He exclaimed, completely forgetting about his dagger. Saethos hadn't even considered this being a friendly force, not because of its menacing appearance, but simply because the possibility hadn't occurred to him.

Despite this persons dark appearance, Saethos was extremely friendly to her as he gave her a smile and accidentally slapped his hand on her shoulder heavier than he wanted to. "I'll be back, maybe you can watch!" He spoke to her. The thought of her fighting beside him was unusual, therefor that was another thought that never came to mind. He had spent much time at sea where he had only fought along side men, after all, a female sailor was extremely rare. His head wuickly turned too look around the area when he realized he was drunk enough to not remember where the inn was located. Speaking up again, "Hahaha, this is ludicrous! I can't seem to remember. Can you point me to the direction of the inn? I left my effects there!" he roared with laughter, smelling of strong ale. He was not unfamiliar to fighting while intoxicated, but he often received many remarks for it.
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Taking the strange man's advise to mind, Kujo rested Izanami against his shoulder while scowling. He was always the type to search for it, relish in its approach and cut it down with his blade. As indicated by the girl, the bounty hunting post was within the tavern where she erupted from.

"Yeah, it's always been me who searches for it. One way or another, I'll cut it down," Kujo muttered to himself in response to the man's question. Since the post was destroyed beyond collection, he decided to wander off to another part of town but before planning to do so, he approached the tavern in hopes of catching any drift of what those two troublemakers had caused prior. He brought his sword down to not attract any attention and made his way to the counter wherein he addressed the bar tender to provide him with aged rum. Taking the substance he took a whiff and decided to catch ear of what their intended path would be, the smell of trouble and his kind of fun seemed to be coming from them. A mediocre bounty like this would have to be settled soon if he was going in for the ride.

Commotion after commotion from the other guests and his isolating of their voices indicated that the fox girl as well as the stern man spoke of a city called Daizel. Bounties lined up in that city, for a bad desert land, it could rack up a good enough fortune for him. And even then there could as well be a good fight out there that could wake him up before he and his sword are dulled. He awaited for the interesting individuals to leave, to not appear awkward, before taking his leave and paying the bar tender for a tip. His new goal is to leave for the city, collect the bounty from there, and meet these strange individuals again. With luck, they could rack up a decent set of bounty hunters for him.

Exiting the tavern and taking a whiff of fresh air, he caught sign of a woman being chased by strange men. Seeing her trip and calling for help, naturally it only began to attract a crowd. Wait a minute... those men, they're members of a syndicate back in his region. Kujo recalled that they fetched a very decent bounty of 500 a piece, but without a post now that the one in the tavern is closed due to the fox girl's rampage, he may have to collect their badges as proof. Smacking his lips, he drew Izanami and loaded some magitek bullets unto her compartment and approached the group of fierce bandits threatening the lady.

"Ain't you folks a little too over enthusiastic over a lady? What's she to ya?" He asked them, this one wasn't as brave as the fox girl, but just another average citizen.

"You should talk! taking on the five of us!" one of them spat back.

"Well, five is still small for someone like me. Take yer best shot, boys," Kujo grinned as he charged his sword. The group's heart dropped at the sight of the blade, why had they tempted fate in this town? How could this guy even be around!? Kujo gave them the most evilest of grins as he charged at them with blinding speed, and thrusts of his sword that cut through their guns and a push from one of them threw them off the woman, a signal from Kujo told her to leave which she did. He followed another attack by sending a magical thrust of wind with Izanami and her gunblade compartment to amplify the attack, utterly cutting up two of the bandits. Precision was his ally, even under intoxication, as he cut a patch of their symbols out of their jacket that marked them as one of the syndicate's lackeys.

The two fell to the ground, mortally wounded by the magical wind he conjured. Kujo clicked Izanami as the blade ejected the bullet caches and fell unto his hand, storing it in a pouch before unloading a red and yellow glowing pair of bullets to finish off the other 3. They all aimed their guns and fired a hail of bullets at Kujo, some missed and some deflected back with his godlike skill and speed of his blade, crippling one of them with their own gunshot. He charged and dispersed the red bullet within Izanami as the blade began to glow an ominous red, releasing a large flame at the blade itself. Running and hacking the bullets away from the bandits, Kujo slide and sliced the air between them, causing the flames to ignite and burn their legs and arms within Kujo's raidius. Another slice from Izanami cut through each of their hands holding a gun at blinding speed before a blinding slash tore off the logos of their shirts as they landed at his hand.

The last crippled bandit eyed Kujo with fear as he began to load his pistol.

"Freak! Stay away!" he yelled in fear as he aimed the pistol at the cowboy samurai. Kujo twirled his sword and approached him without any signs of fear or hostility. A shot rang from the pistol, and a swift wave of Kujo's deflected it. Another two rang and one passed by his leg and the other deflected away. The bandit yelled in fear as he fired three consecutive shots that were hastily dodged and deflected before Kujo stood above the bandit, who was sweating and aiming an empty gun now at the skilled samurai.

"Heh. Pussy," Kujo said before slicing the man's shirt where the symbol was and claimed it for himself. This trauma and fear induced by Kujo would be enough for them all to quit or if they're dead, be forgotten. A crowd gathered at the incident that had occurred but before anyone could find Kujo, he was already gone and the mess left to be cleaned up by the authorities. Just outside of town, he found his horse still resting and drinking water. He hopped unto it and withdrew his blade back within its long sheath.

"Let's go to Daizel," He said as he directed his horse at the direction headed for the town. He was familiar with it, due to the map given by a local prior to the tavern incident. It would be enough to reach soon, he thought. A trinket from his previous bounty and 5 more from these chumps would fetch him a handsome price, but what would be awaiting him at the town? He heard that something was brewing there, which was all the more exciting for him.
About a mile and a quarter from Daizel, a small tent had been pitched on one of the many rolling hills of dead grass. The flames of the campfire were kept low enough to keep the smoke and risk of a wildfire to a minimum, but it was still hot enough to cook the small game hen that was being turned on a spit. A young woman nearing the end of her teen years sat alone by the fire, prodding the hen with a knife every so often. Her scarlet hooded coat protected her from the harsh sun, for her black sleeveless turtleneck and matching shorts wouldn't do the job. Though it seemed most young women in this area were confined to life on the field or in the home, this dark-haired girl was an oddity. The metal paldrons upon her shoulders, chainmail shirt beneath her coat, and matching caps over her calf-high boots suggested a far different vocation. Of course, the crossbow laying within her tent hinted towards a hunter of sorts as well.

"Food's getting harder to find," the woman sighed to no one. "At this rate, I might have to head into town after all."
Yet the woman wasn't truly alone. A softer voice replied, as though a younger female sat beside her. There isn't much in this town as it is, Shen. You've seen what the land is like. The town won't be much better.
"I know, I know..." With a pause, the woman rubbed her left arm a little. "Do you think they'll have water to spare, too?"
The voice sounded doubtful. Smaller towns like these only use water for livestock and crops. They're more likely to have some ale brewed from whatever wheat and barley remains.
"Blech..." the girl made a sour face. "You'd think they'd at least be able to boil some water..."
Not everyone has that luxury, Shen.

Not seeing any further point in arguing, Shen sighed and gave the chicken a few more turns with her left arm. Her right gently felt a hard lump beneath her coat, just under the paldron. She had been lingering at the outskirts of Daizel for the past week and a half, insisting on living outside of the town for the sake of not being recognized or remembered. Not if she was going to carry out her task...

Suddenly, the spit, the flaming logs, and her entire tent rattled around her. The ground rumbled and Shen simply planted one arm onto the ground for stability as she clutched the handle of the spike holding up the poultry, making sure her food didn't fall into the charred wood. When the shaking subsided, the spit was quickly reassembled and Shen stood up, surveying the land. There was a cloud of dust and dirt that had erupted into the air perhaps a couple miles off. It was difficult to tell from here.

Turning around, Shen found that her tent had collapsed during the quake. With an annoyed sigh, she dug into the fallen canvas to pull out her pack. Though it was meant more for entertainment use, Shen pulled out a pair of worn theater binoculars. She stood at her hill's highest point and peered through the glass.

Something large was emerging from the ground. Something arcane. Something powerful.

Think that's it? the voice asked, concern in her tone.
"Most likely."
You're not going after it, are you?
"Alone? Of course not," came a sharp reply as Shen lowered the binoculars.
So what should we do, then?
"Simple; first I'll eat, then we'll observe what it does."
The man warmed up to her relatively quickly, much faster than she had expected. Then again, the odour of alcohol hanging about him gave her a good enough reason. Still, it made Erica question his professionalism as a soldier. Perhaps he was a much more skilled individual? That he would let down his guard in this manner, was it self-assured confidence or pure carelessness? Erica knew she would not have any answers, and unless she tried to get him to talk, her questions would remain unanswered. More importantly to her, however, was whether it was worth wasting more time on this individual.

As it is, the individual didn't appear to be here to jeopardize her mission - whatever that may be. Just then, the man raised his hand behind her, making a sudden move. Erica froze in that instant, unsure of how best to react. It was coming. She began to wonder how much blood she would lose this time. Smack! As it turned out, all he meant to do was slap her on her shoulders. It was a little harder than was appropriate for the local woman she intended to pretend to be, so she gasped as she flinched. "Please be gentle," she muttered as she rubbed her shoulder.

It was not as hard as some of her male comrades in the battles she fought but since she was trying her best to seem like a local, it felt appropriate. Erica could only hope the man's intoxicated state would blind him to her delayed reaction. "I'll be back, maybe you can watch!" Erica remained silent, once again unsure of how to react to that. Instead, she stared at the man as he began to turn to return to his inn. Maybe that was it for now, she could return to her own abode and observe the events as they unfold.

She was about to turn away when the man returned to her. "Hahaha, this is ludicrous! I can't seem to remember. Can you point me to the direction of the inn? I left my effects there," he said, guffawing as he did.

Erica glowered at him, her gaze meeting his for the first time in this conversation. A mistake she immediately realised when she turned to the direction of the inn. The reason why she even bothered to draw a hood over her head had just been disregarded in that instant, and now her face was known. She rolled her eyes, cursing herself in her head as she beckoned the man towards her. Thankfully, she bothered to take some time to reconnoitre the town when she first arrived. So at the very least, she would seem like a local woman... A shy one perhaps.