[S-U/D]Animal Kingdom

Well, I wouldn't discredit a social RP, I personally really like the idea of this open, flexible RP to just have fun RPing with some characters, there's really a lot of potential, the RPers are what make an RP like this, so participation from various RPers is crucial, it can bring things together to make it interesting and entertaining even. :dave:
Another thing which is great about this style of RP is that it doesn't rely on the interest of a single storyline for it to remain active. We could still post in this in a year's time, even with a long break between posts, and the RP will have the same potential to be good then as it does now.

It'll also hopefully mean that there will not be the issue of having unfinished main storylines which were unfinished as they depending on everyone involved in the RP posting, and people just lost interest. It would be good for people to get involved with one another in this, and I expect that that'll happen but it'll be easier to cover up than the whole storyline falling apart due to certain characters not responding.
Ho-hum...I guess unless Argor makes a second post soon, or someone else entirely makes their first, neither myself or Squee would be posting for some time...

Unless he simply updates that post of his with an edit to add onto it, expand so to speak.

That, or I add another character into this RP asap, I'll add my Brianna character (yes, a second female character...could be of interest to an other character of mine; Crimson Wolf. Amusing, right? xP) when the Bio-In-Progress has come far enough along...

So yeah, we'll just see what comes first. :wacky:
Tipsy has posted so we're all able to post again whenever we want to.

I'll be making a post tonight hopefully. I've yet to decide whether it'll be another Gnarwhal post, or if I'll bring in another character. The thing about controlling a serial killer is that I'd rather there be a bit of mystery about him instead of revealing everything he is doing, but what he does would leave evidence behind in the towns he visits.

I'll probably do a Gnarwhal post tonight anyway.

EDIT - And I'll update the map with the name Tipsy gave one of the forest towns.
Alright then, I'll post after Argor and Crimson, It never hurts to keep a posting order, sometimes it makes it look neat...

Also, Argor, Zynthreo might end up coming after your killer :hmmm:
^ At first I thought that sounded awesome, but after thinking, now I'm all no, don't kill Zynthreo, Argor! >.<

And well, I was kind of waiting until you post to see what Zynthreo does...so I'll get a post up once I get finished up enough of that bio I've kept putting off finishing for so long. >_>'

And order schmorder, if we try to keep up a certain 'posting order' just to make it look 'neat', some RPers could end up waiting quite a while for everyone else to post so it can come around to their turn again... :/

Might it not have occurred to you that my Speed stat may be higher than quite a few of the others here, if there were indeed actually stats? :wacky:
Ha ha. :D I won't be killing Zynthreo, or any other character that people are controlling or creating. Not unless people discuss with me and decide that they want the fate of their character to be a painful death at the hands of the Gnarwhal.

I'd be glad of people coming after me / solving the crimes and hunting me down / finding out who I am and such though. I'll be leaving clues at some of the crime scenes.

...I know I really should catch on to that no one's character(s) will be killed unless they give an okay for it, which I would never do, tbh, ending a character is ending a journey, and journeys are fun, why end fun? xP

Have you seen what my Brianna character looks like yet? Currently got the unfinished bio in the Heroes section, just look for that name (if one wants to see it, one can be arsed to take themselves to it, I don't have the thread url copied to just paste here right now. >.>).
Well, I have plans for Zynthreo, don't worry :D He'll be popping up in my next post, I just didn't want my first post to be a wall >_>
What is wrong with the first post being a wall? It is something of an introduction into the RP, after all. If any post should be extra long, the first post isn't really a very unlikely case. :P

In fact, I wish my first post would have turned out to be just a little bit longer, but it is long enough I guess. >.> Still, I can't plan on those plans because I don't know what they are, so again; gonna work on Brianna to introduce in my first post for her after the bio is ready. <_<
I don't mind big wall posts, so long as there aren't 100 of them (exaggeration) being posted by each person every day. I admit that I struggled to keep up to date with RPs like that. If we can keep a sensible pace up with this RP then I'm not going to be put off by big posts. My own opening post was pretty big, and I assumed it was a bit tl;dr.

I'll be planning my next post tonight, and might post it. I am however opening a bottle of mead, so I might not feel like posting what I write tonight and might post it tomorrow morning instead.

I will definitely make the map change though (so if you come up with a name for the other forest towns that you have visited then I can also change those names, and if you can’t think of anything then no worries and I’ll just put them on hold and keep them as unnamed), but I’m not sure where to post that. Shall I edit my post where I placed the map? Or should I just keep reposting it? I’m not sure where the best place to keep the map would be so that people can refer to it.
Hm, perhaps you and/or Squee could have the link to the image url or something in your sig(s), or Squee edits it into the first post of this thread. :hmmm:
I'll just edit it in, but at the moment I cba...even though it's such a simple task XD
Added Inarido to the names.

I guess an image of the map on the first post could be helpful, but to keep updating that first post could be problematic. Perhaps if you just linked to an individual post in this thread in the first post, then I could make a post and keep updating that one myself.
Great idea. That'll be a good page to constantly refer to.

Erm... I've just spent hours planning and writing a post. :ness:

The Gnarwhal isn't even in it for very long, as it's mainly following the local police force and the guy who The Gnarwhal pretended to be in the last post. It's still Gnarwhal's story, just told from another point of view. It's the best way I could do that, really. I could have just had Gnarwhal leave, but then I wouldn't have really been able to show the chaos he had caused. I hope that's ok. There will be more posts that are more roleplay for my character in the future, though I guess in this post I still did roleplay anyway, just roleplay for minor-characters I created. :O

And for reference, Gnarwhal is currently located just outside of Waldmund.
Yes, that is perfectly fine. In fact, it makes it interesting...

Also, minor characters like that are called Player made NPC's. It means others are free to use them since there is no bio, but you have the final say in what happens to them :monster:

That makes sense, and will make it run more smoothly if other people can use those characters if they pass through Waldmund or something.
Finally, I can put up my third character's bio, which I will post as probably not until tomorrow, but shouldn't be any later, that can kick off September. :P Enjoy reading it over, and a little looking it over too, if you know what I mean (if you don't, you should soon enough. xD). :smartass:

Name: Brianna

Species: Ferfnir. A race of humanoid Wolves, that have the strength of a Wolf, and the intelligence of a human.

In general, they prefer to stay in their human shape, however they are a gifted race that can freely shift to the shape of a normal Wolf at will. In either shape the bone structure of the head remains the same, while the torso is stronger in general in the human shape, and arms a bit longer, the arm structure being a slight bit different to allow for a wider range of arm movements to be like that of a human's.

Being very Wolf-like in appearance, being just as covered in fur as one a regular Wolf, only taller, standing upright on two legs (when not in their Wolf shape), it doesn't require a great deal of shapeshifting skill to make the change, it just causes for a slight downsizing and forces them into a quadruped stance, and can't run or even walk any good on two legs.

Their personality is almost always like that of a human at all times, though there is definitely a lot of Wolf in them, sometimes it shows, but generally not the vicious side of one, but more like a tame, playful one.

Their fur is usually fairly long, and varying in color, most often being similar to the colors of a normal Wolf, like a Grey Wolf, Timber Wolf, Arctic Wolf, etc., those some have odd, if not interesting patches of fur on them, or their primary color of fur being unusual (though this is very rare, especially the latter).

As for their physic, it is not very noticeable under all their fur, but they have quite muscular, compact bodies, that can withstand a lot of damage from attacks without it hindering their fighting ability.

Even though they like being in their human shape, many people mistake them for Werewolves when appearing to them like this. It is an unfortunate fate for the race, many of them spend more time than they would like in their quadruped Wolf shape to avoid causing such alarm to people they come across.

They like to be around people quite a lot, so as a result, there may some Wolves seen around that are actually beings of the Ferfnir race, doing what they must to be accepted by people and fit in better.

Depending on the environment one grows up in, they may or may not have any spiritual beliefs. While most do not, those who are around people very much, particularly a community of people that go to a church in their area.

Sometimes when, due to circumstances, they must be around a certain person or group of people, some or all of which think they are a Werewolf, they may just go with it and not explain their race to them, while some will.

Age: 26.

The average lifespan for a Ferfnir is 100 years: The equivalent of an 80 year old human and a 20 year old Wolf. The longest one has been known to have lived is 119 years, this being exceptionally old, and considerably weaker.

Though they have most of their strength up until around the age of 85, then age takes a more noticeable toll on them as they get into their late 80's and 90's of age.

When a Ferfnir exceeds the age of 100 by much, well, they're basically just good for companionship, getting into any fights at such old age would highly likely result in the death of itself.

Appearance: Human Shape:


Credit to Tani at FA (Fur Affinity) for this nice image.

Brianna, seeming to always stay in her human shape, makes for an impressive imitation of the shape of a female human. She also has a resemblance to a particular domestic breed of dog; the Husky.

But of course she is covered with fur, the ears coming from the top of her head, and has a snout and a tail, this gives a good balance of a human appearance and a wolf appearance.

As such she can be pleasing to the eyes of either, if the former gets past that she is indeed not human, and doesn't dwell on that fact to the point they get turned off.

Her height is 5'8 and her weight is 148 pounds. She has greenish blue eyes, an average length snout with a gray nose. Her white fur is very soft and pretty fluffy, the white fur on her face and the spot on her forehead are no exceptions.

The majority of her face is white fur, while the rest of her head is of a gray color with a bit of a green tint to it. These two colors; white and the greenish gray are basically what her entire body consists of, except for her paw pads and claws, which are black.

Wolf Shape (though she has pretty much never been in this shape, nor will she be):


In her Wolf Shape, her height is 2'10 and weight is 85 pounds. Oddly enough, the color scheme of her fur in this shape is slightly different; the gray fur with a tint of green to it is now black.

Aside from the difference in fur color and different shape and size, not any real note worthy changes.

Attire (Human Shape Only): Her figure demands that she wear some clothing, at the very least over her breasts and...in between her legs, but she does just that; wears the bare minimum she must.

She wears a white bra in the middle of which has a ring with a strap through it, leading up through a second ring up just below her neck, at which point it branches off to a strap going over each of her shoulders, and down her back to where straps leading from the sides of the bra connect.

Also wears a white pair of women's underwear (what one may refer to as panties), that only covers quite low, covering a minimal amount of her. It also has a ring in the middle of it right at the top, that look the same as the ones the bra has.

Personality: Brianna can be rather flirty, and quite a tease, but she never means any harm by it. She is not always just teasing either, and can be quite obliging when in the mood for it.

She has an Australian accent which is quite unusual for a Ferfnir, overall she is an interesting individual, and she can give the most intriguing look when she gives a smile and a certain glance with her eyes. Her eyes may also show anger from time to time, if irritated a great deal.

Quite cunning, and pretty optimistic, and certainly not anti-social. She likes excitement, fun, and action. While she does stay active and is quite energetic, it is not at all in a happy-go-lucky kind of way, but energy in moderation, wisely conserved as life is unpredictable.

When she is having a bit more of an...intimate moment with someone, she has a nasty habit of blindfolding them from time to time, to keep them from seeing anything that's going on, though she usually will let them know just before she actually starts doing this.

At this point, she may choose to have them either continue to grow more anxious/nervous for some undetermined length of time, or be nice and have a little bit of, how you say, surprise sex with them.

Not often is this more than just little hints such as a little lick, or two, of their face, or gently brushing the back of her paw (the entirely fur covered side) along the side of their head, or if exposed, sometimes the chest.

Whenever there is someone she is to be sent in to go about torturing, she also likes to have the person blindfolded, so they won't see what the interrogator looks like, it's up to them to conjure whatever image in their head.

Beyond that, just be hopeful they be wise and give answers, as Brianna is intolerant of uncooperative, stubborn criminals, and will get quite angry after enough time, and she can be very scary when she is angry.

When bored, she may seek out the company of another to hang out with, preferably of male gender, as she generally gets along much better with those of the opposite gender from herself, but generally gets along alright with others of her own gender, just can't flirt with them, as she quite likes to do.

If accompanied by others and Brianna becomes bored, she may strike up a conversation with one of the males in the group, some times learning things about them, whether it be something she likes or dislikes it.

Her opinion on killing another is that if the other is armed and hostile, the causing of that death is justified, but if against someone unarmed and harmless, it is unjustifiable, and completely irrational.

First Impression: Even at just a glance, one can tell she has a fine figure that is quite pleasing to most any eyes of those that can get past the fact that she is covered in fur, if they don't even actually like it.

She physically looks nice, and though she can be nice at times, one should be mindful that she does like to tease, and sometimes she is just plain harsh, but far from always, she wouldn't wish any good people ill will.

Abilities/Magic: Nothing special, just response/counter attacks for certain positions or situations during battle.

Other Skills: Though previously suggested, but to sum these up into fewer words: Kicking ass, and being worthy of often getting "two minutes for looking so good", to quote off of something of the brain draining invention that is Television.

Brief History: Brianna speaks little of her past, not being a matter of it being too good or too unpleasant of a past, but mostly because she deems being asked about her past to be a rather personal question, and only gets into details with someone she is quite comfortable around.

Though her parents do both live, she had departed to places far off from them since quite some time ago, not to have been back in touch with either of them throughout time since.

She has intelligence, skill, and her very appearance that go a long way in accomplishing tasks and goals she sets out to achieve, making some friends along the way, and teasing plenty, some friends, and some simply admirers she passes by.

Both of her parents have about the same colours of fur and not drastically different areas on their fur coats where those colours would be apparent. But having moved on from this, Brianna continues to make friends and achieve more of her set goals...

Done. Hope it is a good bio. :giggle:

Also, this is a post count section so I should expand on this post...let us have a wonderful time (y)