
Whoa whoa whoa, let's not bring attitude into this. What's with the personal attack? :(

I was only saying that the educational system let this person down. It's a shame, isn't it?

The concept is quite simple. If you don't have anything nice at all to say, don't say it at all. This is a welcome thread, and you're not doing anything at all to make this member feel welcomed. If you have a serious problem with this member because he's causing problems for the forum (but clearly, he isn't), you're free to talk to us about it, but don't make a big fuss over it just because he knows Latin and expresses it freely.

The education system fails because it doesn't teach Latin. It used to be taught, but it's a great asset for learning any western language with Latin roots.
my friend tried to teach me latin it was going good but then he got thrown in a phsyche ward for running away and a whole buch of other stuff
Jesus, Sekhu. Calm down, he hasn't done anything that bad. It's not like he's made a joke or anything.
The education system fails because it doesn't teach Latin. It used to be taught, but it's a great asset for learning any western language with Latin roots.
I guess they figure teaching a language like French that also helps equally as much as Latin in cementing understanding of English, while also serving as a real language that is actually spoken is more worthwhile than teaching Latin.

And anyway, my high school and college teach Latin. Just nobody in their right mind takes it because it's pointless. If you want to have a better understanding of English, read a book.

Sehku, could you please lose the commie sigil? it realy doesn't help unless... ur not a commie sre u?
Now you're attacking me because of my political ideology? I don't understand how people can get away with senseless flaming like that.
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French is taught where I live because I live in a bilingual nation. However, (and no offense intended) I don't find French particularly useful at all. In fact, there are more Asian speakers where I live than there are people that speak French. I could argue that it's more useful to speak Chinese or Korean because more people speak it than they do French, even though Chinese doesn't contribute much to the English language.
Okay, but it's regional. I intend to move to Morocco next year with a friend of mine, and between me speaking French and him Arabic, we're set for success. Where are you going to live with Latin? Vatican City? Going to build a time machine and travel back to ancient Rome?
You could just as well go to Vatican City and use Latin there. Or, if you have an interest in science, it could help with your bioscientific terminology, since many of those words are based off of Latin and Greek roots. It would help you remember the words more easily. French just doesn't compare there.
Setting a bad example aren't we? This is a welcome thread, make sure it stays like one.