Screw Cloud! We're Lesbians Now

Can I join too? Aerith/Tifa is my fave yuri pairing :)

Oh, and another proof that wasn't pointed out:

In Disc 2 after Tifa escapes the Gas Chamber, she's trapped without a way out, but then a voice says "Hurry! Run to the edge" or something like that and grabs the rope from the Highwind. I always believed that it was Aerith.
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*revives thread*


I won't let the yuri die!
Okay. I finallllly updated the first post, I never knew so many people appreciated the sexiest FF couple ever :lol:

Oh we should play a game!

Take an VII quote and twist it around to make it Aerti! It's basically a "What are Aerith and Tifa really thinking?"
Anything in () is the characters thoughts.

Like this.

Aerith: Are you Cloud's girlfriend?
Tifa: No we are just friends.
Aerith: (All right! She's single!)


::In the Gonalada on the Cloud and Tifa date::

Tifa: Cloud I... I...


Tifa: I'm a lesbian and I love Aerith Gainsborough with all my heart and I want to be with her forever!


Cloud: What?

Tifa: Nevermind!
Minor scene, not even a scene, but when Cloud goes to Cosmo Canyon, the time when Bugenhagen shows Cloud his telescope and that space scenery, when your seeking out
two other people to look at that with, Aerith and Tifa are together near the hotel area.

This is what they could've been talking about:

Aerith: So, you must exercise a lot, am I right?

Tifa: Ah, yeah, it's a lot of work, but I enjoy a good work out

Aerith leans over: *Thinking: I'm sure you do* Mm-hmm, it must suck if you don't have anyone to rub your ACHING muscles...

Tifa blushes: Ah, well, I'm surrounded by guys all the time, it's a little uncomfortable to ask them

Aerith cups Tifa's face :Well, you can always come to me now. Come to me as often as you want...

Tifa blushing hard: A-Aerith...

*Cloud comes in*: Hey, who wants to see the telescope?

*Aerith thinking* Goddammit!

The End

And another mini scene, if you get Cloud to service Don Cornero (is that his name, I don't know...)

*Aerith escapes from basement, Tifa escapes from room with perverts, and they run into eachother*

Aerith: Are you okay?

Tifa: Yeah, I'm fine. We should probably help Clo-

Aerith interrupts Tifa: Are you sure you're okay? *goes up to her and squeezes her arms* See your shaking...

Tifa isn't shaking before, but she's trembling now: Aw, um, really we should-


Okay so those things don't happen, but they're fun to think about ;)

Okay, here's a genuine one: Right after the Don drops the trio into the swears, Cloud goes up to Tifa

Tifa: This stinks! *thinking: I wanted Aerith to help me!*

Yeah, that's all I got. If it's okay, can we write up some fanfics between the two and post it here?
Haha I like those!

I always wondered what Aerith and Tifa talked about when they were off alone together in some of the towns. ;)

Oh here's one.

Aerith trying on the red dress in the Wall Market.

Aerith: (I sure hope this dress is sexy enough for that Tifa girl)

In Don Conero's mansion right as Aerith and Cloud enter where Tifa are.

Tifa: (Wow, two hot babes came to rescue me! And one is that cutie I saw with Cloud! Oh wait... that other one is Cloud <.<. Oh well, at least one hot babe rescued me!)
Hi, I found some pics...

This is a cosplay, but it's been around for a long time, so I'm sure people should recognize this


And I think this image is from a doujinshi, but either way, it's drawn very well.


Okay, bye now...​
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I wanna join~ I like this pairing. It's better than Cloti and Clerith. :D
I wish there was more fanart, though. I searched for some on google and on deviantart and couldn't find anything good.

And I think this image is from a doujinshi, but either way, it's drawn very well.


Okay, bye now...​

The original image is from a game called Idaki Street (or something like that).
I'd love to join as well. I think these two are very cute together, as a pairing or just as friends. :) Oh, and it's Itadaki Street, btw. It's a very fun game, but sadly, only in Japanese. Luckily there are translations online.

And, I'll share my favorite AerTi picture.

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I'm pretty supportive of the lesbian sexuality and would like to join too!

Here's a cosplay i found. Tifa looks great. But Aerith... Well, what's with her hair colour..